CulpeperCountySchool Board
February 11, 2008
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February 11, 2008
The regular meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held on February 11, 2008 at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at 302 N. Main Street, Culpeper, VA. Present were Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Division Superintendent Dr. David Cox, Clerk of the Board Jeff Shomo, Director of Human Resources Starr Rowe, Parliamentarian Eric Conti, Executive Director of Administrative Services Dr. Larry Carter, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison. James C. Lee (West Fairfax District) was absent.
At 7 p.m. Mr. Dasher called the meeting to order and Ms. Jamison called the roll. Mr. Dasher noted that Mr. Lee is sick today.
Those present observed a moment of silence.
Mr. Dasher led the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the School Board approved the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
Dr. Cox said the VSBA recognizes February as Virginia School Board Appreciation Month. He presented certificates to each board member recognizing their service to education.
Dr. Cox said the VSBA recognizes February 17-23, 2008 as School Board Clerk Recognition Week. He presented certificates to Clerk Jeff Shomo and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison recognizing their service to education.
Before Delegations, Mr. Dasher said persons may present ideas or concerns regarding Culpeper County Public Schools. He said there would be no action taken by the Board at this meeting and that such items would be referred to the appropriate administrators for future information and research and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. He said that personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Mr. Dasher noted there would be a threeminute time limit for speakers.
Mike Bonfadini (Catalpa) – He expressed concern with the school calendar. He said a shorter calendar would save money. Mr. Bonfadini said Culpeper teachers are underpaid and work more than other counties.
Jeff Brooks (East Fairfax District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
John Flemming (West Fairfax District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts or AP program.
Reagan Flemming (West Fairfax District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Megan Leffler (Salem District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Karen Leffler (Salem District) – She said having two new schools opening in Culpeper is great. She encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Stephanie Giba (Catalpa District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for sports, AP, or fine arts.
Mary Flemming (West Fairfax District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for gifted, AP, or fine arts.
Bev Brooks (East Fairfax District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Hailey Ratliff (Stevensburg District) & Mattie Hyler (West Fairfax District) - They encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Alex ter Weele (Catalpa District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP or fine arts program. He urged the board to work in compromise with the Board of Supervisors in finding a multi-year approach.
Annie Quetsch (West Fairfax District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP or fine arts.
JJ McNemar (West Fairfax District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP, sports, and fine arts.
Chuck Hawkins (CedarMtn. District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP, sports, and fine arts.
Brian Hedlund (Jefferson District) – He encouraged the School Board and Board of Supervisors to work in tandem to demonstrate leadership. He encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP, sports, and fine arts. He wants to see the two new schools open with appropriate funding. He said the Board of Supervisor’s funding decision will affect the whole county.
Emily Thomas (Jefferson District) – She encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP and fine arts.
Matt Thomas (Jefferson District) – He encouraged the board not to cut funding for AP and fine arts.
Howard Thomas (Jefferson District) – He briefly described his son’s education through the years in Culpeper. He encouraged the board not to cut funding for the fine arts program.
Annemarie Steimel (Jefferson District) – She encouraged the board to approve the contract to renovate CCHS. She said we need two equal high schools.
Alaphia Thomas (West Fairfax District) –She said Ms. Tietel at Pearl Sample is a wonderful person and has a lot of enthusiasm. For example, she has formed a mentorship to help children with math. She said the school board needs systematic goals. She asked why the board gives back money but claims we don’t have money. She said it appears more money was given to the Central Office. She said more money in the classroom gives better students and teachers.
Steve Walker (East Fairfax District) – He said the letter to editor in the paper today relative to Congressman Cantor’s visit was accurate.
Dr. Cox read the resolution recognizing February as Career and Technical Education Month.
On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board approved the consent agenda with Items D (Second Reading – School Calendar 2008/2009) and C (Personnel Recommendations) being placed on the Action Item List as Items G and H. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. Mr. Beard made the friendly amendment to include item C in the motion that was accepted by Ms. Jenkins and Ms. Hutchins.
(a)Minutes of January 1428, 2008
(b)Payroll and Payment of Bills
(c)Personnel Recommendations- (See Action Item H)
(d)Second Reading - School Calendar 2008/2009 - (See Action Item G)
(e)Resolution Recognizing February as Career and Technical Education Month
The board considered the following action items:
(a)Approval of Contract with SHW Architects for the CCHS Master Plan
Dr. Cox said on September 11, 2003 the School Board agreed to pursue Phase I of the building study – building new high/elementary school, renovation of CulpeperCountyHigh School, and renovation of SycamorePark. He said the program work for the new high school began in 2004. He said CCHS is 40 years old. He said staff initially estimated the cost for the master plan to be $800,000 but the actual plan should cost around $126,500. He said the request is to have a facilities plan to map out renovations in order to save money. He said the renovation has to be done in pieces not only for funding but for the utilities as well. He said the master plan will provide good direction. He said the price for this master plan is good through March 15th.
On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board considered the superintendent’s recommendation as presented. Motion was amended see final motion below.
Mr. Jenkins said he reviewed a Capital Improvement Plan today and part of the master plan was for architectural services. He asked if Mr. Spencer could do the work to save money. Dr. Cox said a good part of the plan is also engineering work.
Mr. Spencer said he can do the architectural part; however, the engineering part is a major part of the planning part. He said we need someone to examine mechanical, plumbing, etc. He said a good deal of the systems have reached their likely age. He said when you are integrating various systems you have to plan ahead. He said the master plan is difficult because you are trying to do a number of different things and at the end they have to all come together. Mr. Spencer said he would spend more than $126,500 to hire the firms to do the project.
Ms. Jenkins asked how much it would cost for Mr. Spencer to complete the master plan. Mr. Spencer said he would need several more individuals to help culminate a plan to the tune of approximately $150,000 plus.
Mr. Beard said he understands the rationale. He said it makes sense to have a master plan in place prior to beginning the renovation. He said he is not comfortable that we have the funding for this expenditure.
Ms. Jenkins asked what the funding source would be. Dr. Cox referred members to page 98 of their agenda packet. Dr. Cox said the renovation would be paid for with CIP funds.
Ms. Jenkins said we need to create the master plan for CCHS before we spend the money to replace the Farmington chiller because we have a new/larger elementary school opening.
Mr. Shomo said if we follow the CIP plan we will expend all our funds in the CIP.
Mr. Jenkins said we have doors that will not lock or open. He said we need to set priorities.
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board postponed the decision on approving the SHW contract until the March 10thmeeting. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
Mr. Dasher recognized Steve Walker and Larry Aylor from the Board of Supervisors.
(B)Consideration of Computer/Phone Lease Agreement and VoIP for Secondary Schools
and Central Office
Dr. Cox referred members to page 31 of their packet. He said the board is asked to enter into a lease/purchase agreement to purchase computers. He said this would be a 5 year lease/purchase agreement. He said this removes $1 million from soft costs for EVHS. He said the cost of financing will be $70,000. He said CISCO has offered and agreed to finance DELL computers with an interest free loan over 5 years. He said EVHS/YES will be equipped with VoIP telephone systems. He said tonight’s consideration is to add VoIP to all secondary schools and Central Office. He said we have experienced a lot of complaints about our phone system. He said the cost would be $189,000 for five years for computers at EVHS/YES and the secondary schools VoIP. He said the funding source will be the state technologymoney. He said computers only would save $40,000 per year. He respectfully requested the board to allow him to enter into a contract with CISCO for the multi-year financing of computers/VoIP pending final review by legal counsel.
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board accepted the computer/phone lease agreement and authorized the superintendent to further negotiate pending legal advice from counsel for the computer/phone lease and VoIP for secondary schools.
Mr. Beard said we have to do the lease, if we wish to proceed with the computers. He asked if this is the opened ended lease. Dr. Nicolay said CISCO equipment is in the building; however, the question is how it is paid.
Mr. Jenkins asked what would happen if the state funds go away. Dr. Nicolay said the state always allocates money for computers each year.
Dr. Nicolay said the actual number without the VoIP is $157,000.
Dr. Cox said after legal counsel has blessed the contract the board would need to pass a resolution to approve the lease.
Ms. Jenkins said she supports this because it makes the best use of the funds we have. She said this is a responsible expenditure.
Mr. Dasher concurred with Ms. Jenkins
Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
(C)Student Management System
Dr. Cox requested the board enter into an agreement with Tyler for the student management system. He said they need 6 months to train staff. He said this would replace our current student management system called SASI. He said we can limp along with SASI. He said it costs $40,000 a year for licensing and fees. He said one problem and limitation is we cannot have parents access their children’s grades and attendance from home. He said Tyler will allow teachers to work on grades from home because it is web based. He said Tyler costs $183,000.
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the board considered approving the purchase of the Tyler student management system. See final motion below.
Dr. Nicolay said the student management programs are migrating to web based. He said SASI will work but the data storage is the problem.
Mr. Beard said he doesn’t know of anyone who likes SASI. He said he is uncomfortable with shaving the CIP funds this close half-way through the school year.
Mr. Jenkins asked why the price has increased from $180,000 to $183,000. Dr. Nicolay said the price before was an estimate. He said the price now has been negotiated.
Mr. Jenkins asked if this project was on the previous CIP. Mr. Shomo said we started talking about this last year. Dr. Cox said the student information system is in the current CIP.
Mr. Dasher asked if there is a good time to initiate this process. Dr. Nicolay said it is done after scheduling. He said it would need to start now for implementation for the next school year.
Ms. Jenkins said this would be a good way to improve our communication.
Ms. Hutchins asked if this decision has to be made tonight. Dr. Nicolay said Tyler indicates that they need as close to 6 months as possible to implement this program. She said this purchase would still allow us to have a $500,000 reserve in CIP.
Mr. Dasher said he would support this motion.
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board postponed action on this item until the February 18th work session. Motion carried 5-1 by voice vote. (Ms. Hutchins voted in opposition.)
(d)Approval of School Board Bylaws
Mr. Beard noted that the bylaws should have been approved in January. He reviewed some recommended amendments to the bylaws.
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board considered adopting the bylaws as amended leaving board reports optional.
Ms. Jenkins expressed some concerns with section 4.2, 4.7, and 8.1a. She also noted that she would like to keep board reports on the agenda.
Mr. Dasher said two board members had asked to delete board reports.
Ms. Jenkins asked if the board would sign the “VSBA Code of Conduct” each year. Mr. Dasher said he feels the “VSBA Code of Conduct” should be signed each year.
Mr. Dasher said some board members prefer to have board reports others don’t. Ms. Jenkins and Ms. Hutchins said they would like to have them.
Ms. Luckinbill suggested that board reports be optional. Mr. Jenkins said in the past some of the comments made us look like a bunch of idiots.
Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
(e)Consideration of School Board Committees
Mr. Beard said the committee proposal is found on page 59 of the packet. He said this will consolidate all existing committees into three board committees of three members each – finance, administrative, and capital planning.
Ms. Jenkins noted there should be an alternate appointed to the PREP Board.
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board approved the proposal as amended with the PREP board alternate.
Ms. Hutchins thanked Mr. Beard for clarification of meeting times. She still asked for clarification on the finance committee. She also asked if the administrative committee needs to meet monthly. She said the superintendent evaluation happens twice a year
Mr. Beard said the administrative committee may not need to meet every month if there are no items on the agenda.
Mr. Beard said a standing finance committee will be able to better track money transfers from one line item to the other.
Ms. Hutchins said staff has not transferred any money without board approval.
Ms. Jenkins said she will still review the bills on-line because she has a method to her madness.
Ms. Hutchins said she still wants all board members to receive the bills.
Mr. Dasher will appoint the board members to serve on the committees. He said he is in favor of a finance committee.
Ms. Jenkins asked if we should delete interaction committee meetings since we have now started joint meetings. Mr. Beard suggested that a discussion take place as to whether to continue the interaction committee.
Ms. Jenkins reiterated that the PREP Board needs an alternate.
Ms. Jenkins asked about written reports. Ms. Hutchins said the annual reports are in writing; however, there would still be reports after each meeting.
Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
(f)Consideration of School Board Summer (June 27-28, 2008) and Fall (November 7-8, 2008) Retreat
Mr. Dasher said Graves Mountain Lodge, DanielTechnologyCenter, and the Central Office are available for the retreat.
On motionMs. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the School Board considered holding their summer and fall retreat at GravesMountain Lodge.
Mr. Jenkins said we need to have meetings in our buildings to save money. He said board members can go out and buy their lunch.