The Rev. Roger Hungerford, Rector

Email address:

Phone numbers: 309-797-2515 and cell 1-757-639-5610

Church Website:

Flowers on the Altar are given by Kathy and Doug Holmgren to the glory of God in loving memory of their parents.

Birthdays – Jan.18-John Clifford

Jan.19-Linda Higdon

Anniversaries – There are no Anniversaries at All Saints in January

Crucifer – Mike Griffin

Acolyte – Kurt Allemeier

Chalice Bearers – Kevin Eddy and Mike Eddy

Readers –Bob Hand, Kathleen Seusy, Kathy Anderson, Kathy Holmgren

THINGS CALENDARIC (Events are held at the Church unless otherwise noted):

Events are held at the Church unless otherwise noted):

Every Wednesday-Holy Eucharist service at 7:00am

1/19-Serve Meal at Christian Care

1/22-Annual Meeting after the Service in the Fellowship Hall

2/12-Bishop Lee’s Visit

2/13-Vestry Meeting at 6:15 pm

2/28-Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

3/1-Ash Wednesday

3/16-Serve Meal at Christian Care

4/9-Palm Sunday

4/16-Easter Sunday

5/18-Serve Meal at Christian Care

EVENING BIBLE STUDY- We meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the church office. We are currently studying The Book of Hebrews. Everyone is welcome and each session is unique. Our discussions are lively and insightful, so come and bring your Bible.

CHRISTIAN CARE UPDATE – The current plan is to serve a hot dinner this Thursday, which we donate, to 40 men and women at the Rescue Mission in R.I. Our volunteers for this week are already signed up, but the following is our plan going forward. Because we have limited resources, we will serve every other month for the time being Since we lack a fully functional kitchen at church, we need people who can cook in their own kitchens this winter. Besides cooks, we need people to donate and make or cook veggies, salads, and desserts. (see the sign-up sheet for specific instructions). We also need people to serve the meal, but BECAUSE THE MISSION KITCHEN IS SMALL, IT IS BEST TO HAVE ONLY 4-5 VOLUNTEERS ON-SITE TO ACTUALLY SERVE. (The current plan is to rotate these volunteers in order to give everyone who wishes to help serve an opportunity to do so!) Sign-up sheets will be put out at Coffee Hour in advance of serving dates. Ingredients in recipes may periodically be needed…in this case a list of ingredients will appear in the bulletin so appropriate ones can be donated. Also, monetary contributions are always welcome to help defray expenses for ingredients in main dishes. (Make checks payable to the church and put For Outreach-Christian Care on the memo line). So far, we are scheduled to serve at 6:30 pm in January, March, and May on Thursday evenings (for specific dates see Things Calendaric) because there are various permanent church conflicts on Mon., Tues., and Wed. evenings. Another scheduling issue involves the availability of time on the Rescue Mission’s serving schedule. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Kathy Hand at 309-781-9262 (call or text) or .

A TIP OF THE HAT TO: This is a new set of notes we will run during the course of the year recognizing the accomplishments of the many ministers and ministries we have here at All Saints who help make the kingdom a little more real here on earth. We would like to start the year by giving thanks to two very special church members who work hard all year on two important church projects: to Betty Larson, who keeps our church Coffee Hour going; and to Marge Allemeier, who organizes the Flower Roster every Sunday, our weekly tribute to the Lord we love. A tip of the hat to both!

POINT TO PONDER - Ever wonder why the Gospel Book is raised and carried into the center of the congregation? The Gospel Book is raised as a sign of victory over evil and symbolically shows supremacy of the Word over our lives. It is carried into the center of the congregation to symbolize how the Word came to the people and, in our modern times, how Jesus comes to us.

ALTAR FLOWERS -WhileMarge Allemeier is in Florida, please contact Joan Chinal by phone (309-762-8495) or at church if you have questions.

RIGHT RITE- As you are aware, we appreciate and utilize the beautiful Rite 1 and Rite 2 services from our Book of Common Prayer. I also use the services to give us the feel of change for our seasons. With that in mind, we will use RITE 1 during the month of January. We will use Rite 2 during the month of February. We will use Rite 1 (Penitential Form) for all of Lent through Palm Sunday (March 2 - April 9) and use Rite 2 for Easter.

COMMUNION CAN BE GLUTEN FREE - We have gluten free hosts in a separate container held by the celebrant. When you walk forward to receive communion, if you prefer a gluten free host, please say so. The container will be offered, and you will need to take a host yourself.

CHOIR PRACTICE-There will be a practice this Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the church office. We also start warming up on Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. Come join the fun!

NOTICE – We want to include EVERYONE’S birthday and Anniversary(s) in our weekly and/or monthly publications, so if you are new to All Saints and have not filled out a card with this information or notice that yours are missing or are incorrect, please let Sue Erickson (Newsletter) and Kathy Hand (Bulletin) know so we can include you. We are constantly working to keep our lists correct and updated and do not want to leave anyone out.


Celebrant: In the name of this congregation I send you forth bearing the sacrament,so that those to whom you go may share Holy Communion with us Response: We who are many are one body, because we all share one bread.

COFFEE HOUR – Welcome to our coffee hour after the service this morning in the Fellowship Hall. The Hosts for this week are Lin and Erica Goldstone.