German Village Society
5/2/11 Board Meeting Minutes
Present: Brian Santin, Crystal Seamon, Bill Case, Roy Bieber, Darci Congrove, Beth Ervin, Jim Hopple, Norm Hall, Sarah Irvin Clark
Absent: Mike Yarbrough, Jeanne Likins, Jim Nichols
- Minutes from 4/4/11 meeting
Minutes were taken by Secretary Jeanne Likins – Jim Hopple motion to approve, Beth Ervin 2nd. Board approved unanimously.
- Staff Reports
Jody Graichen has been working on Caretakers of a Legacy preparations, Haus & Garten written materials for the event program, several articles and columns for local press, and finalizing the “Great Places” nomination.
Russ Arledge is supervising three student interns from the OSU Public History 489 Internship program, is working on a GVS collaboration with the Columbus Metropolitan Library regarding the Columbus Memory Project, coordinated the first of a series of watercolor workshops at the Meeting Haus with the Central Ohio Watercolor Society, and was the featured speaker at the Nationwide Hospital Good Neighbor Agreement meeting. Russ will judge a cake-baking contest at St. Mary’s and will talk to a few classes there about aviation history as part of the students’ Right to Read week, which is focused on flight.
- Treasurer’s Report–Roy Bieber
There is $42,000 in the operational checking account and $51,000 in the designated funds account. YTD net operating income is $18,000 and shows a positive operating variance of 18%.
- Committee Reports
Executive Committee
Village Singers – Wayne Owens
The Village Singers (VS) group has existed for 10 years and performs 2 concerts/year at GVS Meeting Haus. 133 different singers have participated over the years. Singers come from all over Columbus and surrounding areas. VS funding comes from sources other than GVS – various corporate grants, the High Street Neighborhood Funds, individual dues, etc. Wayne is seeking GVS support from the Board for VS to apply for a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council. The grant request is for $1,250 and will be used to fund the purchase of a wireless sound system.
Haus & Garten Committee – Chris Hune
The committee is still looking for someone to host a few more dinner seats for Pre-Tour. The May edition of Capital Style magazine contained an excellent feature article on Dan Kline and Marie Logothetis’ home, which will be on tour this year. Additional print, radio, TV and online coverage will really ramp up at the end of May. We have extra H&G posters. Board members are encouraged to take some of these and hang them in public places. We are still selling ads for the program and looking for additional tent sponsors. Max & Erma’s is unable to host the Fred & Howard breakfast this year. We are currently looking for another venue. Please help to spread the word about all H&G-related festivities and encourage friends and co-workers to buy tickets.
GVS Staff & Search Update – Brian Santin
The GVS Director position description was approved as presented. Bill Case motion for approval, Jim Hopple 2nd. Board approved unanimously.
Director Search Committee co-chairs appointed – Mary Yarbrough & Roy Bieber. Jim Hopple motion for approval, Bill Case 2nd. Board approved unanimously.
Membership Appreciation Event – Brian Santin on behalf of Jeanne Likins
Meet the Jeni behind Jeni’s event on 4/10/11 was well-attended by approximately 100 people.
Special Committee re: Recognition of Fred Holdridge & Howard Burns – Beth Ervin
The Committee will have a potluck on Sunday, 5/15/11 to brainstorm ideas for appropriate recognition. The potluck will be held in the Scheurer Room and all members are invited to attend.
Website/N4N content and format changes – Crystal Seamon
Beth & Crystal have met to discuss setting a protocol for information to be contained on the GVS website and the N4N Weekly Digest. They will bring recommendations to next month’s meeting.
Civic Relations – Crystal Seamon – no report
Development – Mike Yarbrough – no report
Finance Committee – Roy Bieber
The draft of the 12/31/10 audited financial statements were reviewed with the auditor. Small edits will be made and the report should be available for approval at the next Board meeting.
The Committee has reviewed a draft of an updated investment policy, as written by Jeff McNealey, and will approve at the next Finance meeting.
Historic Preservation –Darci Congrove on behalf of Will Eylar
The Caretakers of a Legacy event will be held in the Fest Hall on 5/19/11 at 6:30pm.
Streetscape Committee – Brian Santin
The Streetscape Committee has now heard presentations from Bill Habig and Yolita Rausche, both of whom are consultants in the areas of public projects and funding. Bill has presented a proposal to Streetscape for consulting services, which the Streetscape Committee will bring to the Board next month for further discussion.
From these and other discussions at the Streetscape Committee, it is clear that we need support from the City in order to proceed with any elements of the Third Street plan. Bill Curlis, Greg Lashutka, Christie Angel, and Brian Santin worked on an agreement of cooperation to be signed by the Mayor. Christie Angel is working on setting up a public relations opportunity with Mayor Coleman to celebrate the collaboration.
Beth Ervin cautioned that we should be certain of the appropriate talking points regarding the “collaborative partnership” outlined in the agreement prior to holding any public relations events.
The Letter of Cooperation and Agreement between the German Village Society and the City of Columbus was signed by the Mayor and Brian Santin on 4/28/11. Board vote to ratify the language and signing of the Letter of Cooperation and Agreement – Jim Hopple motion to ratify, Sarah Irvin Clark 2nd. Board approved with 8 in favor, 1 opposed.
Long Range Planning – Carolyn McCall
The LRP Committee is seeking approval from the Board to move forward with a questionnaire to gauge the interest level in the neighborhood as the next step in creating the German Village Connections program. They propose to mail the survey to all addresses in German Village. LRP does not have any money in the budget. The cost will be $1,511.45. Brian Santin raised concerns regarding the survey questions presented by the committee. LRP trying to gauge general interest in the program, to be followed by deeper exploration with survey respondents. Jim Hopple motion to approve the mailing, Darci Congrove 2nd. Board approved unanimously, subject to any input or comments that Board members would like to provide regarding the language of the specific questions in the survey by Friday, 5/6/11.
Membership Committee – Jeanne Likins (written report)
Membership revenue is down compared to the 2011 budget. The committee is currently analyzing the differences and will provide further information at next month’s board meeting. The Neighborhood Representative program is getting organized for its effort to reach out to non-members block by block in GV. The committee is seeking 12 additional volunteers to cover all districts.
Parks, Public Spaces and Community Events – Sara McNealey
The Ohio Historical Marker in Schiller, which was damaged, will be replaced and the city will pay for the new one. Actors Theatre has applied for a city grant to do some landscaping around the caretakers cottage at Schiller Park. Jerry Glick is coordinating new fencing and signage at Frank Fetch Park. The concert series for the Third Sunday Concerts has been set. Treatment of the ash trees in Schiller Park continues. The Huntington Garden sub-committee has recommended a name change of the garden. The PPSCE committee was unable to reach consensus on a new name, so the dialogue is ongoing.
Special Committees
Nominating Committee – Brian Santin
Brian Santin, as President, has appointed the following three board members: Jim Hopple, Brian Santin, and Roy Bieber; as well as the following three non-board members: Connie Swain, Jay Panzer, and Stefanie Martt.The Nominating Committee is currently seeking candidates for 5 Board seats, which will become available on 10/1/11.Jim Hopple motion to approve, Crystal Seamon 2nd. Board approved with 8 in favor, 1 opposed.
German Village Business Committee – Karen Page – no report
Go Green –Brian Santin & Crystal Seamon
The recent computer recycling event was a success.
Marketing Committee – Beth Ervin
The first committee meeting was held, at which time a plan was created to review all GVS outbound communications materials. The committee will invite Tim Straker from Ologie to the next meeting to discuss the brand standards that Ologie developed for GVS several years ago.
Monster Bash – Norm Hall
Adrianne Mellen Ramstack has agreed to assist with planning this event again in 2011, which is very exciting. Adrianne will work as a volunteer on this event.
- Old Business – none
- New Business – none
- Public Participation
Brief presentation from Melanie Crable regarding the status of the I-70/71 project. Melanie represents “Paving the Way,” an ODOT initiative.
- Adjournment 7:52pm
Minutes submitted by Darci Congrove, on behalf of Secretary Jeanne Likins, who was unable to attend the meeting.
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