Term Project: Technical Specification for a Six-storey Commercial Building
1. Term Project Description
2. Objectives
3. Format
4. Assignment
5. Submission Date and Project Value
1. Term Project Description
This term’s project is to assemble a Technical Specification for a six-storey office building with retail on the Ground Floor.
2. Objectives
• To identify the materials, equipment and components needed to construct a commercial building for which a specification section will be needed.
• To research material suppliers and equipment manufacturers from a variety of sources [arcat, sweet's, 4spec] that can provide products for the construction of the building
• To organize the individual sections into a technical specification for the project manual using the MasterFormatTM system.
• To integrate at least three sustainable products or components from sites such as CSI’s GreenFormat. [Note: do not use GreenSpec as they require you to sign on for a “free” 30-day trial after which they send you a bill – the old Rogers negative billing system – where if you don’t unsubscribe, you will be charged]
3. Format
• Cover
- Project Name; Use Course Number as Project Number; Course Name;
Your Name; Title of Document
• Table of Contents
- Listing of all included sections in MasterFormatTM order
• Individual Sections
- Use SectionFormatTM to ensure that each section is a 3-part spec
© Sheridan College 2015
4. Assignment
The Assignment will result in a technical specification for a six-storey commercial building. The ground floor has retail stores, an entrance vestibule, an elevator lobby, two stairs and a number of service and support rooms. Typical floors will have offices, corridors and an elevator lobby space, two washrooms, telephone and electrical closets, a janitor’s closet and stairs. The Penthouse will house the mechanical and elevator equipment to service the building. There is no basement.
The name of the project is "Commercial Building #2". A sample site plan is included below.
Based on the UniFormat structure, the outline spec for the project building is as follows:
A. Sub-structure: concrete slab and columns. Stairs and elevator shafts are concrete. Penthouse is HSS with OWSJ; metal deck roof.
B. Shell: Veneer brick with block backing on concrete slab between columns to 60 cm high; Curtain wall envelope; green roof on roof slab; ballasted, R-60 rigid insulation, single-ply membrane on sheathing on roof deck above penthouse.
C. Interiors: Drywall partitions, fully sound-insulated, painted and fire-rated as needed; ceramic tile on walls in washrooms; epoxy flooring sloped to drain; foot grille in vestibule; granite floor tiles from entry to elevator lobby; linoleum in other exit corridor; carpet
D. Services: Conveying Systems; Plumbing; Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC); Fire Protecting Systems; Electrical Systems
E. Equipment & Furnishings: way-finding sign in lobby;
F. Special Construction & Demolition: Awnings on South side over ground floor stores
G. Building Sitework: Site Preparation; Site Improvements – sidewalks, grass & trees; Site Civil/Mechanical Utilities; Site Electrical Utilities – transformer on concrete pad; Other Site Construction
Z. General: General Requirements; Bidding, Contract Forms; Project Cost Estimate
5. Submission Date and Project Value
Submit your electronic folder in pdf format to the SLATE2 drop-box before the start of class in Week 13.
NOTE: Folders submitted after class start would normally be denied and returned unopened based on bidding instruction rules but will be accepted in accordance with academic rules and policies.
This project submission is worth 20% of your course grade.
Grading Rubric
Topic / Marks / GradeFolder organization / 10
MasterFormatTM Organization / 10
Division 01 General / 10
Other Technical Divisions / 15
Appropriate Sections / 20
Completeness / 10
Three-part Specs / 10
Sustainable Specs / 15
Total Mark/Grade / 100
Sample Site Plan
© Sheridan College 2015