Science Year 6 Biology: Living things and their habitats

Look at the history of classification of living things from Aristotle to the present day. Study the binomial system introduced by Linnaeus & the 7 levels of classification used today. Understand why classification is important & use & create classification keys.

Descriptions of Sessions

Session A
Early classification / Recap on the classification of living things that chn already know: plants & animals & how they are grouped further. Establish that there are 5 Kingdoms altogether including Fungi, Protista & Monera too. Discuss early classification by Aristotle 350BCE.
Session B
Linnaeus / Introduce Carl Linnaeus as the ‘father of classification’. Watch a video about him & his science. Find out how he simplified & unified the naming of living things using a binomial Latin system which is still used today. He classified unicorns & dragons!
Session C
Levels / Explain that today we have 7 levels of classification compared to Linnaeus’s 5: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Make up a mnemonic to remember these. Find out about the 5 Kingdoms now described & draw posters.
Session D
Micro-organisms / Take a closer look at micro-organisms – from Monera, Protista & Fungi Kingdoms. Also discuss whether or not viruses are living. Find out that some cause diseases, but that they can be very useful too. Set up mini compost bins & carry out a yeast enquiry.
Session E
Identification / Collect buttercup plants in local environment & identify them using classification keys to understand the details that taxonomists use to classify living things. Look in detail at a flowering plant & describe features. Make a careful botanical drawing.
Session F
Classification keys / In groups children create classification keys to identify a selection of birds, butterflies or bumblebees using photographs. Discuss the features that could be used. Children then use their expertise to create & trial keys for a selection of tree leaves.
Session G / Point out that members of a species may not always look the same, which causes some problems for classification. Study continuous variation using heights of chn. In groups research & classify living things from different habitats. Report on compost bins.

© Hamilton Trust 2014 Y6 - Science

Science Strands UKS2

Year 5 / Year 6
Living things and their habitats Biology / Living things and their habitats Biology
Animals, including humans Biology / Animals, including humans Biology
Evolution and inheritance Biology
Properties and changes of materials Chemistry
Earth and space Physics / Light Physics
Forces Physics / Electricity Physics

© Hamilton Trust 2014 Y6 - Science

Hamilton Trust

Science Year 6

Biology Strand

Living things and their habitats

© Hamilton Trust 2014 Y6 - Science