Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Mold Town Council held at the Town Hall, Earl Road, Mold on Wednesday 17th May 2017.
Councillors:, Anthony Parry, Geoff Collett, Bob Gaffey, Robin Guest, Bryan Grew, Brian Lloyd, Geoff Matthias, Andrea Mearns, Chris Bithell, Anthony Parry, Karen Hodgkinson, Gareth Williams, Teresa Nickson, Sarah Taylor, Tim Maunders and Yvon Jones with the Clerk and Finance Officer and the Support Officer.
Also Present: members of the public and press
1. APOLOGIES: The Town Manager.
The retiring Mayor, Councillor Anthony Parry, referred to the achievements and exceptional voluntary work undertaken by this year’s recipients of the ‘Sid Matthews Community Awards’ and expressed his delight in presenting the awards to:
2.1) For “Outstanding Voluntary Service / Achievements by an Individual”
– Mr Peter Edwards
2.2) For “Outstanding Voluntary Service / Achievements by a Local Organisation” – The Cottage Nursing Home
2.3) For “Outstanding Voluntary Service / Achievements by a Young Person”
- Flight Sergeant Eleri Davies
2.4) For “Outstanding Voluntary Service / Achievements by a Local Youth Organisation” – East Flintshire Police Cadets
The retiring Mayor, Councillor Anthony Parry, commented on his Mayoral year and how it had been an honour to serve as Mayor of Mold and he told members that he felt humbled to be elected as Mayor.
The Mayor spoke of the town and all the activities and said it had been an absolute pleasure to serve as Mayor. During his term, Councillor Parry had attended over 100 functions and events representing the town which had included attending the official opening of 8 new businesses within the town, which is very heartening and he thanked the Clerk, the Town Manager and the Support Officer for their support throughout the year.
The Mayor spoke of a few highlights during his term, which included reaching his fundraising target of £25,000 to purchase 25 defibrillators for the town with the ‘Save a Life’ appeal. The Mayor also mentioned just a few of the events which had held throughout the year, including the sell-out variety night at Theatr Clwyd with Sir Ken Dodd and Richard and Adam Johnson, his charity ball at Soughton Hall, Afternoon Tea with Ruth Madoc, an afternoon with Paul Martin, the Queen’ 90th Birthday celebrations and the Santa Dash.
The total amount of money raised for the ‘Save a Life’ appeal was still to be finalised but there were now 17 defibrillators placed in the town, with the remaining to follow.
The Mayor thanked all members for their support, which had made his year easier when Chairing the Council meetings.
The Town Clerk confirmed that all members had signed the Declarations of Acceptance of Office.
Resolved: It was resolved to note the information.
On the proposal of Councillor Geoff Collett and seconded by Councillor Robin Guest, it was agreed that Councillor Bob Gaffey be formally elected as Mayor of Mold Town Council for the ensuing year.
In accepting the position of Mayor and thanking Members for the privilege bestowed upon him, Councillor Gaffey signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Resolved: It was resolved that Councillor Bob Gaffey be formally elected as Mayor for the ensuing year 2017 / 2018.
On the proposal of Councillor Geoff Matthias and seconded by Councillor Gareth Williams, it was agreed that Councillor Karen Hodgkinson be formally elected as Deputy Mayor of Mold Town Council for the ensuing year.
Resolved: It was resolved that Councillor Karen Hodgkinson be elected as the Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year 2017 / 2018.
The Town Clerk confirmed that new members of Council would be added to the bank mandate and once the form received from the bank, members would be asked to sign.
Resolved: It was resolved:
7.1) To authorise any two Members of the Council together with the Clerk and Finance Officer to sign cheques on behalf of the Town Council; and
7.2) To authorise the Clerk and Finance Officer to arrange bank transfers on behalf of the Town Council.
Consideration was given to the membership of organisations during the forthcoming year.
Councillor Mearns asked the Town Clerk to confirm the cost of the subscriptions, which the Town Clerk confirmed would be sent to all members.
Resolved: It was resolved to approve membership, in the forthcoming year, of the following organisations: One Voice Wales, Association of Burial Authorities, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Cittaslow UK, Flintshire Tourism Association and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales and for confirmation of the cost of the subscriptions to be sent to members.
Resolved: It was resolved that the Council be represented on the following organisations as follows:
9.1 One Voice Wales - Councillor Bob Gaffey and Bryan Grew.
9.2 Daniel Owen Community Association - Councillors Geoff Collett and Bob Gaffey.
9.3 Police and Community / County Councillors - Councillor Brian Lloyd
9.4 Alyn Works Liaison Committee - Councillors Bob Gaffey, Geoff Matthias, Brian Lloyd and Karen Hodgkinson (West Ward Members).
9.5 Mold Town Partnership – Councillor Bob Gaffey.
9.6 Parkfields Management Committee - Councillor Andrea Mearns.
9.7 Mold Town Concert Band Management Committee – Councillor Anthony Parry
9.8 Grosvenor Hall Committee – Councillor Tim Maunders
9.9 Mold Fairtrade - Councillor Andrea Mearns
Resolved: It was resolved to appoint the following members to the standing committees of the Council as detailed below:
10.1 Cemetery Committee - full delegated powers - six members - Councillors Chris Bithell (Chair), Geoff Matthias, Andrea Mearns, Tim Maunders, Teresa Nickson and Yvon Jones
10.2 Community, Development & Regeneration Committee - full delegated powers - six members - Councillors Geoff Matthias (Chair), Andrea Mearns, Robin Guest, Chris Bithell, Teresa Nickson and Geoff Collett.
10.3 Planning Committee - full delegated powers - six members - Councillors Bryan Grew (Chair), Anthony Parry, Sarah Taylor, Andrea Mearns, Gareth Williams and Tim Maunders.
It was noted that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are ex-officio voting members of the above three committees.
10.4 Personnel Committee - The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Geoff Collett (Chair), Haydn Bateman, Bryan Grew and Gareth Williams.
10.5 Budget Sub-Group – The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Brian Lloyd, Robin Guest and Anthony Parry.
10.6 Policy & Audit Committee – Councillors Haydn Bateman (Chair), Bryan Grew, Geoff Matthias, Sarah Taylor, Yvon Jones and Anthony Parry.
10.7 Community Awards Panel - 5 members - Councillors: Anthony Parry, Karen Hodgkinson, Yvon Jones, Tim Maunders and Teresa Nickson
10.8 Financial Assistance Review Panel - 4 members - Councillors: Karen Hodgkinson, Anthony Parry, Sarah Taylor and Tim Maunders.
10.9 Cittàslow Mold – All Members of the Council.
10.10 Youth and Children’s Council Committee – The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Chris Bithell, Teresa Nickson and Andrea Mearns.
Resolved: It was resolved to approve the previously circulated schedule of meetings for the forthcoming year.
Resolved: It was resolved to note the record of attendances.
Councillor Bryan Grew – That the Town Council consider an amendment to the Standing Order 5 (d): Ordinary Council meetings “in addition to the annual meeting of the council, any number of other ordinary meetings may be held in each year on such dates and times as the council may direct.” The current time for standard council meetings is 6.30pm unless there is a guest attending. The Town Council is asked to agree for all future Council meetings to commence at 6.00pm.
Following discussion from members it was agreed not to support the motion.
Resolved: It was resolved not to support the motion.that Councillors Andrea Mearns, Bryan Grew and Haydn Bateman would work with the Town Clerk to consider and respond to the consultation document.
The Mayor thanked Members and guests for their attendance and invited them to join him for refreshments in the Jubilee Room.
Meeting closed at 7.15pm