Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Council Members present: Schultz, Etherington, Treanor and Mayor Swanson. Absent Christian. Also present City Administrator Woodruff, Janelle Mathews, and Maple River.
Mayor Swanson called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
All present stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Consent Agenda Councilor Treanor moved and Councilor Etherington seconded to adopt the consent agenda as follows. Vote: Aye: Schultz, Etherington, Treanor , and Swanson. Nay: none. Motion carried.
A. Minutes 12/03/13
B. Bills
C. Bid opening reschedule-December 20th
D. Farm land values
E. Quarterly report- liquor
F. Quarterly report-fire
Adopt Agenda
Councilor Treanor moved and Councilor Shultz seconded to adopt the agenda with the following additions:
Resolution 67-12-13 cash increase for ATM Machine
Resolution 68-12-13. Hiring bartender
EDA update
All present voted in favor thereof. Motion carried.
New Business
Resolution 66-12-13 Approving Increase of Storm Sewer Rates. Administrator Woodruff explained that the storm sewer fee was set up in 2005. A huge project was done in 2006 and the fund has been in a deficit every year since than. She proposed to increase the rate annually for the next five years. Councilor Schultz made a motion to adopt Resolution 66-12-13 to increase storm sewer rate $1.00 per quarter for each account. Councilor Etherington seconded. Roll call vote: Aye: Etherington, Schultz, Treanor and Swanson. Nay: Motion carried.
Councilor Treanor made a motion to approve Resolution 67-12-13 Approving Cash Increase for the ATM machine. Administrator Woodruff said she had been requested by liquor store staff to increase the amount of cash in the ATM machine. When people play pull tabs it can drain out the ATM machine quickly and staff would like more money available to the customers. Councilor Etherington seconded. Roll call vote: Aye: Etherington, Schultz, Treanor and Swanson. Nay: Motion carried.
City Administrator Woodruff said that Liquor Store Manager Leslie Johnson would like to hire a bartender. This bartender is 20 years old. It was the general consensus of the council that someone 20 is not old enough to be a bartender since it is under the legal drinking age. Councilor Treanor made a motion to change our policy to hire bartenders over 21 years of age. Councilor Schultz seconded. All voted in favor thereof.
EDA Chairman Schultz gave an EDA update. He said he and the Mayor and Administrator Woodruff had attended the Blue Earth County Commissioners meeting that day. They had presented the loan request for Mapleton Farm and Hardware. He said that Administrator Woodruff had given the commissioners a Bio on Jim Heins and he felt that helped the commissioners make a good decision. Councilor Schultz said the new manager of the hardware store was asked to speak and did an excellent job explaining the upcoming plans. He told the council the processes is much more complicated now
because Blue Earth County is not responsible for ½ the loan if it were to default. This makes the commissions look at these loans in much more detail.
Mayor Swanson adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.
James Swanson, Mayor Patty Woodruff, City Administrator/Clerk