HWB Log 1 - Lifestyle Ready Reckoner
This HWB log is designed to help teachers identify concerns around healthy eating and physical activity, allowing specific behaviours, characterised as Lifestyle Risk Factors to be monitored.
The seven Lifestyle Risk Factors themselves may be observable within an education setting and through interactions with children and their families or they may already be recorded within pastoral notes. To support the assessment of Lifestyle Risk Factorsa range of Observable Risk Factor Indicators have been provided for each Lifestyle Risk Factor in order to make them easier to identify.
Assessment Tool for:______
Lifestyle Risk Factors / Date of observation1 / More than 2 hours of screen time (TV, computer, phone) per day outside school or watching TV during meals
2 / Less than 60mins of moderate physical activity per day or low levels of vigorous physical activity
3 / Missing breakfast or eating breakfast with a low nutritional quality
4 / Sleeping for less than 10 hours per night
5 / Consumption of sugar sweetened drinks
6 / High levels of sedentary behaviour and/or long periods of inactivity
7 / Low levels of fitness
Assessment status
Some ConcernUnhealthy Lifestyle Indicated
HWB Log 1 - Lifestyle Ready Reckoner tool
This list of Observable Risk Factor Indicators is not exhaustive and teachers can use their own professional judgement to select additional indicators. These should be evident within normal educational activities throughout the school setting.
The Observable Risk Factor Indicator and the Lifestyle Risk Factors to which they are aligned are outlined below.
Observable Risk Factor Indicators
Lifestyle Risk Factors / Observable Risk Factor Indicators1 / More than 2 hours of screen time (TV, computer, phone) per day outside school or watching TV during meals /
- Week long activity/lifestyle diary
- Discussion/dialogue with child and family about screen time
- Recreational activities are regularly based around screen time
- Opts for screen based rather than outdoor activities
2 / Less than 60mins of moderate physical activity per day or low levels of vigorous physical activity /
- Observation of little participation in physical activity, play or games in the class or playground
- Week long activity diary/lifestyle diary shows little physical activity
- Reports low level/lack of interest in physical activity outside school
- Disengages from strenuous or moderate to vigorous physical activity
- Unwilling to participate in or continue with intense activities
3 / Missing breakfast or eating breakfast with a low nutritional quality /
- Knowledge of family/home circumstances or dialogue with child indicates child misses or has low nutritional quality breakfast
- Evidence of lethargy/ poor concentration in the classroom
- Child discusses low nutritional quality breakfast with peers
- Child regularly reports feeling hungry in morning
- Keenness to get snack at breaks
4 / Sleeping for less than 10 hours per night /
- Week long activity/lifestyle diary indicate inadequate sleep
- Poor attention span / lethargy / fatigued
- Frequent yawning, head down
- Child is irritable or disengaged in the morning
5 / Consumption of sugar sweetened drinks /
- Food diary indicates sugary beverage consumption
- Drink little water or avoids this as an option
- Observation of classroom behaviour (hyperactivity; fidgety; restless)
- Observation of drinks brought into school
- Knowledge of individual children in class
- Hyperactivity following break times
- Swapping snacks or drinks with peers in favour of sugary snacks
6 / High levels of sedentary behaviour and/or long periods of inactivity /
- Week long activity/lifestyle diary indicates little active play or long periods of screen based activities
- Observation of classroom behaviour
- Lacks interest in physical activity in playground / outside school
- Optional physical activity is displaced by screen based activities
7 / Low levels of fitness /
- Observation of activity in PE lessons/class/playground
- Tires easily in P.E. or drops out of activities quickly
- Stands off to the side of games to rest
- Unwillingness to participate in games or active play
- Makes excuses to avoid P.E. or lack of interest in this subject
- Reports feeling out of breath quickly