TEACHERS: Phillip Hoge, Joseph Auch, Terry Ruddy, Cynthia Beale, Epifanio Cruz, Bonny Collins
STANDARD: 11.6.3
Discuss the human toll of the Depression, natural disasters, and unwise agricultural practices and their effects on the depopulation of rural regions and on political movements of the left and right, with particular attention to the Dust Bowl refugees and their social and economic impacts in California.
(Write 2-5 objectives stating expected learner outcomes)
Student will understand the causes of the Dust Bowl.
Students will be able to identify what areas were affected by the Dust Storms.
Students will analyze the impact of the Dust Storms on the life of farmers.
Students will analyze the effect of Dust Storms on the migration of the farmers.
Material Needed:
(What primary sources are using? What maps are you using?)
Text book “The Americans”, Text book video: Excerpts from the novel John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath” and the songs from Woody Guthrie. Map of the areas impacted by the Dust Storms.
Sponge Activity;
(What activity will be done when students enter the room to get them into the mindset of the concept to be learned?)
Focus Activity: Students will work in groups to decipher and summarize passages from John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath”.
Anticipatory Set;
(List focus questions that will be used to get students thinking about the day’s lessons)
Why did many farm families leave their land during the Great Depression?
Where did these families migrate to after they left their homes?
Content Delivery;
(What information will be delivered to the student before they begin so they can be successful at the activity and understand its purpose?)
Students will review information concerning the impact of end of WW I on farming, how the Midwest was experiencing a drought and that farmers were overworking the land.
(What activity will be done to teach the concept?)
First, students will watch textbook video on the Dust Bowl or you tube video (Black Blizzard) or http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/dustbowl/player/.
As they watch video they will complete circle map and record important details.
Second, students will analyze map of the Dust Bowl area to see the range of impact of the Dust Storms.
Third, students will read Primary Source Interviews about the Dust Bowl and summarize important facts.
Student Assessment;
(What type of homework will be assigned to students to allow them independent or group
practice with the concept?)
Students will be given the lyrics of Woody Guthrie’s song “ “ and will be required to write a summary of each verse in their own words.
Students will complete summary of the text from textbook.
Closure ;
(What will be said at the end of the lesson to ensure students understand the day’s
objectives, bring closure to the activity they just completed, and prepare them for the next day’s lesson?
Students will be verbally quizzed on what caused the Dust Storms, What States were involved, Where did migrants go, What routes did they travel, and How were they received.
Students will complete an exit ticket that lists 3 details of the Dust Bowl.