Chapter 6, Section 2: Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts (Greece)

Tribute / a regular payment made to a powerful state of nation by a weaker one
Oracle / in ancient Greece, a sacred site where a god or goddess was consulted; an priest or priestess who spoke for the gods
Philosopher / someone who uses reason to understand the world; in ancient Greece, philosophers used reason to explain natural events
Tragedy / a type of serious drama that usually ends in disaster for the main character
Key Idea: The Ancient Greeks worshipped the Twelve Olympian gods.
·  Each city-state honored a main god and had a temple to him or her.
·  Expressed gratitude to gods and tried not to anger them
·  Used art (architecture, sculpture, and drama) to show respect to gods
·  Had festivals to celebrate gods
·  Held Olympic Games to honor Zeus
Key Idea: During the Golden Age, Athens was thriving. Democracy, Philosophy, and the Arts were thriving.
·  Grew rich from trade
·  Had abundant silver that slaves mined
·  Received tribute payments from allies and conquered states
Pericles was a powerful leader that supported democracy.
·  Well-educated and intelligent
·  Persuasive
·  Required that a salary be paid to officials.
Philosophers questioned the belief that the gods controlled all natural events.
They sought to explain events with reason.
·  Democritus believed living things were made up tiny particles called atoms. This is still accepted today.
·  Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are famous philosophers that taught in Athens.
·  Socrates
o  Challenged the belief that nature was controlled by the gods
o  Arrested for dishonoring the gods
o  Sentenced to death
·  Plato
o  Student of Socrates
o  Lost faith in democracy after Socrates was executed
o  Believed society should be made up of workers, soldiers, and philosopher-rulers
o  Founded school and taught Aristotle
·  Aristotle
o  Believed reason should guide the pursuit of knowledge
o  Founded a school called The Lyceum
Key Idea: The arts flourished during the Golden Age of Ancient Greece.
·  The Parthenon
o  Temple to Athena
o  Housed a 40ft. statue of Athena
o  Sculpted ideal scenes- pictures of perfection
o  Showed balance an order / Dramas/ Plays
·  Performed in outdoor theatres
·  Tragedies
o  ended in disaster
·  Comedies
o  made fun or people or joked about customs