At the Meeting of the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority, held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, at 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.
Present: James Parham, Jr., Chairman
Robin Whitman, Vice-Chairman
Haywood Brown
Len Hobbs
Herbert Lewis
Walter D. Rook, Jr.
Natalie Slate
Also Present: Brenda Parson, Treasurer
Tricia Lewis
Absent: Butler Barrett, Attorney
Traci Morris
Mr. Parham called the meeting to order.
In Re: Approval of Agenda
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda with one added item: add Closed Session to discuss Industrial Development Matters.
Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to approve the agenda with one addition.
In Re: Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the minutes of July 22, 2015, if no corrections were to be made.
Mrs. Whitman noted that she was not present at the last meeting and under return to regular session she was noted and Mr. Brown under roll call was noted as Herbert Brown instead of Herbert Lewis.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, with all voting aye, to approve the minutes with the noted changes.
In Re: Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the Treasurer's Reports for July and August 2015 if no corrections were to be made.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to approve the Treasurer’s Reports.
In Re: Closed Session
Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended going into Closed Session, Section2.1-344 (a) 5) Legal Matters.
Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, to go into Closed Session.
In Re: Regular Session
Mr. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, to go into regular session.
In Re: Certification of Closed Session – Resolution #16-03
Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, to adopt the following Resolution. A roll call vote was taken, as follows: James Parham, Jr., aye; Haywood Brown, aye; Len Hobbs, aye; Herbert Lewis, aye; Walter Rook, Jr., aye and Robin Whitman, aye.
WHEREAS, the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority.
In Re: Last Chance Hunt Club Lease Renewal
Mrs. Slate stated that Last Chance Hunt Club had been renting the cabin and the hunting rights on the MAMaC Site. She stated that since they built their own cabin they were no longer renting the cabin but would like to continue to rent the land. She also stated that they had added more land to the lease, of course with an added cost, they had paid in full.
Mrs. Whitman asked if that was a revocable lease should a client decide to locate their business on that land. Mrs. Slate stated that the hunt club was aware that should a client locate during the middle of hunting season their dues would be prorated and a refund given. She stated that the same would apply to the farmers, only they would be paid a rate for their crops.
Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Hobbs, with all voting aye, to approve the Last Chance Hunt Club Lease Renewal.
In Re: Jarratt-Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal
Mrs. Slate stated that they lease the property that was east of the swamp and there would be no conflict within the two clubs. She stated that they had different access points to the property.
Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, with all voting aye, to approve the Jarratt-Chuckatuck Hunt Club Lease Renewal.
In Re: Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Hobbs, with all voting aye, to adjourn the meeting.
Natalie B. Slate, Secretary