GFWC Advancement Area Report
Membership DepartmentPalomar District Year completed: 2012
Chairman’s Name: Rosalia Zamora
Palomar District is a medium size district in southern California. There are twelve clubs and two affiliate clubs in North San Diego County area that include several rural areas from Julian and Poway to Fallbrook and Oceanside. Seven clubs submitted their narrative report and two provided their statistical report form. Club addresses or links to available websites for each club are listed on our district website. We have also received support for our fundraising from the public because of the district and club websites.
Palomar District adopted the GFWC California Federation of Women’s Clubs Mission Statement. In addition, our goals of the district and the Fundraising Program are to: UNITE at meetings, fundraisers, events and our annual convention and through our Club Newsletters: and PROMOTE GFWC and CFWC endorsed Community Service Projects and membership recruit/retain/orientation ideas as well as attending the area membership conference each year; OFFER TRAINING for members in club management and GFWC Year-end Report Completion; and RECOGNIZE the accomplishments of our members at the annual Arts Festival, District Convention and CFWC Convention.
District Chairman Activities:
This chairman formed a Fundraising Committee of nine members, which included the district president and the district treasurer. “We coordinated the event and raised funds for the District Art Festival (reported in the Arts Department), two Bunco parties, and a Salute to Women Veterans luncheon. All of these events were fundraisers. We also had a “Fundraising Table” at each district event that is explained later on in this narrative report. We continued to work by committee structure with the Executive Board. This proved to be very effective because of good communication not only with the district officers but also the clubs. My favorite phrase to close the fundraisers was: “Sing, Dance, Be Happy, and Wear Red Lipstick!” That usually got a chuckle or a smile from the audience.
Fundraisers were promoted via e-mail to the newsletter editors, club presidents, club deans and club treasurers. They, in turn, were asked to forward the information to their club members. A presentation and announcement was given at every district meeting. Newsletter articles were included in the district newsletter. General information and reservation forms were posted on the district website. Bulletins were prepared and included information from the federation websites. A Certificate of Recognition was given to the first place awards at the annual District Convention. This district chairman was selected by her peers for special recognition at the Area D conference for overall support of district activities.
A fundraising Procedure Book was developed and saved for future use. This procedure book included everything from beginning to ends as well as a proposed budget for each event. The proposed budget and other information are updated regularly. This procedure book was not only in paper form but also saved in an electronic file.
The purpose of our fundraising efforts was to raise money for the district officers to attend and support state board meetings, conferences, and other federated events as well as for our LEADS candidate. Also, a fund was set aside for district chairmen’s expenses, district insurance, newsletter and yearbook.
The following fundraisers helped to defray most of these expenses:
Bunco Parties Vol. Hours: 40 $ Raised: $1,587 In-Kind Donations: $910
We held two Bunco parties, one in March and another in August. These events were held at a woman’s clubhouse for the purpose of bringing together members for “fun”raising parties. Opportunity baskets were donated by three clubs at each event. We raised money from ticket sales and the opportunity basket drawings. The members brought finger-sandwiches and petite desserts. Three guests saw a flyer on our district website and after the Bunco, they joined clubs in our district! We all laughed, shared jokes, got a little bit of physical exercise, met new friends and enjoyed our afternoon.
Salute to Women Veterans Vol. Hours: 120 $ Raised: $1,421 In-Kind Donations: $500
A luncheon was held to honor three Rosie the Riveter and nine women veterans, ages ranging from 40 to 90. They each introduced themselves, shared their memories and stories, and brought storyboards with photos. A special amenity was provided for each of them. We had speakers from Camp Pendleton’s Wounded Warriors and the Veterans Association of North County as they shared stories of the marines in the WW program as well as the types of services available to veterans in our communities. Opportunity Baskets were donated by five clubs as well as table favors. We sang the table blessing The Collect for Clubwomen a capella. Overall, the event was very patriotic and inspiring.
District Yearbook Ads Vol. Hours: 150 $ Raised: $300 In-Kind Donations: $25
To offset printing costs of the district yearbook, ads were sold to clubs, members and businesses.
Fundraising Table Vol. Hours: 80 $ Raised: $250 In-Kind Donations: $50
At every district meeting and district event, we have one or two tables staffed with a committee member who sells greeting cards, pens, cookbooks, children’s books and stickers, jewelry and a variety of other things that a clubwoman would need or use. We also have a committee member who collects new door prize donations throughout the year and if we don’t use them as a door prize, they are for sale at this table.
Palomar District Fundraising Narrative-2012