Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
September / Unit 1 MULTI-CULTURAL SOCIETY – Best of British / Teenagers in Britain
+ Discussion box
(p. 6)
Teenagers in Ireland (p. 8)
What do you think about England?
(p. 9)
Cultural influences
+ Discussion box
(p. 12)
Extract from Ruby Tanya (p. 14)
Explosive message
(p. 16): Multiple choice cloze / Describing teenagers in Britain (p. 7)
Interviews with foreigners in Britain
(p. 9) / The schwa (p. 11)
Talking about statistics (p. 13)
Discussing refugees and asylum seekers (p. 15) / Text: Write a text about yourself (p. 7)
Text: Write a paragraph about foreign culture (p. 16)
Email: Write an email
(p. 17) / Turkey today (p. 18): Multiple choice cloze / Grammar:
Present simple vs. present continuous (Review) (p. 7)
Present perfect simple with for and since (Review) (p. 10)
Present perfect simple with just, already, yet, and still
(p. 10)
Present perfect simple with for, since, yet, and already
(p. 10)
Grammar for communication:
How long…? questions
(p. 11) / Into Literature:
Ruby Tanya by Robert Swindells
(p. 14/15)
Into Music:
Common People by Pulp (p. 17) (DVD)
Giving statistics and making generalisations
(p. 8)
Making new friends (p. 11)
Expressions about / in Britain (p. 19)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
October / Unit 2 COMMUNICATION – Ways of talking / Sharing Silence
+ Discussion box
(p. 20)
Wordsmithery (p. 28) / Sharing Silence
(p. 21)
Presentation about how to communicate with deaf people (p. 21)
Interview about body language (p. 25): Multiple choice / Saying a monologue (p. 27)
Sentence stress: rhythm in questions
(p. 29) / Text: Write a text about a person you have known for a long time (p. 24)
Email: Write an email
(p. 30) / Word formation
(p. 32) / Grammar:
Past simple vs. present perfect simple (p. 22/23)
Time expressions (p.22)
Grammar for communication:
present perfect simple with just (p. 23) / Into Culture:
+ Discussion box
(p. 28/29)
Into Film:
Children of a Lesser God
+ Film work: Shots
(p. 31) (DVD)
Body language (p. 25)
say and tell (p. 26)
Phrases with talk and speak (p. 33)
October / November / Unit 3 RELATIONSHIPS (1) – A true friend / Old Shep (p. 34/35)
Are you a loyal friend? (p. 38)
Hugs (p. 40): Completing sentences using a maximum of 4 words
Extract from girls in love (p. 43) / Old Shep (p. 35)
Discussion about a questionnaire (p. 39)
Discussion about a book (p. 42)
Different opinions about best friends
(p. 44) / Expressing opinions (p. 42) / Email: Write four emails (p. 41)
Story: Rewrite a story (p. 41) / Gapped sentences
(p. 46) / Grammar:
Past simple vs. past continuous (p. 36)
Time conjunctions: as / then / as soon as (p.36)
Past simple vs. past perfect simple (p. 37)
Grammar for communication:
Past simple and past continuous(p. 36) / Into Literature:
Girls in love by Jaqueline Wilson
(p. 43)
Into Music:
Wannabe by Spice Girls (p. 45) (DVD)
Are you a loyal friend?
(p. 38/39)
Friends (p. 47)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
November / December / Unit 4 TRAVEL (1) – Great adventures / Britain's solo sailor
+ Discussion box
(p. 48/49)
Space tourists
+ Discussion box
(p. 52)
Hannah’s email to a friend (p. 55)
Going it Alone
(p. 56/57): Answer questions using a maximum of 4 words / Interview with Ellen MacArthur (p. 50): Multiple choice
Interview about a gap year (p. 54) / Interviews (p. 54/55)
Giving a presentation (p. 58)
gonna vs. going to
(p. 51) / Email: Write an informal email (p. 55) / Key word transformations
(p. 60) / Grammar:
Future (Review) (p. 50/51)
Grammar for communication:
Travel words and prepositions (p. 53) / Into Culture:
Going it Alone
+ Discussion box
(p. 56/57)
Into Film:
Monty Python “The Kilimanjaro Expedition” + Film work: Camerawork (p. 59) (DVD)
Travel (p. 53, 61)
Movement (p. 57)
December / Unit 5 TECHNOLOGY – Live forever / Intelligent machines
+ Discussion box
(p. 62/63): Choosing the correct heading
Will computers ever be more intelligent than people? (p. 68)
Extract from Feed
(p. 70/71): T / F / NG / Interviews about how to live longer (p. 63)
Interview with an expert on old age (p. 65)
Debate about space programmes (p. 69)
Extract from Feed
(p. 71) / A debate (p. 69, 71) / Essay: Write an essay on intelligent computers (p. 68)
Letter: Write a letter of application (p. 72) / Cloze text (p. 74) / Grammar:
Future predictions (p. 64/65)
First conditional (Review),
if and unless (p. 66) / INTO Literature:
Feed by M.T. Anderson (p. 70/71)
INTO Music:
Live forever by Oasis (p. 73) (DVD)
Time conjunctions: if / unless / when / until / as soon as
(p. 66/67)
Verbs with prepositions
(p. 67)
Verbs + prepositions: with / for / about (p. 75)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
January / Unit 6 MEDIA – Reality TV / Reality TV – a real problem?
+ Discussion box
(p. 76/77): Multiple choice
Cave people coming our way (p. 82)
Big Brother Worldwide (p. 84/85): Putting chunks back in / Interview with a psychologist about reality TV (p. 80)
Conversation about reality TV (p. 83) / Telling an anecdote (p. 83) / Article: Write a magazine article about a new reality show (p. 82)
Story: Write a story of how you survived on a desert island (p.82)
Article: Write an article about a TV programme (p. 86) / Text correction
(p. 88) / Grammar:
make / let / be allowed to
(p. 78)
Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and permission
(p. 80/81)
Grammar for communication:
make / let / be allowed to
(p. 78) / Into Culture:
Big Brother Worldwide
(p. 84/85)
Into Film:
American Dreamz
+ Film work: Mise-en-scène: Body language (p. 87) (DVD)
Collocations with on
(p. 77/78)
Television (p. 79)
Extreme adjectives and modifiers (p. 81, 89)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
January / February / Unit 7 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT – Campaigning for Survival / Tribes In Danger
+ Discussion box
(p. 90): Choosing the correct heading
Letter to a newspaper (p. 96)
Extract from Flush
(p. 98)
Review of another novel by Hiaasen
(p. 99) / Opinions on the building of a new Olympic water sports centre
(p. 93, 97): Matching sentence halves
Conversation about Carl Hiaasen (p. 99)
Five short recordings (p. 100) / Role-play (p. 97)
Presentation about being eco-friendly (p. 99) / Letter: Write a letter to a politician (p. 96) / Dinosaur planet (p. 102): Multiple choice cloze
Word formation
(p. 102) / Grammar:
Present passive and past passive (Review) (p. 91)
Causative have (have something done) (p. 91/92)
Present perfect passive
(p. 94)
Future passive (p. 95)
Grammar for communication:
Future passive (p. 96) / Into Literature:
Flush by Carl Hiaasen
(p. 98/99)
Into Music:
We are the champions by Robbie Williams
(p. 101) (DVD)
make and do (p. 93)
Expressions with make
(p. 103)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
February / Unit 8 MORAL ISSUES – Good and evil / Summaries of The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Faust, Frankenstein, Dracula (p. 104/105)
The writing’s on the wall (p. 112) / Conversation about a video game (p. 108)
Description of a picture (p. 111)
Interview with a film critic about monsters in films (p. 114): Completing sentences using a maximum of 4 words / Describing a picture (p. 111)
Stress in nouns, adjectives and verbs (p. 109) / Essay: Write an essay
(p. 113) / Good guys and bad guys (p. 109): Word formation
Gapped sentences
(p. 116)
Open cloze (p. 116) / Grammar:
Verbs + gerunds (p. 106)
Verbs + infinitives (p. 106)
Verbs with gerunds; verbs with infinitives (p. 107)
Verbs with gerunds or infinitives (p. 110)
Grammar for communication:
Gerunds and infinitives with like, hate, remember and start (p. 110) / Into Culture:
The Writing's on the Wall
+ Discussion box
(p. 112/113)
Into Film:
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1932) vs. (1941)
+ Film work: Genre
(p. 115) (DVD)
Noun suffixes (p. 108/109)
Belonging to a group (p. 113)
Noun suffixes: -ity / -ment /
-ness / -ion / -ation (p. 117)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
March / Unit 9 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT – Getting into trouble / Are you really honest? (p. 118)
Extract from Nicholas Dane (p. 126)
Texts about two other books on boot camps (p. 127) / Conversation about getting into trouble
(p. 118)
Radio show about crimes (p. 121)
Two jokes (p. 125)
Extract from Nicholas Dane (p. 127) / Asking a partner hypothetical questions (p. 120)
Telling a joke (p. 125)
Discussion about boot camps (p. 127) / Letter: Write a letter to a newspaper (p.124)
Essay: Write an essay
(p. 128) / Key word transformation
(p. 130)
Text correction
(p. 130) / Grammar:
Second conditional (Review) (p. 119, 120)
First conditional vs. second conditional (p. 119)
I wish / if only (p. 123/124)
Grammar for communication:
I wish / if only (p. 124) / Into Literature:
Nicholas Dane by Melvin Burgess
(p. 126/127)
Into Music:
Don’t worry, be happy by Bobby McFerrin
(p. 129) (DVD)
Crime (p. 122)
Crimes (p. 131)
April / Unit 10 SOCIETY – Two sides to every story / The making of The Beach (p. 132/133)
Tourism and culture (p. 140/141)
Is Tourism Bad for the Environment? (p. 141)
Film Review Conspiracy Theory
(p. 142) / Radio show about the moon landing (p. 136)
Discussion about a conspiracy theory
(p. 139) / Talking about the moon landing (p. 136)
Discussions about conspiracy theories (p. 139) / Essay: Write an essay
(p. 141) / True lies (p. 144): Multiple choice cloze
A lucky escape? (p. 144): Word formation / Grammar:
Linkers of contrast: however / although / even though / in spite of / despite (p. 134/135)
Modal verbs of deduction (present) (p. 136/137)
Grammar for communication:
linkers of contrast (p. 135) / INTO Culture:
Tourism and culture
+ Discussion box
(p. 140/141)
INTO Film:
The Beach
+ Film work: Sound
(p. 143) (DVD)
Problems (p. 138)
Talking about problems
(p. 145)
Receptive Skills / Productive Skills
Reading / Listening / Speaking and Pronunciation / Writing / Language in use / Grammar & Lexical Structures (Vocabulary) / Special focus
May / Unit 11 TRAVEL (2) – Mysterious places / No One Knows Why They're There + Discussion box
(p. 146/147)
Extract from Cosmic (p. 154/155) / Interview about Seahenge (p. 149): Matching sentence halves
Report about the discovery of Machu Picchu (p. 151)
Conversation about Frank Cottrell Boyce (p. 155): Answering questions using a maximum of 4 words / A presentation
(p. 152/153)
Discussion about things you expect from your parents (p. 155)
must have / might have / can't have / could have / couldn't have (p. 150) / Email: Write an email (p. 155)
Story: Write a story beginning or ending with “And then the phone rang.” (p. 156) / Gapped sentences
(p. 158)
Open cloze (p. 158) / Grammar:
Indirect questions (p. 148)
Indirect questions and auxiliaries (p. 148)
Modals of deduction (past)
(p. 149/150)
Grammar for communication:
Indirect questions (p. 148) / IntoLiterature:
Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce
(p. 154/155)
Road to Nowhere by Talking Heads (p. 157) (DVD)
Phrasal verbs (p. 151)
Phrasal verbs with up / into / down (p. 159)
June / Unit 12 RELATIONSHIPS (2) – Love / The Gift of the Magi + Discussion box
(p. 160/161)
Wedding Ceremonies (p. 168/169):
T / F / NG
Romeo & Juliet – the greatest love story of all time (p. 170): Multiple choice / A synopsis of the film The English Patient
(p. 164)
Five poems (p. 167) / Describing a famous person (p. 163)
Describing the appearance and personality of people in your family (p. 164)
Reading aloud
(p. 167) / Essay: Write an essay about a person who has taught you a lot
(p. 166) / Multiple choice cloze (p. 164)
Word formation
(p. 169)
Key word transformation
(p. 172)
Text correction
(p. 172) / Grammar:
Reported statements (Review) (p. 162)
Reported questions (Review) (p. 162)
Reporting verbs (p. 165) / INTO Culture:
Wedding Ceremonies + Discussion box
(p. 168/169)
INTO Film:
Love Actually
+ Film work: Editing – cuts (p. 171) (DVD)
Appearance (p. 163)
Personality (p. 163/164)
Relationships (p. 166, 173)
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