Unit 4 Overview: World War I
(Chapters 10-1,10-4,14-1,14-2,14-3)
To study this unit you will:
1. Create charts/concept maps to answer 4-1 and 4-3
2. Write an essay using cited textual evidence to answer 4-2 (must be typed)
3. Continue reading journals for the 6 assigned sections
- Label the notes with the section number (example 6-4) and the section title “The Age of Napoleon”
- Identify the essential question that this reading is going to help you answer by writing that entire essential question on the line below your section number and section title
- Write the following title (Demonstrate Comprehension)
- Now summarize the main idea of the section (pre-read the section headings to get a sense for what this will be – That’s what they’re there for!)
- Now summarize the key supporting details of the section being careful to define any buildings blocks in that section. (this is really your notes)
- Write the following title (Apply the reading)
- Now discuss how you will use what you read to help answer the essential question.
4. Complete strategic readings on the 5 documents attached to this packet.
Vocab / Book Definition / Student friendly definition / Context: How is it related to the EQ / Forms of this word you’ll encounterAnnex
Document 1
Author: Otto Von Bismarck
Title: “Blood and Iron Speech”
Date: 1862
Prussia's borders according to the Vienna Treaties [of 1814-15] are not favorable for a healthy, vital state; it is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided – that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by iron and blood.
Source: / Audience: / Genre:Summarize the central idea and supporting details / Exhibit critical insights (comment on such things as POV, credibility, evidentiary support etc.)
What critical questions came to mind as you read this document?
Apply the document to a larger issue or another text you have read.
What was the purpose of this document?
Document 2:
Author: German Imperial Chancellor, von Bethmann-Hollweg,
Title: Telegram to the German Ambassador at Vienna
Date: July 6, 1914
Berlin, July 6, 1914
Confidential. For Your Excellency's personal information and guidance
The Austro-Hungarian Ambassador yesterday delivered to the Emperor a confidential personal letter from the Emperor Francis Joseph, which depicts the present situation from the Austro-Hungarian point of view, and describes the measures which Vienna has in view. A copy is now being forwarded to Your Excellency.
I replied to Count Szagyeny today on behalf of His Majesty that His Majesty sends his thanks to the Emperor Francis Joseph for his letter and would soon answer it personally. In the meantime His Majesty desires to say that he is not blind to the danger which threatens Austria-Hungary and thus the Triple Alliance as a result of the Russian and Serbian Pan-Slavic agitation. Even though His Majesty is known to feel no unqualified confidence in Bulgaria and her ruler, and naturally inclines more to ward our old ally Rumania and her Hohenzollern prince, yet he quite understands that the Emperor Francis Joseph, in view of the attitude of Rumania and of the danger of a new Balkan alliance aimed directly at the Danube Monarchy, is anxious to bring about an understanding between Bulgaria and the Triple alliance [...]. His Majesty will, further more, make an effort at Bucharest, according to the wishes of the Emperor Francis Joseph, to influence King Carol to the fulfilment of the duties of his alliance, to the renunciation of Serbia, and to the suppression of the Rumanian agitations directed against Austria-Hungary.
Finally, as far as concerns Serbia, His Majesty, of course, cannot interfere in the dispute now going on between Austria-Hungary and that country, as it is a matter not within his competence. The Emperor Francis Joseph may, however, rest assured that His Majesty will faithfully stand by Austria-Hungary, as is required by the obligations of his alliance and of his ancient friendship.
Source: / Audience: / Genre:Summarize the central idea and supporting details / Exhibit critical insights (comment on such things as POV, credibility, evidentiary support etc.)
What critical questions came to mind as you read this document?
Apply the document to a larger issue or another text you have read.
What was the purpose of this document?
Document 3:
Author: Black Hand Organization,
Title: By-Laws of the Organization: Union or Death,
Date: May 9 1911
ARTICLE 1. This organization is created for the purpose of realizing the national ideal: the union of all Serbs. Membership is open to every Serb, without distinction of sex, religion, or place of birth, and to all those who are sincerely devoted to this cause.
ARTICLE 2. This organization prefers terrorist action to intellectual propaganda, and for this reason it must remain absolutely secret.
ARTICLE 4. To fulfill its purpose, the organization will do the following:..2. Organize revolutionary action in all territories inhabited by Serbs; 3. Beyond the frontiers of Serbia, fight with all means the enemies of the Serbian national idea…
ARTICLE 30. On entering the organization, each member must know that he loses his own personality, that he can expect neither personal glory nor personal profit, material or moral. Consequently, any member who endeavors to exploit the organization for personal, social, or party motives, will be punished. If by his acts he harms the organization itself, his punishment will be death.
Source: / Audience: / Genre:Summarize the central idea and supporting details / Exhibit critical insights (comment on such things as POV, credibility, evidentiary support etc.)
What critical questions came to mind as you read this document?
Apply the document to a larger issue or another text you have read.
What was the purpose of this document?
Document 4:
Author: German Ambassador to St. Petersburg
Title: German Declaration of War on Russia
Date: August 1, 1914
The Imperial German Government have used every effort since the beginning of the crisis to bring about a peaceful settlement. In compliance with a wish expressed to him by His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, the German Emperor had undertaken, in concert with Great Britain, the part of mediator between the Cabinets of Vienna and St. Petersburg; but Russia, without waiting for any result, proceeded to a general mobilization of her forces both on land and sea. In consequence of this threatening step, which was not justified by any military proceedings on the part of Germany, the German Empire was faced by a grave and imminent danger. If the German Government had failed to guard against this peril, they would have compromised the safety and the very existence of Germany. The German Government were, therefore, obliged to make representations to the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias and to insist upon a cessation of the aforesaid military acts. Russia having refused to comply with [not having considered it necessary to answer] this demand, and having shown by this refusal [this attitude] that her action was directed against Germany, I have the honour, on the instructions of my Government, to inform your Excellency as follows: --
His Majesty the Emperor, my august Sovereign, in the name of the German Empire, accepts the challenge, and considers himself at war with Russia.
Source: / Audience: / Genre:Summarize the central idea and supporting details / Exhibit critical insights (comment on such things as POV, credibility, evidentiary support etc.)
What critical questions came to mind as you read this document?
Apply the document to a larger issue or another text you have read.
What was the purpose of this document?
Document 5:
Author: Historian Roland N. Stromberg
Title: Europe in the Twentieth Century
Date: 1996
The states of Europe were like individuals living in a primeval state of nature marked by incessant strife between one and another. They acknowledged no higher authority that might have forced them to keep the peace. What was called "international law" was not in fact binding on them, being backed by no more than a moral or customary sanction. More and more people had acquired a larger stake in defending the state. This was the natural result of democratization and increase in wealth….All over Europe, 1914 was to prove that the masses as well as the classes were militantly patriotic when they thought their country was being attacked….Huge cheering crowds surrounded the Kaiser, stood outside Buckingham Palace, saluted departing French troops at the railroad stations, made love publicly in St. Petersburg….It was with exultation, not sorrow, that the peoples of Europe greeted the war, a fact that in the last analysis may go farther to explain its coming than all the details of diplomacy….
Source: / Audience: / Genre:Summarize the central idea and supporting details / Exhibit critical insights (comment on such things as POV, credibility, evidentiary support etc.)
What critical questions came to mind as you read this document?
Apply the document to a larger issue or another text you have read.
What was the purpose of this document?