Background about Yucatan upwelling
The passage connecting the Caribbean Sean and the Gulf of Mexico is known as the Yucatan Channel or the Straits of Yucatan. Strong currents (170cm s-1 at 6.3m depth, Pillsbury, 1890) flows on the western side of the channel and southerly flows on the eastern side of the channel (Ochoa et al, 2001). The northward flow on the western side is now known as the Yucatan Current, and the southward flow on the eastern side was named the Cuban Countercurrent (Emilsson 1971; Ochoa et al. 2001). Underneath the Yucatan Current there is a southward Yucatan Undercurrent that is an important part of the upwelling mechanism at the Campeche Bank (Merino 1997; Ochoa et al. 2001).
US scientists (Cochrane 1966, 1968, 1969; Ruiz 1979) and Soviet-Cuban expeditions (Belousov et al. 1966; Bogodanov et al. 1968; Bessonov et al. 1971; Bulanienkov and Garcia 1973) reported upwelling along the eastern edge of the Yucatan Shelf years ago (Merino 1997). However, most of their data were published in reports that are not readily accessible in the scientific literature. International efforts to study the Yucatan Shelf were scarce after 1973 because Mexico claimed this area during the International Conference on the Law of the Sea as part of the Mexican Exclusive Economic zone (Merino 1997).
Because the current is on a western boundary and for other reasons, scientists thought that wind-driven divergence might not be an important mechanism for upwelling in the Yucatan region (Merino 1997). Cochrane (1968, 1969) suggested that bottom friction of the strong Yucatan Current against the slope on the eastern edge of the Yucatan Shelf caused the upwelling instead. Another possible mechanism was proposed by Garcia (1990), who speculated that the upwelling is a result of interactions between the Yucatan Current and the countercurrent that Bulaniekov and Garcia (1973) found (Merino 1997).
Merino (1997) used hydrographic data from four cruises to study upwelling on the Yucatan Shelf and to describe its structure. Subsurface Caribbean water from depths of 220-250 m upwelled at about 10-2 cm s-1 along the eastern slope of the Yucatan Shelf into the euphotic zone, but it rarely broke the sea surface. It was characterized by temperatures of 16 to 20°C and salinity of 36.1 to 36.5. The upwelling appeared to have a seasonal cycle. During spring and summer, the upwelled water created a two-layered column over the Yucatan Shelf. Because there was strong stratification between the Caribbean Surface Water and the upwelled water, the two layers did not mix easily until the winter months, when there were periods of northern winds.
The strength of the upwelling process along the eastern portion of the Campeche Bank seems to depend largely on changes in the intensity of the Yucatan Current (Cochrane, 1966; Merino, 1997). However, the local wind may play and indirect role on the Yucatan upwelling intensity and variability by inducing high-frequency variations in the current strength (Merino, 1997). Once the upwelled water intrudes over the shelf, the wind can also induce longshore upwelling of this water along the north coast of Yucatan during spring and summer, as proposed by Ruiz (1979). This process is likely to enhance the fertilizing effect of the Yucatan upwelling, a possibility supported by the existence of high surface chlorophyll bands along the north coast of the peninsula (Espinosa, 1989; Merino,1992).
Zavala-Hidalgo et al (2006) had observed strong and persistent upwelling favorable winds prevailed during the year on the Campeche Bank, but cooler coastal water along the north of the Yucatan Peninsula is only observed from May to August, with a peak in July. The cold water could be found at the surface along the coast of Yucatan. Chl-a maximum was also observed in summer. A probable explanation is that most of the high-nutrient content waters on the Campeche Bank come from the East, along the shelf break, where relatively low-temperature and nutrient-rich water is lifted due to the Yucatan Current (Merino, 1997). Once on the shelf, the cold water near the bottom moves westward and southward due to the wind stress and upwelling circulation until it reaches the surface, just offshore. In summer, the water column on the shelf is stratified, maintaining the cold nutrient-rich water below the relatively thin-surface mixed layer, except near the coastline, where it is upwelled. During autumn and winter, the atmospheric cold fronts mix the entire water column over the shelf, increasing the chla concentration in the middle and outer shelf. This process may consume a fraction of the nutrients in the water column, generating a deficit in the bottom water that moves onshore and eventually reaches the photic zone. This scenario explains the winter negative anomaly of chla concentration near the coastline and the positive anomaly off the coast (Zavala-Hidalgo et al, 2006).
Luis et al (2004) studied the structural variations of phytoplankton in the coastal seas of Yucatan in the northwind season (late fall to winter). They separated the study region into three sub–zones, including the west (Campeche), north (Yucatan) and east (Quintana Roo). The hydrographic results showed the Campeche zone as having the lowest salinity (<35 psu) values, as well as the highest inorganic nutrient and chl a values, all of which are related to continental water contributions. The Yucatan zone had the lowest temperatures and the lowest inorganic nutrient values, indicating influence from the Yucatan Current and the Gulf of Mexico. Quintana Roo had the highest temperature and salinity and intermediate nutrient. Phytoplankton exhibited greater concentration richness, equitability and diversity in Campeche, then Yucatan zone, while the lowest community structure values were had in the Quintana Roo zone. The study also showed that the Campeche was the most disturbed and heterogeneous zone and Quintana Roo with the least heterogeneity.
Melo Conzalez et al (2000) studied the near-surface phytoplankton distribution in the western Intra-Americas Sea by CZCS. They found that the Campeche bank off the Yucatan Peninsula, shows high pigment concentrations year-round. This upwelling zone frequently spans over 300km along the Yucatan Peninsula and reaches 100km offshore. The CZCS show shows a gradient ranging from the low values of offshore surface waters typical of the Caribbean Sea of <0.12mg m-3(Muller-Karger et al, 1991), to more than 2 mg m-3 off Cabo Catoche.
North of Cabo Catoche, a cyclonic gyre formation marks the area of most intensive upwelling (Perez et al ,1999). There was a quasipermanent frontal zone existing northeast of Cabo Catoche, parallel to the eastern shelf break of the Yucatan Peninsula (Perez et al, 1996). Northeast of Cabo Catoche were found elevated concentrations of Chla, organic particulate matter, and phytoplankton around the forntal zone in summer. The most abundant phytoplankton species in July 1994 was the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea. While dinoflagellates dominated at all stations, their abundance was greatest at the convergence zone. In March 1995, even higher suspended organic matter concentration was detected near the front. Diatoms, particularly Thalassiosira subtilis, dominated at the forntal zone relative to adjacent waters. [Perez et al, 1996]
The cause of the upwelling phenomenon along the eastern Yucatan shelf may be the interaction of the geostrophic flow of the Yucatan Current with the bottom, resulting in bottom Ekman boundary layer of the sea with nutrients from the strata below the thermocline (Perez, 1999). Another forcing factor on the upper layer is the wind (Perez, 1999). Candela[1997] notes that measurements carried out in the Yucatan channel show that the average wind stress in the area has a component from the south. That would cause the surface Ekman transport to move water away from the shelf, and the waters from lower layers would be forced toward the surface as a consequence of the resulting surface divergence. (Perez, 1999)
The composition, abundance and distribution of Siphonopore fauna off the Yucan Peninsula and in the Mexican Caribbean Sea during summer 1984 and spring 1985 was described by Gascal and Suarezl (1991). The local distribution and abundance of siphonophores were found to be strongly influenced by upwellings, especially during the spring survey. Community analysis suggests that siphonophore populations around the upwellings are relatively homogeneous.
The composition, abundance and distribution of fish larvae and the role of seasonal upwelling in determining the distribution pattern of assemblages at the Yucatan shelf and in the Mexican Caribbean Sea were analyzed during the spring of 1985 (Sanchez and Flres, 1994). Under the dissimilarity index of Bray-Curtis, four assemblages were defined: East-Neritic, West-Neritic, south0Oceanic and North group. The composition and the distribution of these assemblages clearly correspond to the linking of the spawing strategies of the dominant fish species of each assemblage (location, timing and intensity) with the variaition of the mian physical factors in the area such as the Yucatan Current, the seasonal upwelling and the cyclonic eddy, which occurred during the study period. The great larval abundance of just a few species in the neritic assemblages over the Yucatan shelf seems to be a consequence of the upwelling fertilizing effect in this area.
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