1.Name:Oderinde, Olatundun Abosede (Mrs)
2.Department:Religious Studies
4.Date and Place of Birth:November 26, 1972/Imasayi, Yewa North
6.Marital Status: Married
7.Number of Children: Three (3)
8.Name and Address of Spouse:Mr. L.O. Oderinde
No 2, Mabinuori Street, Shangisha, Ketu, Lagos
9.Name and Address of Next of Kin:Same as above
10.Date of First Appointment with the University:2nd December, 1996
11.Status of First Appointment and Salary:Graduate Assistant
12.Present Position and Salary: Senior Lecturer-UASS 5/3
13.Date of Last Promotion:October 2010
14.Date of Confirmation of Appointment:15 Feb. 2005
15.If Not Confirmed, Why?Not Applicable
16.Period of Present Contract(s): Not Applicable
17Total Number of years of Teaching and Research
at the University:18 years (1996 to Date)
1.Academic Qualifications/Institutions Attended (With Dates):
(i)Ph.D Christian Studies (New Testament), Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos,
Nigeria, 2007.
(ii)M.A. Religious Studies (Christian Theology) University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria,2000.
(iii)PGD (Public Relations) Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria,1998.
(iv)B.A. (Hons) First Class (Religious Studies) Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria,1995.
(v)Diploma in Journalism, Times Journalism Institute, Lagos, Nigeria,1991.
2.Current High Degree Programme Registered For:Nil
3.Awards and Distinctions:
(i)Times Journalism Institute’s Prize for the 3rd Best Overall Diploma Student, 1991.
(ii)Best Graduating Student, Faculty of Arts, Ogun State University, 1995.
(iii)Best Graduating Student, Department of Religious Studies, Ogun State
University, 1995.
1.Previous Work Experience Outside the University System:
Teaching at Command Secondary School, Abakaliki (NYSC 1995 – 1996)
2. Previous work experience in other Universities: Nil
3.Details of Professional Experience at Olabisi Onabanjo University:
(i)Teaching Function:
(a)Courses Taught:
Harmattan Semester No. of Units
CRS 203: Biblical Greek Elementary3
CRS 225: Systematic Theology3
REL 337: Interactions of Religion2
Rain Semester
CRS 114: Biblical World of the New Testament3
CRS 118: Sources of Christianity2
CRS 204: Intermediate Greek3
CRS 426: The Literature and Theology of St. Luke3
Post Graduate Courses both Rain and Harmattan Semesters
CRS 820: Contextual Theology3
CRS 821: Christology and Soteriology3
CRS 824: Ecclesiology in Christian Thought3
CRS 827: Pauline Theology3
CRS 828: Advanced New Testament Greek3
CRS 829: Text and Theology of the Synoptic Gospels3
CRS 830: Literature and Theology of St. John3
CRS 833: Major Themes in Contemporary Biblical Scholarship3
(b)Postgraduate Supervision
a. Ogunsanya Emmanuel O. 12/05/214 , “ Feminism and its impact on the Pentecostal
Churches in Nigeria with Reference to the Foursquare Gospel”. Completed.
b. Ayorinde Michael A. 12/05/101 “The Spirit of Denominationalism among the Pentecostal
Churches in Ibadan”. Completed.
c. Edun Johnson A. 12/05/089 “Spiritual Gifts and their Theological Implication on the Expansion of the Baptist work in Abeokuta”. Completed.
d. Emmanuel Julius O. 12/05/041 “John 5:1-9 and the Concept of Miracle Water with Reference to Ariran Stream, Ikeji-Arakeji”. Completed.
e. Ibeaka, Susan N. 12/05/017 “ A comparative Study of Women Leadership Style in
the Baptist Convention and Redeemed Christian Church of God in Lagos State”. Completed
f. Ikpe, John A. 12/05/082 “ The Effects of Racial Discrimination and Gender Integration on Church Growth with Reference to the Apostolic Church (LAWNA TERRITORY),Lagos”. Completed.
g. James, Tayo O. 12/05/060 “ Biblical Standard of Modesty and Cultural Demand on YorubaWoman. An Exegesis of 1Peter 3:1-6”.Completed.
h. Anumah, Isaiah O. 12/05/033 “ First Fruit Sacrifice as Practiced Among Pentecostal Churches in Lagos. A Case Study of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)”.Completed.
a. Akinola, Olusanya 0905000842 “ Perception of the Nigerian Army Chaplaincy Lagos on Warfare in Relation to Deuteronomy 1:1 – 20”. On-going.
b.Alamu, S.S. 0705006498 “Christian Parenting and Child Training in Ephesian 6:4. Implications for the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Ibadan District”. On-going.
c. Bolaji Olugbenga D. 07/05/006549 “ The Concept of Shepherding in IPeter 5:1-4 and its Relevance to the Living Faith Church, Ibadan”.On-going.
ii.Research (Completed/On-going)
1. Modesty in 1 Pet.3:1-6 and Contemporary Yoruba Women Adornment(on-going).
The study examines the Biblical standard of Modesty in the book of 1 Pet. 3:1- 6 to determine what constitutes modesty in a constantly changing society.It highlights different forms of immodesty and the adverse effects among Yoruba women of Nigeria.
iii.Administrative Functions and Contributions to the University:
(a)Departmental Coordinator, Postgraduate programmes, 2014 – till date
(b)Business Manager, Departmental Editorial Board, Orisun: Journal of Religion and Human Values, 2002 till date
(c)Chairperson, Departmental Affiliation Committee 2007 – 2014
(d)Departmental Staff Librarian 1997 - 2014
(e)Departmental Examination Officer 2007 – 2011
(f)Departmental Staff Secretary 1999-2002
iv.Contribution to the Nation
NYSC at Command Secondary School, Abakaliki, 1995 – 1996
(a)National Association for the Promotion of Studies in Arts and Social Science (NAPSASS)
(b)National Association for the Study of Religions (NASR)
(c)Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians (CIRCLE)
(d)Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS)
(e)Society for Biblical Scholars (SBS)
i. Thesis/Dissertations:
1.Oderinde, O.A. (2007). Jesus Attitude to Women in Mark in Relation to Deeper Life Bible Church, Nigeria, A Ph.D Thesis submitted to the Department of Religions, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. .
2.Orebiyi, O.A (2000). Contextualization: A Synthesis of Communication and Theology. M.A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
3.Orebiyi, O.A. (1998). The Practice of Public Relations in a Local Government Set-up: A case study of Ijebu North Local Government, Ijebu-Igbo. A Dissertation submitted for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye.
ii.Books:One (1)
1.Oderinde, O.A. (2012). Gender Relations: Lessons from Jesus’ Relationship with Women in Mark. Ibadan: Korem Prints (ISBN: 978-978-50622-8-1),1-168.
iv.Journal Articles:Nineteen (19)
**1.Oderinde, O.A. (2014). “Ethical Misconduct Among Nigerian Church Leaders in the Context of 1Timothy 3:1-7” Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences,International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, New York, 4(17):27-32.
**2.Oderinde, O.A. (2014). “The Religio-Cultural Context of Girl-Child Trafficking in Nigeria”Review of European Studies, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 6(1):190-195.
**3.Oderinde, O.A.(2013). “A Socio-Religious Perspective of Late Marriage and Stigmatization of Single Adults and its Impact on the Church in Nigeria” Review of European Studies, Canadian Center of Science and Education,5(4): 165-171.
**4.Oderinde, O.A. & Onojobi, T. (2013). “A Narrative of Identity in Marcan and Franco- African Women Studies” Asia-African Journal of Mission and Ministry, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 7:84-100.
(Oderinde,50% contribution).
**5.Oderinde, O.A. (2013). “Physical and Spiritual Purity as Basis for Healing and Holiness in Mark 7:1-7” Ghana Bulletin of Theology, A Journal of Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon, 4: 72-87.
**6.Oderinde, O.A. (2011). “The Lore of Religious Festivals among the Yoruba and Its Social Relevance” LUMINA, A Refereed, Interdisciplinary, Research and Scholarly Journal of the Holy Name University, Philippines 22(2): 229-236
*7.Oderinde, O.A. (2011). “ The Church and Environmental Degradation: A Re-reading of Luke12:42-48”Journal of Philosophy and Development,Department of Philosophy, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye,12(1&2):134-142.
8.Oderinde, O.A. (2010). “Mark 1:29-34 And Its Implication For Gender Relations In the Church Today” Journal of Philosophy and Development, Department of Philosophy, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, 11(1&2): 62-72.
9.Oderinde, O.A. (2010). “John the Baptist’s Message of Repentance and the Re-Branding Nigeria Project: A Re-Reading of Luke 3:7-14” African Journal of Biblical Studies, Department of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan,XXVIII (I) :72- 83.
**10.Oderinde, O.A. (2010). “Peter’s Teaching on Leadership: An Examination of I Peter 5:1- 3 in Nigerian Context” LUMINA, A Refereed, Interdisciplinary, Research and Scholarly Journal of the Holy Name University, Philippines, 21(1): 151-157.
11.Oderinde, O.A. (2009). “The Power that Sets Free: An Analysis of Mark 5:25-34 with Reference to the Essence of Christianity” Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan XLI (I) :113-125.
12.Oderinde, O.A. (2009). “The Church and the Development of Christian Youths: A Contextual Analysis of Titus 2:6-8” African Journal of Biblical Studies, Department of Religious Studies,University of Ibadan,XXVII(I):54-63.
13.Oderinde, O.A. (2008). “Promoting Corruption through Favouritism: James 2:15 and Its Implications for the Contemporary Church” Orisun: Journal of Religion and Human Values. Department of Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, 6&7:79-88.
14.Oderinde, O.A. (2007). “Bent Under Affliction: Luke 13:10-17 & Its Implications For Women’s Health in Nigeria” in Insight Journal of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Babcock University, Ilishan- Remo, Ogun State,3(1): 20- 37.
15.Oderinde, O.A. (2004). “Issue in Women Leadership Styles: An Exegetical Study of John 2:1-5” Insight Journal of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Babcock University, Ilishan- Remo, Ogun State, 1(2&3):121-128.
16.Oderinde, O.A. (2004). “The Role of Theological Institutions in Understanding and Managing HIV/AIDS Crisis in Nigeria” Orisun: Journal of Religion and Human Values, Department of Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, 2&3:145- 154.
17.Oderinde, O.A. (2003). “Reaching out for Power: Nigeria Women and Church Leadership”, in CASTALLIA, Ibadan Journal of Multicultural/Multidisciplinary Studies,Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 15: 24-34.
18.Oderinde, O.A. (2001). “The Holy Spirit in the Early Church and the Charismatic Movements in Nigeria Today” Nigeria and the Classics:Ibadan Journal of Classical and Related Studies, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 6: 1-15.
19.Oderinde, O.A. (1999). “Religion in Communication and National Stability” in Arts and Social Sciences Forum Journal, Journal of theNational Association for the Promotion of Studies in Arts and Social Science, University of Jos, Jos, 2(5):42- 46.
v. Paper Accepted For Publication:Nil
vi.Contribution to BooksFour (4)
*1. Oderinde, O.A. (2012), “Undaunted and Persistent: Mark 7: 24-30 and the Contemporary Women’s Quest for an Inclusive Ministry”, Olabiyi Adewale(ed.) Biblical Studies and Feminism in the African Context. A publication of the Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS), Western Zone, Ibadan, 105-115.
**2. Oderinde, O.A. and Enegho, F.E. (2010), “The Position of Women in the Deeper Life Bible Church, Nigeria”, George Ukagba, Obioma Des-Obi & Iks Nwankwo (eds.) The Kpim of Feminism: Issues and Women in a Changing World, Victoria B.C. Canada: Trafford Publishing, 412-419. ( Oderinde,70% contribution).
3. Oderinde, O.A. (2002), “Equal Rights Policies and Multiple Roles of Women” Akintunde D.O. & Labeodan H.A. (eds) Women and the Culture of Violence in Traditional Africa, Ibadan: Sefer Books, 28-40.
4. Orebiyi, O.A. (2001), “Dynamism in the Bible and Yoruba Culture: Issues in the Quest for Women’s Rights” in D.O|. Akintunde (ed), African Culture and the Quest for Women’s Rights, Ibadan: Sefer Books, 72-83.
*Paper published after the last promotion.
**Offshore paper.
vii.Technical Reports:Nil
viii.Manuscripts Submitted for Publication: Two(2)
1.Oderinde, O.A. “The Study of Children in Mark 10:13-16 from Yoruba Perspective”, Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies, Ibadan.
2.Oderinde, O.A. “Workers of Miracles and Workers of Iniquity (Matthew7:20-24): The Paradox of Character among Ministers of the Gospel in Nigeria”.
ix.Conference Proceedings/Workshop Papers:
1.“Religious Communication and the Mass Media in Nigeria”.
2.“Effective Communication for Sustainable Development Implications for Religions and Politics”.
x.Unpublished Conference Proceedings:Nil
1. Oderinde O.A.(2014). “A Study of Children in Mark 10:13-16 From Yoruba Perspective”. A paper presented at the Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies(NABIS) National Conference, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
2. Oderinde O.A.(2011). “Physical and Spiritual Purity as Basis for Healing and Holiness in Mark 7:1-7”. A paper presented at the Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS), National Conference, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa.
3.Oderinde, O.A. (2011). “The Religio-Cultural Context of Girl-Child Trafficking in Nigeria”. A paper presented at the Circle of African Women Theologians, 2011 Conference. Theme: Religion and Gender Based Violence. Legon Theological Institute, Ghana.
4. Oderinde O.A.(2010). “John the Baptist’s Message and its Relevance to the Rebranding Nigeria Project”: A paper presented at The Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS), Western Zone Conference, ECWA Seminary, Gbaja, Kwara State.
5. Oderinde O.A.(2007).“Gender and HIV/AIDS Prevention” A paper presented at the Training of Trainers Workshop on Theology and Religious Studies and HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, 14-17, Institute of Church and Society, Samonda, Ibadan.
6. Oderinde O.A.(2007). “Peter’s Teaching on Leadership: An Examination of I Peter 5:1- 3 in the Nigeria Context”: A paper presented at the Nigerian Association for BiblicalStudies (NABIS), Western Zone Conference, Institute of Church and Society, Samonda, Ibadan,.
7. Oderinde O.A.(2006).“Promoting Corruption Through Favouritism: James 2:1-5 and Its Implication for the Contemporary Church” A paper presented at the Nigerian Association of Biblical Studies (NABIS) Annual Conference, Ambros Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State.
8. Oderinde O.A.(2003).“Reaching Out for Power: Nigerian Women and Church Leadership”: A paper presented at the National Association for the Study of Religions (NASR) Annual Conference, October, University of Ilorin, Ilorin..
9. Oderinde O.A.(2002).“The Role of Theological Institution in the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Africa. A Nigerian Perspective”: A paper presented at the International Conference of Concerned African Women Theologians on HIV/AIDS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
10.Oderinde O.A.(2001).“Dynamism in the Bible and Yoruba Culture: Issues in the Quest for Women’s Rights” A paper presented at the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians’ Workshop, Ibadan.
11.Oderinde O.A.(2001).“Christian Ethics in Politics and National Unity”: A paper presented at the National Association for the Promotion of Studies in Arts and Social Sciences (NAPSASS) Annual Conference, Federal University of Technology, Akure.
12.Oderinde O.A.(1998).“The Lore of Religious Festivals Among the Yoruba: Problem and Prospects”: A paper presented at the Faculty of Arts 3rd Folkore Seminar, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye.
13.Oderinde O.A.(1998).“Religious Communication and the Mass Media in Nigeria”: A paper presented at the National Association for the Study of Religions Annual Conference (NASR), University of Jos. Jos.
14.Orebiyi O.A.(1998). “Religion in Communication and National Stability”: A paper presented at the National Association for the Promotion of Studies in Arts and Social Sciences (NAPSASS) Annual Conference, Abeokuta.
(i)With the University:
(a)As it appears in Section C (3)
(ii)Outside the University:
General Secretary, Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (Western Zone), 2012 – till date
Oderinde, Olatundun Abosede has written extensively on the positive attitudes toward women in the New Testament from an African perspective. She has consistently argued for an inclusive ministry in the Church that makes women visible and recognized. She is a respected contributor to the global discourse on women issues from the African theological perspective. She also advocates for a Christian ministry that is not devoid of the Christ-like spirit and image particularly in Nigeria. Some of her works have pointed out the implications of biblical insights for contemporary issues such as leadership, youth development, healing and health, stigmatization of Single-adults and child upbringing. She has published one book and over twenty-two articles and essays on various aspects of Biblical Studies, Christian Theology, Women Studies and Christian ethics. She currently serves as the General Secretary of the Western Zone of Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies, also a member of the Circle of African Women Theologians. Her Research and teaching interests include New Testament Studies, Women in the Bible, Women liberation and empowerment, and Christian Ethics.