Port Washington Schools Athletic Participation Contract - Schreiber

Philosophy and Guidelines

The opportunity to participate on a Port Washington School District athletic team is a privilegeafforded our students. We take great pride in the accomplishments and sportsmanship of all our athletes and teams. Additionally, we take pride in the positive behavior, citizenship, character, honesty and integrity of all those who compete and represent our school along with our parents and spectators.

Athletic participation at the varsity level is highly competitive. The junior varsity program functions as a transition between middle school and the varsity. Participation at the high school level requires a significant amount of timeas well as adherence to more stringent team and New York State Athletic Association rules. To fully appreciate a family’s commitment to high school competition and to avoid miscommunication and unrealistic expectations, parents and students must understand that:

1. Practices/contests are scheduled on Saturdays and during vacation periods. Athletes are required to attend all games and practices unless excused by the coach. Absences can result in disciplinary action, which might include dismissal from the team.

2. Team selection is based on ability, commitment and sportsmanship. Final decisions are made by the head coach at each level.

3. The amount of time an athlete plays is at the discretion of the coach.

4. Athletes must complete the season in good standing to receive credit for the season.

All public school sports in New York State are governed by the regulations of the NYS Department of Education and the NYS Public High School Athletic Association. Our local governing body is Section VIII. This governing body addresses rule interpretations, establishes schedules, assigns officials and enforces all rules in athletics.

As a member district, we certify that we have agreed all of our athletes will meet the standards for eligibility for practice and competition set forth by the NYSPHSAA.

A required meeting will be held at the beginning of each season for parents and athletes.

All parents and athletes are required to sign the athletic participation contract before each season.


Any student failing two of more subjects will not be allowed to participate in any extra curricular activities. This determination will be made on a quarterly report card and maintain until the next report card. Students may apply for a waiver through their assistant principal prior to the season.

Athletes must be in attendance by 11:30 to be eligible to participate in a practice, scrimmage or game on that day.

Athletes must participate fully in physical education class, if scheduled, to be eligible to participate that day.

Students who have been suspended from school may not participate in athletics during the suspension. A suspension is inclusive of the entire day. Suspension from school could result in termination from the team.

Clearance Process

Steps to insure clearance to play an interscholastic sport are the completion of the following forms:

  1. Consent to Participate and Acknowledgement of Risk Form
  2. Annual Sports History Health Form
  3. Physical Form (Part 1) Screening is done by school nurse
  4. Physical Form (Part 2) completed by a doctor

Sports Physicals are given free of charge to all Port Washington students grades 6-12 in May each school year. This physical is valid for one year. Note: If a family physician is used, the appropriate school physical form must be filled in completely.

Accident or Injury

The student will report any injury to the coach. Any time an athlete requires a physician’s treatment, he or she must obtain a signed release from the doctor. The release must be in the possession of the school nurse, or a designee, before the student may participate again. All releases must include a return to physical education activities. District insurance is secondary to parent’s insurance.

Concussion Management

The Port Washington athletic program follows guidelines for concussion management from the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) and the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS). It is our goal at Port Washington to provide our student-athletes with a safe athletic experience. Our coaches and athletic trainer are aware of these guidelinesand are cognizant of their importance. The Port Washington athletic department has a six-step Concussion Management policy in place. Athletic team coaches will receive training on this policy and in the recognition of head injuries. Parents and athletes will be provided current information as part of their sports orientation meetings. The athletic department’s six- step “Return to Play” protocol can be found on the athletics department website. Only the District Physician can clear an athlete to return to full activity.

Uniforms and Equipment

The Port Washington athletic department provides equipment and uniforms at the start of each athletic season.The student is responsible for returning all team issued clothing and equipment at the conclusion of the season. The district requires payment for any missing items. No equipment will be issued to the student in the same or future seasons until equipment is paid for.

Code of Ethics

It is the duty of all concerned with interscholastic athletics:

To emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play

To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly

To respect the person and judgment of officials

To encourage teamwork,leadership, interaction, and good judgment by players on teams

To demonstrate self-control and mutual respect at all time

To remember the purpose of athleticsis to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well-being of the individual

To accept victory with grace and defeat with dignity. Poor winners or losers do a disservice to themselves, family and school community.

Parent Support

The athletic department encourages parents to share their child’s education by attending games and showing positive, constructive support. If a parent has a question, the athletic staff welcomes the opportunity to talk at an appropriate time. Discussions on the field are often fragmentary, incomplete and public. Conversations deserve both privacy and time and parents are encouraged toaddress coaches in an appropriate setting.

Spectator Code of Conduct

Spectators are an important part of the game and shall at all times conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior.

Attendance at games is a privilege. Spectators are to abide by all posted signs and local and state rules.

Spectators shall at all times respect officials, coaches, players and game personnel and extend courtesies to them.

Wholesome cheering is encouraged.

Stomping feet, taunting, foul and abusive language, inflammatory remarks, and disrespectful signs and behavior are not acceptable and could result in removal from facility.

Spectators shall respect and obey all school officials, supervisors and police at all athletic contests.

Noisemakers are prohibited at all athletic contests as per Section VIII rules.



The Port Washington School District forbids any form of hazing or bullying of students.

Students found to have committed an act of harassment, bullying/cyber bullying against any student in the Port Washington School District will be faced with strong disciplinaryactions, which could include suspension from any further team participation for that season or the year. Athletes are expected to notify a coach or a school administrator (A.D. Principal, AP, etc.) if they witnessed any form of hazing, bullying or cyber bulling. Cyber bullying teachers and students from other schools are included as well. Failure to report will result in disciplinary action from sportsparticipation.

Alcohol,Tobacco and Substance Abuse

Athletes may not use alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, illicit drugs or steroids at any time Any student found to use alcohol, tobacco or any illegal drug, on or off school property at any time, including weekends, during the sports season , will result in a suspension from participation in that sport. Athletes are cautioned regarding use of social media. Athletes will be held accountable should the school receive information or pictures from such sites that show violations of the athletic guidelines. Any suspension could be season ending. Once the penalty has been levied, the principal may review any appeal of the suspension. A student who self discloses a substance abuse problem could have a suspension waived, if they are willing to take active steps to remedy the situation.

I have read the Athletic Participation Contract for Paul D. Schreiber High School. I understand I am accountable for all rules and expected behaviors and am aware of disciplinary actions that could be instituted. I have been informed of the Concussion Management Plan of the district.

SPORT ______

______Date ______

Athlete (print)(sign)

______Date ______

Parent or Guardian (print) (sign)

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