Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes

January 29, 2015

WSLR 116, 6 p.m.

Sign in

Call to Order & Welcome: Julie Knapke


·  American: Alli Harris

·  4-H: Grace Mears

Minute to Win it Activities

Secretary’s Report-Lydia Smith,

Treasurer’s Report-Alyssa Hudson,

Ag Council Report-Emily Grimm,

o  Hot Chocolate Social was held Wednesday,January 21st

§  The social went well and had 33 groups in attendance, which is a better turn out than usual

·  Ag Week-April 12-17

o  Team with ACT with farmers breakfast: more information will be available soon

o  Ag Week Workshop Re-Cap

·  College of Ag Shirt Design Competition

o  The club can submit up to 3 designs

o  Designs are due February 18th and can be emailed to Emily

Meet Your Members-Emma Hopkins,

·  Cassie Lehmann

·  Brooke Snyder

·  Tyler Marker

Old Business:

Dues: $10 a semester/$15 a year

Social Events – Jeff Koberstein,

·  Intramurals: Wallyball, Tuesdays 11:15 pm, No experience required

o  The team lost this week’s game but had a lot of fun!

o  Next week: 10:30pm and 11:15pm double header

o  Sign up online or email Jeff if you have any questions

New Business:

Collegiate 4-H National Conference- Emma Hopkins,

·  Thursday, March 12-Sunday March 15th in Gainesville, FL

o  Registration by Saturday, January 31: $127.95 per person (excluding transportation)

·  SATURDAY (1/31) is the deadline to register (although late registration is available)

·  University of Florida Collegiate 4-H

·  Activities will include exploring the university, doing service projects, enhancing communication and building relationships among members

·  If interested please see Emma after the meeting or email her

Murdock After School program - Maddi McFadden () and Jessie Earhart ()

·  A group leaves for Murdock on Tuesdays at 2:40 pm

·  Transportation is provided

·  Email Jessie or Maddie if you are interested in helping next week

Officer Trainings-Cassie Lehmann

·  Involves educating 4-H members about how to run meetings, playing games, and breaking into sessions on individual officer trainings

·  The time listed on the doodle poll is the time the group leaves from behind AGAD at Purdue

·  Thursday, February 5th 6:45 p.m. – LaPorte County

·  Wednesday, February 11th – Vigo County

·  Wednesday, March 4th – Boone County

·  Wednesday March 11th Hendricks County

·  Tuesday, March 24th Miami County

Sign up on doodle poll:

Achievement trip, Sunday April 26th: This trip will be a fun end of the year reward trip for members who meet certain criteria.

·  Qualifying: To qualify a member must volunteer for either

o  Two officer trainings

o  Two Murdock after school sessions

o  One officer training and one Murdock session

·  Activity will be decided at a later time

Suicide Prevention Workshop: there are multiple dates and times coming up for this event

·  If interested, see Julie after the meeting

Ice Skating: Friday, January 30th 7:00-10:00pm: Meet behind AGAD at 6:40pm

·  $5 a person plus $3 to rent skates

·  Dues paying members’ skates will be paid for by the club

·  Friends are welcome, but will have to pay for their own skates and entry fee

Important Dates

·  Dairy Foods and Meats Career Development Event- Saturday, January 31st

·  Next Club Meeting – Thursday, February 12th , 2014, 6 pm, WSLR 116

·  Officer Training- Thursday, February 5th 6:45 p.m. – LaPorte County

Tentative Fun Activities

·  Thursday, February 19th Visit a Nursing Home

o  Deliver Valentine’s Day cards to the elderly

o  Bingo night at the nursing home

·  Thursday, March 26th Bowling with ACT

o  No meeting activity  ACTIVITY: will go bowling after the meeting

§  Teaming up with ACT

§  Thursday is $1 bowling night

·  Thursday, April 9th Elections and Orange Leaf Fundraiser

·  Sunday, April 26th Achievement Trip

·  Thursday, April 23th

o  Awards banquet

o  Location: Food Science Building (tentative)

Meeting Dates for Spring 2015:

All meetings will be held from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in WSLR 116. The dates are as follows:

o  February 12th

o  February 26th

o  March 12th

o  March 26th

o  April 9th

o  April 23rd

Like us on Facebook: Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club Twitter: @Purdue4H