GFWC-South Brunswick Islands 2017 Club History
The ladies of GFWC-SBI started and will end the year with a BANG. With a beginning balance of $28,615 our club donated $23,885 throughout the year. This was possible with the hard work and dedication of all club members.
The January meeting found us at Planet Fun and fun it was!. After the great food and fellowship, President Melon Corsini presented the club awards for 2016: Rookie of the Year-Sharon Bard, Citizenship Award-Chris Angotti, Presidents Award-Executive Board, Congeniality Award-Marie Marshburn and Club Woman of the Year-Tammy Kesky. Milestone awards were also acknowledged: 5years of service-Chris Angotti& Kimmie Durham, 10 years-Carolyn Grantham and Lynn Watkins, 20 years-Katherine Hayes, 35 years-Kelly Barefoot, Debbie Lemon & Ramona Parker and 40 years-Wendy Milligan. District 7 President Julie Wolfe, then welcomed & inducted 8 new members: JoAnn Bass, Lisa Crissey, Mimi Gaither, Liz Gannaway, Carolyn Jenks, Pam Jones and Kim McRoy. Afterwards, she then installed the 2017 ExecutiveBoard: President- Chris Angotti, 1st Vice President- Tammy Kesky, 2nd Vice President- Tori Humphrey, Recording Secretary- Donna Trest, Corresponding Secretary-SusanGibble, Treasurer-Peggy Truesdale, Co-Treasurer-Beth Elliott, Past President-Melon Corsini and Parliamentarian-Sharon Bard. To end the meeting, the 2016 Executive Board presented Melon Corsini with a blue rain barrel with the GFWC-SBI logo thanking her for her leadership. Barbara Stevens was awarded the Club Woman of the Month.
February 4th we had all hands on deck for the 8th Annual SOUPer Bowl event held at the Shallotte Presbyterian Church. With approximately 300 bowls and 45 gallons of donated soup, we raised $7,020. The funds were distributed to 3 non-profit organizations to help feed the hungry in our area. Wings Ministry/Backpack Buddies, Brunswick interchurch Food Pantry & Brunswick Family Assistance each received $2,340. The District 7 Spring Meeting & Art Fest was hosted by GFWC-SBI, Shallotte Jr Woman’s Club, GFWC-Holden Beach & Holden Beach Jr Woman’s Club.
Club women also attended the Juanita Bryant Tribute& supported the Shallotte Rotary Club’s Las Vegas Night. Melon Corsini was award the Club Woman of the Month.
March we sponsored a young lady, Brooke Kesky, in the Miss Brunswick County Scholarship Pageant where she was crowned Greater Miss Brunswick County. Miss Kesky joined us at the March meeting held at Shallotte Presbyterian Church where she spoke to the club women and thanked us of sponsoring her. Our guest speaker was Katie Mae Parker Garner, District 7 Director of Juniors. She spoke about GFWC-NC Star Fundraiser Project as she was dressed as one of the seven Dwarfs of Snow White. The new members kicked off their “New Member Project” which was the Belk Charity Day event. These fabulous ladies raised $1,028 in a matter of a few weeks selling $5 tickets. Cindy Hewett was awarded the Club Woman of the month.
April was a busy month. Many club ladies attended the NC State Convention in Cary, Brunswick County Special Olympic, and March of Dimes Walk in Myrtle Beach. Ladies that did not attend the State Convention where hard at work at Shallotte Town Hall. They cleaned plant beds & planted new flowers in honor of GFWC Federation Day & Earth Day. Our 2nd Annual Corks & Forks held at Angelo’s Pizzeria & Bistro raised over $1,200 which benefits the Brunswick County Community.
The April meeting, joint with the Shallotte Jr Woman’s Club, was held at the Shallotte Town Hall where Mayor Walt Eccard presented a Proclamation declaring April 24th as GFWC Federation Day. President Chris Angotti& President Karmen Smith of the Shallotte Jr Woman’s Club accepted the proclamation. Afterwards Ann Landis, our keynote speaker, led us down a historical journey of GFWC-NC, 127 years of community service. Chris Angotti shared with the club that Marie Marshburn, Sharon Bard, Teresa Williamson & Melon Corsini all won 1st place in their category at the GFWC State Art Fest. We ended with the club approving the nomination of Cindy Hewett as secretary at the state level. Home Life noted they had made and delivered Easter bags for the children of Hope Harbor. JoAnn Bass was awarded the Club Woman of the Month.
May was a fun month beginning with our magnificent 4th Annual Juleps & Jazz event held at 101 Stone Chimney Place with live jazz music by the Nick Michaels Trio. With the help of all club ladies, this event turned out wonderful and grossed $20,763. Club ladies also supported the Novant Flip Flop Ball and the Chamber’s Wine Women & Chocolate which was used as a platform for a membership drive. Another fun event was the Brunswick County Literacy Council Spelling Bee where the husbands of Past Presidents, Cindy Hewett & Melon Corsini where the candidates. The general membership meeting was held at Inlet View Restaurantwhere the club honored our scholarship recipient Olivia Miller at our “Off to College Shower”. Afterwards, the sewing committee showed off the PJ’s made for StreetReach. Kelly Barefoot was awarded the Club Woman of the Month.
Over the next three months, our ladies enjoyed a little R&R for summer. In late August our summer social was held at Rivers Edge. Guests potential members enjoyed good food & fellowship.
September, our ladies where well rested & began serving our community once again. Our meeting was held at Shallotte Presbyterian Church. Gary Greene from the Boys & Girls Home was our guest speaker. Club ladies supplied Mr. Greene with diapers, wipes, baby wash for the 2 Lake Houses for teen moms at the B&GH. GFWC-NC District 7 President Julie Wolfe was also in attendance. During the meeting the club voted to increase dues to $75 year. The Education committee noted they collected 300+ books to be place in the Ocean Isle Beach Park. This “Free Little Library” CSP project is in conjunction with Brunswick County Parks & Rec. Conservation asked for rubber soled shoes to be recycled. Club ladies collected and delivered “Wish List Items’ to West Brunswick High School for their Sunshine committee. Members approved the nomination of Chris Angotti to serve as District 7 Secretary. Kris Crane was awarded Club Woman of the Month.
October meeting was cold and windy, however, did not stop our ladies from showing up early and help the Conservation committee with a beach cleanup. Afterwards, the meeting was held at the Ocean Isle Beach Community Center where our guest speaker was Cheri Cheek. The Sewing Committee took time to donate the PJs they have made to StreetReach. The Sewing Committee was awarded the Club Woman of the Month. Club ladies also attended GFWC-NC Corporate Champions for Women & Children event in Charlotte & the District 7 Fall meeting held at Trinity United Methodist Church, Southport.
November was our Holiday Auction held at Victoria’s Crab Shack. We indulged in great food prior to Polly Russ taking the reins of auctioneer. Polly auctioned off holiday baked goods & festive items raising $3,165 in 2 hours. Cynthia Walsh was named Clubwoman of the Month for her work under Home Life making no-sew blankets.
To bring the year to a close, we shared a potluck of international childhood dishes under the direction of International Outreach CSP. Cindy Hewett conducted a “colorful” installation of the the 2018 Executive Board: President- Tammy Kesky, 1st VP- Kimmie Durham, 2nd VP- Dayna Ramsey-Sanders, Treasurer- Beth Elliott, Co-Treasurer- JoAnn Bass, Recording Secretary- Mimi Gaither, and Corresponding Secretary- Lynne Carr-Wiggins. Service Awards were presented: 5 years- Kim Galloway & Beth Michelakis, 15 years- Marie Marshburn& Donna Trest, 20 years- Cindy Hewett & Melon Corsini, 30 years- Gerri Cox & Susan Gibble. With still more honors to recognize, the 2017 Club Awards were presented: Rookie of the Year- JoAnn Bass, Congeniality- Melon Corsini, Citizenship- Tammy Kesky, Clubwoman with Heart- Kimmie Durham, President’s Award- Tammy Kesky, Cindy Hewett & Melon Corsini, Clubwoman of Year- Chris Angotti. Seven new members were approved for induction in 2018 and Diane D’Angelo was recognized as a new transfer member from NJ. Clubwoman of the Month was Lynn Watkins for maintaining our website.
Overall, our monetary donations given out for 2017 exceeded $23,885 while our income from our fundraising events was $33,543.
What another great year for our club ladies!
Submitted By: Lynn Watkins/2017 Historian
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