East Ridge High
Television Production
Dear Parent,
I would like to welcome you and your child to our academic family at East RidgeHigh School. Our administration has spared no expense in building some of the most advanced vocational facilities in Central Florida and your student is a part of our exciting Television Production Academy.
At this time I would like to let you know several things about our program. We will be watching locally and nationally broadcast television productions that are appropriate for the classroom, including national or local news. Also, your students will have after school activities or assignments. I will make every effort to give at least 24-hour notice of after school events; however, each student is responsible for letting their parent know about scheduling. Most importantly, you student will be in a position of great responsibility. On a daily basis, your student may have access to a school wide cable system and thus, we demand the highest level of ethical conduct. Using inappropriate language or gestures will not be tolerated.
We have high expectations for this program and our high-tech facility. If you would like a tour or have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at East RidgeHigh School.
Mrs. Honey
Instructor, Television Production
(352) 242-2080 ext 2400
I have read, understand and agree to abide by all guidelines and policies as stated in the class syllabus.
Parent Signature______
Student Name______
In order to better communicate with you concerning your student, please PRINT a reliable phone number and your e-mail addresses.
Male Guardian ______
Phone______E-mail ______
Female Guardian ______
Phone ______E-mail ______
This class brings together the knowledge that you acquired in TV 1 - 3. You will be primarily responsible for resume tape production, contest entries and assisting TV 3 with daily ENG/EFP production. This will be an intensive photojournalism and writing experience. You will gain additional experience as an independent producer. You will learn to apply more advanced techniques to “spice up” your stories. We will be focusing on remote production including packages, vosots, sots and contest shows. You will master the techniques of ENG and EFP production, and non-linear digital editing. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO TAKE NOTES in this class. Much of what you will learn comes form my direct professional experience in the field of television production. It doesn’t exist in any book. You will be held responsible for all material that is covered in class.
The objectives of this class are three fold. First our goal is to help students decide if they would like to pursue a career in Television Production. If not, I want students to become better consumers of television and gain a ground-work for better personal video production. Second we will also provide for school wide communication in daily news announcements. Finally we will work to develop a high level of video awareness on campus. This objective includes teaching faculty members to use video equipment in the classroom with independence and serving on media and technology committees.
The primary goals of the Television Production (TVP) course are to:
• Reinforce the vocabulary of the TVP industry.
• Reinforce the principles and methodology of TVP.
• Expose students to each of the duties of each member of the TVP staff.
• Develop the students’ understanding of the TVP process.
• Assist students in developing criteria for judging the merits of a viewed program.
• Foster a sense of cooperation that is necessary for successful team or group efforts.
• Prepare the students as much as possible, using a hands-on competency-based instructional
system, for an entry-level position of a production assistant in a television production facility.
• Allow the students to gain practical experience in principles and methodology of TVP by
creating their own programming, from inception to completion, for eventual cable-casting.
In the field of electronic media, Deadlines are critical There is no second chance, or turning it in late for partial credit. Failure to meet the assigned Deadline could destroy the entire show. Your grade will be negatively affected if your assignments are not turned in on time. If you are absent when an assignment is given, it is YOUR responsibility to ask me upon your return to class for missed assignments. You will be granted an extension of however many days that you were absent after the date of the assignment to complete your work. If you are absent on the day that your assignment is due, then you will be required to turn it in at the beginning of the period on the day that you return.
Rules for our Classroom and Labs
- Do what your supervising adult tells you to do and do it immediately.
- Use equipment with respect. Follow sign out procedures.
- No Food or Drinks in Restricted areas.
- Treat your fellow students, as you would like to be treated.
- No inappropriate language or gestures. We are always working in front of live microphones and cameras.
Consequences when a student breaks a rule but are not limited to:
1st Level – Warning, posted signs are considered a warning.
2nd Level – Talk about the problem, call parent
3rd Level – Detention (30 min.)
4th Level – Detention (1 hour studio work)
5th Level – Referral
Classroom Procedures
1. Each day will start promptly when the bell rings. Tardies are not acceptable even when we are working in the lab.
2. On each 81/2 X 11 paper, I must be able to read first name, last name, month, day, year, class and period. An improperly labeled paper will receive a zero.
3. Homework will be turned into labeled bins at the StudentCenter. Homework should not be left on or near the teacher’s desk.
4. In order to take a bathroom break, you must first ask permission. Then you must sign-out, with your name and the time you left class, on the bathroom calendar. Five minutes is considered sufficient time for a break.
5. Each class will end with a ten minute review of the day. The bell does not dismiss class, I do, and I will say “We are clear” when class is dismissed.
Getting “”Fired”
To prepare students for employment, every student will be subject to being “fired.” If you fail to perform your job in a professional manner you will be relieved of your position for the day and receive a zero for the day.
Grounds for being fired are as follows:
A: Misuse or mistreatment of production equipment
B: Use of improper language (cursing, derogatory comments)
C: Unprofessional behavior (fighting, sexual harassment)
D: Disrespect of your supervisor
Dress Code:
Proper dress will be defined as all elements of the Lake County Dress Code. Students who are scheduled to be on-air Talent for our news program must dress in professional business attire. Conservative/tasteful blouse for ladies – no T-Shirts or low cut tops and a jacket for gentlemen is acceptable. We have jackets available to barrow. No visible words or symbols. Failure to follow “Proper Dress” requirements will result in being fired. Proper dress is also required when a student is on a remote shoot outside of the classroom.
Gum, Candy, Food, and Beverage Policy
No food, drink, gum or candy is permitted in the classroom, control room, or the studio. Any of the above will be confiscated by the teacher and you are subject to being fired.
Consequences of Damage to Equipment
We have the wonderful opportunity to work with real world equipment that gives our students the most current tools for career training. This however, means that the students have a great responsibility to take care to use equipment properly and with respect.
All students are required to sign out Field equipment. By doing so, each student accepts responsibility for damage to the equipment. When a student begins use of studio equipment, that student assumes responsibility for the equipment. Each student should make a thorough inspection of all equipment at the beginning of use in order to insure that the equipment has no previous damage.
A “Floor Director” shall be responsible for checking out headsets and microphones for each period of studio work. Each student using equipment during that period of studio work will be held responsible for the equipment’s proper use and safe return. At the end of each period of studio work, the Floor Director will recover and examine each piece of equipment and report any damage to the TV Production Teacher.
Damage will be classified in three types:
1. An Accident. Any occasion that could not be predicted by the student. Damage that occurs even after the student takes reasonable care and precaution.
No Consequences
2 - Damage sustained to equipment that was the result of negligence or irresponsible behavior on the part of the student.
Consequences -
A. The student will be marked down on their Student Assessment.
B. The student and or the student’s parents may be required to pay for the cost of repairs.
C. The student may lose the privilege to use lab equipment for a period of time up to one term.
3. - Damage as a result of intentional or malicious misuse of the equipment. Any occasion where the student did not follow established safety guidelines, did not use the equipment in the fashion it was intended, or had a reasonable expectation that the actions could cause harm to the equipment.
Consequences -
A, B, C and
D. The student may be expelled from the TV Production Program.
Classroom Materials – Students should bring a folder for keeping completed activities and returned tests. Students are
responsible for keeping completed work in the case that there is a discrepancy about grades. Students must bring a 1 inch three ring binder that will remain in class with a package of plastic document sleeves. The student will take home a production portfolio at the end of the program.
Week 1 Introduction - Orientation
The Schedule for the year will be determined by the production jobs that are available that year.
Week 19Final Review
Grading Plan
Video work60%
Written Assignments 10%
Tests and quizzes10%
Director’s Evaluation10%
Event Participation10%
Late work will earn 75% 1 day late. 50% 2 days late and will not be accepted past 3 days.
Grading Scale - A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79, D = 60 – 69, F = 59 or less
Final Cut Pro Certification Exam
All students are required to take the Final Cut Pro Certification exam. This is a pass (80%) fail test and is the required test for our CAPE Academy. If the student passes the certification exam, they receive a %100 on their final exam, if they fail the certification exam, they fail their final.
Typed Scripts will be required for all projects. No video will be graded without a typed two-column and internal script.
Director’s Evaluation
Attendance at two after school activities is an important part of this curriculum. A list of possible events will be provided for planning purposes. Students act as staff at several of our students body events including club fairs, theatre performances and students social activities such as Knightfest.
Lab and Uniform Fees
In order to purchase consumable products for Television Production we will be charging a $15 lab fee. Consumable products include items such as videotapes, lens cleaner, ect. Additionally, we have a required uniform for this class. Each student is required to buy a Television production T-shirt, for $5, to wear while working at school events. If you student already owns a TV t-shirt they may send $15. Please send cash or a check payable to: East Ridge High School TV Production.
If you have any questions please call me!
Event Participation
All students are required to participate in 2 after school production events every semester. TV 3-8 will receive a grade for participation in the event bases on promptness, participation and attitude. A schedule will be made available for students to plan with participation and students may also suggest events to cover. If the student does not have transportation for an after school event, an alternative assignment will be provided. It is the responsibility of the student to receive and complete the alternative assignment.