Spanish 1002 –Lab Recording assignments

Prof. Habecker

To complete the following assignments you will need to go to the language lab. You will need to record the activity and save it with your last name and first name into the proper class folder, professor’s folder, language folder. ASK if you don’t know where you are saving your recording. If it’s not in the right place, you won’t receive credit for it. At the beginning of each recording please state the full name of each person recording to receive proper credit.

Please select three of the five (3 of 5) activities listed below and do them according to the due dates in the syllabus (9-23; 10-30; 11-23). One may be assigned for “Extra Credit” and is due 11-11.

If you don’t have a partner for the dialogue you may write both parts and ask a lab assistant to record it with you.

If what you are recording is a dialogue each participant has to ask and respond to at least 5 questions (greetings are not considered questions)

You will save your recordings in:

Media on Hollywood > Spanish > Prof. Name > your class & section > recording # > Your name(s)

* For the parts that you read from the book, or there is a passage to listen to, or a video to watch, you will go to a folder name resources folder under your professor’s name. YOU DO NOT save things in the resource folder.

Due Date / Assignment
Recording 1 – Capítulo 7
Pair Work. Have a conversation about your last vacation, including what you like to do, where you like to go, etc. Talk about where you went and what you did. Include at least five things you did while you were there as well as how you felt at those particular moments. Refer to the communicative goals and grammar structures of Chapter 7.
Recording 2 – Capítulo 8
Pair Work. Con un compañero/a, estaban encargadas/os de planear una fiesta. Hablen de cómo salieron las cosas en la fiesta, que pasó, quien vino a la fiesta, etc. Tienen que incluir la siguiente lista de verbos en su conversación: poner, poder, divertirse, sentirse, sonreír, ir, y en por lo menos dos ocasiones deben utilizar los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto.
Recording 3 – Capítulo 9
Individual. Debes mirar un video del Cap. 9 (lo encontrarás en el “resource folder”).
En el mismo sobre encontrarás un documento titulado “Actividad de video cap. 9” con las instrucciones para completar la actividad.
Recording 4 – Capítulo 10
Pair Work. Have a conversation with a friend about the chores you do around the house (dorm room, apartment). First, talk about what chores you used to do when you were younger, and what chores you do now. Mention when you do them and which are the easiest, hardest, etc. Then, talk about being sick: the symptoms you had, going to the doctor, what the doctor told you and prescribed for you, etc. Finally mention when you’re going to be able to go to classes and go out on the weekend.
Recording 5 – Capítulo 13 – Video: Entrevista Cultural (Bolivia y Ecuador)
Deben mirar un video del Cap. 13 (lo encontrarás ej el “resource folder”). En el mismo sobre (archivo) encontrarás un documento entitulado “Actividad de video cap. 13” con las instrucciones para completar la actividad.