Core Curriculum for Medical-Surgical Nursing
(5th edition)
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
Chapter Review Form
Chapter Title: The Musculoskeletal System
Reviewer's Name: Carolyn D McManus
Date E-mailed to Reviewer: January 13, 2014
Date to be Returned: February 1, 2014
This checklist is provided to help reviewers evaluate the chapters within the Core Curriculum. Please use this form to critique the chapter. In addition to checking the appropriate box next to each question, you are encouraged to provide comments that correspond with your response. Please type any comments in the question box after “Comments.”
You also are welcome to provide comments directly in the manuscript file. If you wish to make comments in the manuscript file, please make your comments in boldface and track any changes. (To track changes, click Tools, and select Track Changes.)
Please email the review form along with the manuscript file (if you have made comments on the manuscript) no later than the due date specified above to Jamie Curran at . If, for any reason, you cannot review the manuscript and return it by the specified date, please notify Jamie immediately.
Your comments will be shared with the author; therefore, please do not include any information that might identify yourself or jeopardize the review process.
/ Yes / No / Not Applicable / Not Sure /GENERAL IMPRESSIONS
Is the manuscript clear?
Comments: / x
Is the manuscript concise?
Comments: / x
Is the manuscript comprehensive?
Comments: It is a musculoskeletal chapter yet it does not mention anatomy, physiology, or disease process of the muscles. Was hard to determine whether information should be generalized or in depth related to anatomy/ disease process. / x
Is the content theoretically sound? If no, please indicate the areas of concern.
Comments: see comments on manuscript / x
Have there been major omissions in content? If yes, please indicate what has been omitted.
Comments: muscle anatomy physiology and disease process. (at a minimum rhabdomyolysis) / x
Is the content consistent with practical experience?
Comments: Practice is evolving. References are outdated. Some current practice was inserted into manuscript. / x / x
Are the Objectives and Key Points logical, complete, and clearly stated? If no, what needs to be improved?
Comments: / x
Do the Objectives and Key Points accurately reflect the content of the chapter? If no, what needs to be improved?
Comments: / x
Is the Suggested Readings list current?
Comments: all 2007 and prior. / x
Are there obvious omissions or errors in the Suggested Readings list? If yes, please indicate these.
The entire list needs to be updated. / x
Did you find errors in facts, interpretations, calculations, tables, or figures? If yes, please identify these.
Tables and figures were not included in the manuscript. Errors in fact were corrected on manuscript. / x
Are tables and figures helpful / necessary?
Comments: / x
Are tables and figures easy to follow?
Comments: / x
Yes / No / Not Applicable / Not Sure
Is the content appropriately organized and subdivided? If no, please suggest improvements.
Comments: comments made on manuscript regarding rearranging some content. / x
Do you find unnecessary repetition? If yes, please indicate what should be deleted.
Comments: / x
Have technical terms been defined? If no, please indicate words that require definition.
Comments: / x
Please check one:
Publication as is, no revisions neededPublication with minor editing: minor revisions / corrections needed
Publication with major editing: major revisions / corrections to content needed / x
Additional Comments:
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
Jamie Curran, Editorial Coordinator
East Holly Avenue, Box 56 Pitman, New Jersey 08071-0056
Phone 856-256-2300 • FAX 856-589-7463