Frequently Asked Travel Questions
1.What are meal allowances?
Meal allowances for each complete 24-hour period are as follows:
The ACTUAL COST of meal expenses up to $55.00/day plus $7.00/day for incidentals allowance. Receipts required for expense of $75.00 or more.
2.When claiming mileage, do I measure from headquarters or home?
Mileage must be claimed from the lesser of the two locations.
3.When opting to drive instead of flying, do I claim mileage?
The traveler must claim the lesser of the two amounts (mileage reimbursement vs. airfare reimbursement). A comparison document should be submitted with the travel expense claim.
4. Electronic Receipt/Ticket?
Electronic Receipts are acceptable provided that the detail contained in an electronic receipt is equivalent to the level of details contained in an acceptable paper record. For example, electronic receipt must show the name of the payee, the amount of the change, the transaction date, and the form of payment. E-mailed or faxed documentation provided by an airline or travel agency for electronic ticketing expenses for airfare is acceptable for substantiating such expenses. A copy of the faxed itinerary and receipt or a copy of the e-mail itinerary and receipt printed locally should be attached to the Travel Expense Claim.
5. How do I apply for Personal Liability Travel Card?
Application can be accessed online:
Submit your completed form to Helen Lee, Building 98, Room B1-113. Within five to ten (7 to 10) working days US Bank will send your new card to your house.
6. Can I use my Personal Liability Travel Card to pay on behalf of others?
University travelers normally shall not be reimbursed for expenses paid on behalf of other persons, except in the case of co-travelers who are sharing a room.
7.Who can receive travel advances?
The University does not issue Travel Advances.
8.Can any car rental agency be used?
No, use Enterprise Rent a Car for in state travel and National Car Rental for out of state travel.
9.What is the lodging reimbursement rate?
Beginning January 1, 2016 the maximum rate for lodging is $275.00 per night, excluding tax.
Beginning January 1, 2015 the maximum rate for lodging is $195.00 per night, excluding tax.
10. Is it necessary to submit anexpense claim if the only expense is a direct pay for registration fees?
Yes. Submit to accounting office a Direct Pay, registration document and Authorization to Travel forms.
11. Who can I contact with travel related questions?
For additional information on travel, please contact Laurie Hamilton, (ext 2018) or Christine Hollaway-Cruz, (ext 2029).
12.Twenty-five mile Rule
Subsistence expenses (lodging, meal or incidental) for travel within 25 miles of employee’s home or normal work location will not be reimbursed
13. Can I combine a business trip with a couple days of personal travel?
Yes, but only the business portion of the trip will be reimbursed. Traveler must indicate which days are for personal travel on the Authorization to Travel and the Travel Expense Claim.
14. Can a registration fee be paid with my department procurement card or should I include the registration amount in my travel expense claim?
No, the Procurement Card is not to be used for travel related items (conference fees, registration, etc).The department can request the University to pay the vendors directly for conference fees, registration. To be reimbursed, you will need to submit an Authorization to Travel form with a Travel Expense Claim and paid receipts with zero balance.
15. Does a travel request form need to be prepared for ticketless air fare only?
Yes, an Authorization to Travel (form 1A) should be prepared for airfare and all other travel expenses. You will need to submit your boarding pass or baggage receipt showing a zero balance. (Liability issue)
16. Can a Requisition Form be used to pay Travel Expenses?
No, a requisition form is for requesting the purchase order through Procurement office.
17. Where do I return the Personal Liability Travel Card to when I leave the University?
Turn in your card to Helen Lee, Building 98, Room B1-113.
18. Can I rent a car at Enterprise Rental Car for personal travel?
Yes, rental car for personal use at discounted rate from Enterprise Rent-A-Car is available to employees, however the insurance coverage is included with the rate.
19. Can I use my Pro card (P-card, Procurement card) to charge travel expenses?
No, related travel expenses are not allowed to be charged on the Pro Card.
20. If I use my frequent flyer points to pay for the airfare, will I be reimbursed for the airfare?
No, since there is no actual payment out of pocket, you will not be reimbursed.
21. How long does it take to get a travel expense claim reimbursement?
Reimbursement will be processed within ten (10) working days with all documents provided.