HUD has stated that they expect to open HDX to enter System Performance Measures for the Continuums of Care sometime in June 2016 – Now What?!

Our Role at ICA:

  • Provide System Performance Measure reports from HMIS to HUD CoCs for data quality checks, and when the reports are accurate and reflective of the work being done, submission to HDX.
  • Monitor accuracy of funding source and shelter tracking type in HMIS.
  • Educate CoC Leadership on report interpretation and areas of concern / potential errors.
  • Provide a report catalogue for Agencies to run for data quality and accuracy.
  • Assist Agencies with data clean-up, as necessary.

Your Role as CoC Leadership:

  • Encourage providers to run regular reports for data quality and accuracy.
  • Request System Performance Measure data from the ICA Help Desk.
  • Review System Performance Measure reports for completeness and accuracy prior to HDX submission.
  • Submit data to HUD via the HDX website.
  1. Confirm a Point of Contactfor ICA System Performance Measures information. This will be the person responsible for requesting and receiving System Performance Measures reports from ICA. They will receive System Performance Measures reports, and will be contacted with any pertinent System Performance Measure reporting news. You might choose the person in your CoC who will be responsible for the official HDX submission of the System Performance Measures. ICA has sent out an initial email to members of CoC leadership who may be a good fit. Please confirm that you are willing to be the point of contact or nominate someone else.
  2. Ensure all CoC Program-funded projects have the correct grant Start and End dates in ServicePoint. If you have not yet received it, ask your ICA System Administrator for the “CoC Funded Projects” report to check against your records.
  3. Encourage (or require) HMIS providers in your CoC to run data quality reports to ensure data are as complete and accurate as possible. Here are some suggestions:
  4. Annual Assessments Report: For CoC-funded projects, do all clients that need an Annual Assessment have one recorded?
  5. Data Completeness Report: Do all clients have a date of birth recorded?
  6. 0216 Clients Exceeding Maximum Length of Stay: Are there any clients who look like they may no longer be in the project (e.g.: client in TH for 3 years or longer)?
  7. System Performance Measures Reports: Once available, providers can run the System Performance Measures reports for their own Agencies and check for errors.
  8. Stay tuned for report updates. Bowman Systems is still working out some calculation errors in the System Performance Measures reports. When they are all good to go, we will let you know!
  9. Request an initial set of reports, once the reports are operational.
  10. Review the reports for potential data quality / completeness issues. Work with ICA System Administrators to work with the Agencies on cleaning up the data, as needed.