Minutes for April 23, 2018


Commissioner Hughes announced that the FY19 Budget is a deficit budget. One reason is the City anticipates spending TIF funds so the TIF Districts are showing a deficit even though there is money in the funds. The budget will be monitored closely throughout the year. The City will not spend more than the revenue it receives.


Mayor Smith called the regular meeting of the Paris City Council to order at 5:30 PM. Rich Kash said the opening prayer. Present on roll call were Commissioners Boyer, Branson, Hughes, KemperandMayor Smith.

The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated in unison.



Letter Carriers Food Drive



Commissioner Bransonmoved for approval of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Boyerseconded the motion. Included on the consent agenda was the approval of the minutes of the April 9, 2018 regular meeting, bills previously paid $6,899.61, bills to be paid $418,880.94, salaries $135,783.68.All answered aye on roll call, no nays.


  1. RESOLUTION Adopting the FY2019 Annual Budget of the City of Paris, Illinois. Commissioner Hughes introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays. Mayor Smith stated the this is a projected budget. Even though the expenditures are more than revenue, the City will never spend more than what we collect.
  2. RESOLUTION Establishing Calendar of Meetings 2018/2019. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Hughes seconded the motion. All answered by on roll call, no nays.
  3. RESOLUTION Making Appointments/Reappointments to Various Boards. Commissioner Branson introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  4. RESOLUTION Approving Memorial Day Service for American Legion. Commissioner Branson introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Hughes seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  5. RESOLUTION Regarding Temporary Closing of State Right-Of-Way. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  6. RESOLUTION Approving the Edgar CountyShrine Parade. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Kemper seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  7. RESOLUTION Regarding Temporary Closing of State Right-Of-Way. Commissioner Kemper introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  8. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  9. RESOLUTION USDA Installment Purchase Agreement – General Obligation Debt Certificates. Commissioner Kemper introduced and moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  10. RESOLUTION Authorizing Engagement Letter for Auditing Services With James D. Motley, CPA. Commissioner Kemper introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  11. ORDINANCE NO. 6, SERIES 2018 Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Peddlers and Solicitors: Advertisements Sections 114.001-114.005, Peddlers. Commissioner Boyer introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  12. ORDINANCE NO. 7, SERIES 2018, An Ordinance Amending the Establishment of a Compensation Ordinance Schedule for the City of Paris, Illinois for All Employees Not Covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement. Commissioner Branson introduced and moved to adopt, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. Commissioner Branson moved to waive reading, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

Commissioner Reports

Mayor Smith:

  1. Motion to approve annual donation of $2,500 to The Rec Summer Camp. Mayor Smith moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  2. Motion to approve Historic Preservation Commission’s recommendation to grant historic designation to 104, 106, 108, and 110 E. Washington Street. Mayor Smith moved to table this motion, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

Commissioner Boyer:

Commissioner Branson:

  1. Motion to approve request from the Chamber of Commerce to close Court Street between Main and Central for the 2nd Annual Summer Block Party on

June 2nd. Commissioner Branson moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

  1. Information – City Wide Clean-up is May 4th and 5th 7:00AM to 7:00PM

Commissioner Kemper:

  1. Motion to approve invoice for a lab meter from Certified Balance & Scale Corp. in the amount of $3,583.20. Commissioner Kemper moved to approve, Commissioner Boyer seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.
  2. Motion to approve dispensing the bidding process for the roof repairs on the chlorine building at the Sewer Treatment Plant. Commissioner Kemper moved to approve, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.

Commissioner Hughes:


No report


No report


No report






At 5:55PMCommissioner Boyermoved to adjourn, Commissioner Branson seconded the motion. All answered aye on roll call, no nays.


Approved City Clerk