Review for Anatomy and Physiology Final
- Organ Systems and Introduction to Anatomy?
- What are the characteristics of a Living Organisms?
- What is required to maintain life?
- What are the structural levels of organization?
- What are the structures of the 11 organ systems?
- What are the general functions of these organ systems?
- What are the cavities of the head?
- What are the cavities of the body?
- What are the body membranes?
- Surface Anatomy
- Describe the relative body positions and directional terms
- Superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, superficial, deep, proximal, distal
- Abdominal regions
- Tissues
- What is a tissue?
- What are the four basic tissues?
- How are epithelial cells classified?
- Describe the general characteristics of each type of epi tissue
- Connective tissue functions?
- What are the general characteristics of connective tissues?
- Name the connective tissues and provide general description of each.
- Distinguish between appositional and interstitial growth.
- What are the three types of muscles tissues?
- What are the general characteristics of muscle tissue?
- What is the location and function of neural tissue?
- What is the most important characteristic of neural tissue?
- Integumentary System
- What is the largest organ in the body?
- What are the six major jobs of the skin?
- How are the layers of the skin characterized?
- Differentiate between the 3 types of burns? What determines the degree of burn?
- Skin Disorders and Diseases (P 40)
- Skeletal System
- What are the general functions?
- What are the major divisions?
- What are the parts to a long bone?
- What is included in the internal anatomy of a bone?
- Contrast the fractures of bones.
- Explain and provide locations to all of the bones we have learned in class.
- What are associated disorders of the skeleton?
- Musular System
- What are the general functions?
- What are the major divisions?
- What structures make up skeletal muscle?
- Compare and contrast the different types of muscle tissue?
- Be able to id all major skeletal muscles and their primary actions.
- Neurophysiology (read the chapter…again!)
- Function, Classification of a Nerve cells, types of cells in nervous system
- Classification of Nervous System: CNS/PNS: somatic vs. autonomic; sympathetic vs. parasympathetic
- Neurophysiology
- Electrical activity in body
- Neurtransmitter Actions
- What are NT?
- Actions of Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, ACh
- Disorders associated with NT imbalances: SIDS, Schizophrenia, insomnia, alzheimers, Parkison’s, Huntington’s and depression.
- Drugs that alter NT action
- Methods for how drugs work.: binding to NT, mimic action, increase levels, cause NT to remain in synaptic cleft and examples of each. (drug article)…nicotine WS
- Endocrine System
- Hormone Action
- Control of Hormonal Secretions
- Pituitary Gland
- Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands
- Adrenal Glands
- Pancreas & other endocrine glands
- Stress & its effects
- Blood
- Blood & Blood Cells : Normal Values & Identification
- Blood Plasma
- Hemostasis
- Blood Groups & Transfusions
- Cardio System
- Structure of the Heart
- Heart Actions
- Blood Vessels
- Blood Pressure
- Paths of Circulation
- Arterial System
- Venous System
- Lymphatic System
- Lymphatic Pathways
- Tissue Fluid and Lymph
- Lymph movement
- Lymph nodes
- Thymus & Spleen
- Body Defenses against infection
- Nonspecific Defenses
- Specific Defenses
- Digestive System
- General characteristics of the alimentary canal
- Characteristics and functions of the oral cavity
- Salivary gland organs & secretions
- Pharynx and esophagus
- Stomach: Chemical vs Mechanical digestion
- Pancreas & Liver
- Small & Large intestines
- Respiratory System
- Organs of the Respiratory System
- Breathing Mechanism
- Control of Breathing
- Alveolar Gas Exchange
- Gas Transport
- Urinary System
Kidneys: Location, structure, functions, nephrons
- Urine formation
- Elimination of urine
- Urinalysis
Reproductive System
- Organs of the Male Reproductive System
- Organs of the Female Reproductive System
- Hormonal Control of Reproductive Functions
- Pregnancy
- Mammary Glands
- Birth Control
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Human Growth & Development (2 Weeks)
- Prenatal Period
- Postnatal Period
- Aging