The Messenger December2016
First United Methodist Church in Niles
...growing together in our knowledge, love, and service of God
608 North Crandon Avenue, Niles, Ohio 44446 + + 330.652.1439
From the Pastor…
Dear Church Family~
"Silent Night, Holy Night.All is calm, all is bright." Really??? Is that how it is for you and your family during the Christmas season? If you are like so many, Christmas is a time of hustle and bustle, running to family and friends, buying gifts and worrying about forgetting someone. Or you may be "on the other hand." Maybe the holy season makes you melancholy for what used to be, for family no longer present; it may be full of lonely, early darkness, and no one for whom to get presents.
Regardless of the situation we find ourselves facing, the one true and sure thing is this: Because of Christ's birth on this special night, the world will never be the same! All who have gone before us, all who this day, and all the future generation have a Savior ~ Emmanuel, God with us! There is now a peace that surpasses all understanding. There is hope for the hopeless. We are never alone. There is a light that shines through the darkness!
Let us celebrate this Holy Season. Let us echo Mary, Jesus' mother, our souls proclaim the greatness of the Lord; our spirits rejoice in God our Savior. May the Spirit fill your hearts and homes with the love of the Christ Child. In the name of the Light of the World . . . ..
In Christ~~
Pastor Paula
Merrily Rogers, Chairperson of the Memorial Committee, wanted to let you know that to beautify ourChurch, the Memorial Committee approved the purchase of four (4) Advent banners for the Chapel and the Sanctuary. Five (5) music stands for the choir room were approved also.
THANK YOU NOTE was received from Bonita Bowden:
Dear Ladies and Gentleman, Thank you so very much for the beautiful luncheon you provided for us at Central Park Apartments. The food was delicious and the room was beautifully decorated. Thank you again. Sincerely, Bonnie Bowden
THANK YOU to the “Gab Sale Volunteers” for the beautiful Norman Rockwell photo. I will cherish forever the beautiful photo of a September 2, 1939,SaturdayEvening Post of three children playing marbles. It was so very thoughtful of you to think of me and give me this special gift. It definitely has a special meaning and place in my heart.Your kind gesture will never be forgotten.
With warm regards to you all,
Karen Zavasnik Aka…1955 National Marble Champion
THANK YOU NOTE…..Dick and Joan Bullock appreciate receiving the Church Bulletin here in North Carolina. Thanks for sending it. Enclosed is a check…..hope this helps cover the cost of doing so.
CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS. Are you a parent or grandparent who has children in school? If so, I bet your child’s school collects Campbell Soup labels or the the coupons for education which appears on many of the items you buy. The labels appear on food items as well as on paper products. So many things you cannot imagine. I hope that you are supporting your children. But you don’t have anyone in school, so you don’t have to save the coupons. Yes, you do. You can save the coupons and bring them to Church. The Church in turn will send them to the Red Bird Mission. Campbell soup labels have bought them many things to help with their mission projects. Red Bird Mission collected enough labels to purchase a van!!! Just one of the many things that can be purchased. In the schools, food labels are used only to purchase school supplies. Many of the coupons have ten cents (10) off and can provide books, paper and many large items such as computers that are used in the classroom.
All these labels and coupons can be brought to our Church. We will trim them, if needed, and send them on. If you are an organized person, tape an empty envelope to the back of one of your cupboard doors. When you use a can or box, just put the coupon or label in the envelope. When the envelope is full, bring the envelope to Church. Our Church will do the trimming and packaging. If enough labels/coupons are received, AnnWright will send them to the Red Bird Mission once-a-month.
Such a little effort and so much good. Baskets will be placed in the back of the Sanctuary and outside of the Chapel. Hope this project will be something that you will do.
It' s that time of the year believe it or not. We will be collecting boxed cerealfor food baskets for Niles Community Services beginningNovember 1 Thru December 4. We have again committed to 100 boxes of any brand of cereal and have met or surpassed this goal in the past years. Thank you for supporting this very worthy cause.
Peggy Sansom, chairman Community Outreach and Missions
OUR SHUT-IN……Olive Allen
After spending most of their lives in their hometown of East Liverpool, Olive and Leonard Allen retired to Lakeland, Florida, and lived there for several years. They moved back to this area about twenty (20) years ago and lived in Vienna and worshippedf at Niles First United Methodist Church. When Leonard
died, Olive moved to Grace Woods Senior Living and resides there now. She enjoys receiving the newsletter; and, of course, greetings from friends.
Olive worked in a drapery shop for many years and herhobby was crocheting beautiful doilies, tablecloths and runners. She has three (3) children….Gary (Dawn) lives in Knoxville, Tennessee; David (Debbie) lives in Cochise, Arizona; and, Pat Pfeifer who lives here in Niles. Her address is 1800 Grace Woods Drive, #209, Niles, Ohio 44446.
OnDecember 7th at 6:00along with New Hope UMC we will be hosting a "Church Family Christmas Dinner". Everyone is invited to come to this event and celebrate the Christmas Season with one another. We will have entertainment from the Girard Swing Band, along with dinner, desserts, punch & coffee. Tickets will be $8.00 per person $20.00 per family.If you would like to attend, please contact Patrice Kish at330-718-7134, Sam Mohn at330-716-1076or Lolly Symcheck at 330-544-1576.
Hope to see you there!
CALLING ALL BAKERS!!!! We will be making Christmas Cookie Trays this year, if you would like to participate in making cookies please contact Patrice Kish or Lisa Blair! Starting November 1st we will be taking orders for Christmas Cookies!! Trays will be $15.00 for a 3 dozen and $20.00 for 5 dozen. All cookies are homemade! If you would like to order cookies an order form will be on the tables outide of the Chapel and Sanctuary Narthex. Pick-up of cookies will be December 17th and 18th in Bauman Hall from 9:00 am thru noon. If you have any questions, please contact Patrice Kish or Lisa Blair. Thanks!
I NEED YOUR HELP. The church is trying to better stay in contact with our college students. We are asking that you please give me the name and address of your college student so that we, the body of Christ, here in Niles can be in connection with our college students. You can either put the information in the collection plate on Sunday morning, turn it into the church office, or leave it in my mail box. Thank you all for the hard work that you do in and around our church!
Sam Mohn Lay Leader
Bring the Nativity to Life
Youare invited tobring the nativity to lifewith our sister church ~ New Hope. The live Nativity will take place onSunday, 18 December, between7:00 - 9:00 pm. We can be characters and stand with live animals. Our youth and children are also invited to participate and/or bring friends to see this wonderful sight. A social would be held afterwards....cookies and cocoa. Anyone who would like to bring cookies, the cookies would be appreciated. You may contact our office330-652-1439or call Sandy Ozanik at330-505-1403.
Invoices $ 4,683
Payroll $ 5,352
$ 10,035
Income $ 10,103
Balance $ 68
This study will be led by Sam Mohn and we will meet on Monday evenings at 6:30pm during the season of Advent, beginning November 28th. If you would like to purchase a book they are $10.00 and large print books are also available for the same price. Please know that you do not need to have a book to participate in this wonderful study.
You are invited to join us on Monday mornings at 9:30 beginning Nov. 28 for a 5-week study of the lectionary readings for Advent and Christmas. Our study of the Bible, our prayers, and our worship will
be enriched by celebrating the presence of God as revealed by the Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel lessons selected for each Sunday of Advent. Pastor Paula’s sermons will be based on one or more of these readings. As we prepare our heart and life for the celebration of God’s presence during this season of waiting, we will be ready to claim the new hope we have in Jesus Christ.
This study will be led by Rev. David Hill. Sign up soon. All are welcome.
It’s almost that time of year again, TAX SEASON!! In order to keep cost and waste down, if you would like your “Giving” statement e-mailed to you, please fill out the form located on the tables outside of the Chapel and Sanctuary Narthex. If you would not like one, please note that all other statements will still be printed off if you don’t sign-up. if youhave any questions, please contact Patrice Kish at 330-718-7134.
REMINDER: One service on Saturday, Christmas Eve, at 7:30 p.m.
One service on Sunday, Christmas Morning, at 10:00 a.m.