PhD Writing Up Grant Scheme Application 2018
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Overview and Rationale
The Institute for the Study of Social Change provides financial support to recent University of Tasmania PhD graduates to assist them in publishing from their research.
Preference is given to applicants who do not have access to alternative sources of research support, and to applicants whose research interests align with one of the three main theme areas of the Institute:
- Evidence and Impact – Research with clear policy relevance and implications.
- Community and Place – Research with a focus on social change and community development including in relation to the unique role of place in mediating such change.
- Identity and Equality – Identity politics and rights, social and economic inclusion. Empowerment and democratic participation.
Successful applicants will be awarded up to $4,000 paid in the form of a once-off bursary payment to work intensively for two to three months to produce outputs related to their doctoral research that are in the form of agreed publications,including media writing(oped, Conversation article or blog).
Those awarded grants will be expected to present their research at an Institute seminar, and to acknowledge the support of the Institute for the Study of Social Change in any publications that result; a form of words will be provided to assist with that process.
Applications close on Monday 26 March 2018, 5.00pmand need to be submitted as a PDFattached to an email to Della Clark, .
Applicants should have:
- submitted a PhD at the University of Tasmania between 1 March 2017and
23 March 2018; - aPhD supervisoraffiliated with the Institute who supports the application and is willing and able to provide a written and confidential statement if called upon to do so by the ISC;
- received no such grant of this kind from the Institute at any other time.
Members of the ISC Academic Steering Committee may consider applications from PhD candidates who submitted their work before 1 March 2017, but written justification for that exception needs to be made by the applicant.
Assessment Criteria
Grantswill be awarded on a competitive basis with funding decisions made by members of the ISC Academic Steering Committee. Applications will be assessed using following criteria:
- feasibility of proposal, taking into account both the timely completion of the PhD and any previous research outputs achieved during the candidature;
- quality of proposed outlets for publication – journal rank, for example;
- preparedness to promote the research and engage in knowledge transfer;
- capacity to complete and submit publications by October 2018
- capacity to present at an ISC seminar no later thanDecember 2018;
- degree of alignment with the Institute’s established research projects and research themes;
- level of access to alternative support.
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Applicant name / Text hereApplicant email address / Text here
Primary supervisor name and
email address / Text here
Other supervisor/s’names and
email addresses / Text here
School/Institute/Centre location for
each supervisor / Text here
HDR candidature status / progress
Date of submission of thesis / Click or tap to enter a date.
Were you in receipt of a scholarship?
If yes – what type of scholarship did you receive? / NO ☐
Type of scholarship: text here
Length of your candidature (FTE)
NOTE: if you received a scholarship and submitted within 3.5 years of candidature, you may be eligible for an amount of writing up assistance from the GRO. Please contact the Graduate Research Office. / Text here
(in years and months full-time equivalent)
Current Employment status / Text here
Refer carefully to the notes below.Write your proposal in 12 font Times New Roman with 2cm margins and numbered pages, with your surname in the footer of all pages.
Provide no more than one half-page of references, most likely needed in relation to your background statement below.
Incorporate material asked for below in your application as part of the PDF document.
ISC research themes
200 words / In no more than 200 words explain how your research aligns with one or more of the ISC research theme areaslisted in the eligibility section above.
Brief proposal summary
This section will be approximately 1200 words and may be more if more than one output is proposed. / In your proposal summary provide:
- 100 words maximum on each of the following
[500 words in total] - summary in lay terms
- background to the research and its key findings – on what body of work is this proposal based?
- proposalaims and objectives – what do you now mean to achieve by publishing and promoting the work?
- significance of the work proposed – why is the work important for scholarship, policy, people, or things, for example?
- likely impact – what difference will the publications, output, and your seminar make and to whom or to what?
- No more than 300 words for each output planned outlining the provisional ideas you have:
- Type of publication [see
- Title
- Co-authors, where relevant
- Funding sources, where relevant
- Abstract [no more than 200 of the 300 words in total]
- Six keywords
- Intended outlet [name of journal or publisher to which submission will be made]
- Standing/quality of outlet, where relevant[for example, rank]
- Current status of each planned output – for example, mature draft, early draft, in planning stage, not started
- No more than 200 words on your seminar plan – title, abstract, possible best timing for you to give the seminar
- No more than 200 words for your media plan – outlets, engagement, promotion strategy
No word limit – as required / Provide a list of publications you have written.
Include in that list the apportionment of effort in joint publications (for example, Smith [you] 60% and Jones [supervisor] 40%, year, title [etc.])
Other information / Any other details that the ISC should know about.
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