Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:Factors that affect motion


Grade: 10-12th
Subject: Physics
Unit: Mechanics
Lens: Factors that govern motion

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


State Science Standards



Content Knowledge and Skill

  1. Displacement, velocity, and acceleration describe motion (without discussing its cause).
/ a)How are scalar and vector quantities different?
b)What can the slope of a line represent? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured
650.04 Understand concepts of motion and forces / a. Know that gravitational force and electrical force are universal forces
  1. Motion is explained by Newton’s 3 laws:
  • Inertia
  • F = ma
  • Forces occur in pairs
/ a)How do we measure inertia?
b)What happens if there is no net force?
c)Why don’t action/reaction forces cancel out?
d)What are Newton’s 3 laws and what do they tell us? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured
650.04 Understand concepts of motion and forces / b. Know that objects change their motion only when a net force is applied.
657.01 Understand the significance of major scientific milestones / b. Understand the contributions of notable scientists.
648.14c Know that equilibrium is a physical state in which forces and changes occur in opposite and offsetting directions
  1. There are universal forces that affect motion. There are also frictional forces to consider in real-life problem solving.
/ a)What are the universal forces that affect motion?
b)What formula describes gravitational forces and how do you use it?
c)What caused friction? What causes air resistance?
d)What are the two types of friction? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured
650.04 Understand concepts of motion and forces / a. Know that gravitational force and electrical force are universal forces
Grade: 10-12th
Subject: Physics
Unit: Mechanics
Lens: Factors that govern motion

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


State Science Standards



Content Knowledge and Skill

  1. As long as there is no external force, momentum is conserved.
/ a)What does the conservation of momentum mean?
b)How is momentum changed and what equation describes it?
c)How does momentum relate to collisions?
d)What is angular momentum and how is it conserved? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / a. Identify constancy in some concepts in science that do not change with time such as the speed of light.
b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens: Force and energy in systems


Grade: 10-12th
Subject: Physics
Unit: Energy
Lens: Force and energy in systems

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


State Science Standards



Content Knowledge and Skill

  1. Temperature is related to the motion of molecules and heat is the transfer of energy due to temperature differences.
/ a)Which has more internal energy: a can of soda at room temperature or a lake on a cold winter day?
b)What is the difference between temperature and heat?
c)What is the difference between heat and internal energy?
d)What is thermal equilibrium and how does it affect heat flow? / 648.14c Know that equilibrium is a physical state in which forces and changes occur in opposite and offsetting directions
650.02 Understand the structure and function of matter and molecules and their interactions.
  1. Energy is always conserved in an isolated system.
/ a)What does the conservation of energy mean?
b)What forms of energy are there?
c)What’s the relationship between kinetic energy, potential energy, and work?
d)What can change the mechanical energy of a body and what equation describes it?
e)How are work and power different? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / a. Identify constancy in some concepts in science that do not change with time such as the speed of light.
b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured
650.05 Understand that the total energy in the universe is constant /
  1. Understand that energy can be transferred but it can neither be destroyed nor created
  2. Know that energy can be classified as potential energy, kinetic energy, or energy contained by a field.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:Force and Energy in Systems


Grade: 10-12th
Subject: Physics
Unit: Electricity and Magnetism
Lens: force and energy in systems

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


State Science Standards



Content Knowledge and Skill

  1. Electric Charges create strong electric forces
/ a)How are electric forces created?
b)What affects their strength?
c)How do electric forces compare to gravitational forces? / 650.01Understand the structure of atoms /
  1. Know the function and location of protons, neutrons, and electrons

650.04 Understand concepts of motion and force /
  1. Know that gravitational force and electrical force are universal forces

  1. The transfer of electrons and conservation of charge are the basis for objects becoming charged
/ a)What is the conservation of charge?
b)How is charge transferred?
c)Why are some substances good conductors/insulators? / 650.01Understand the structure of atoms /
  1. Know the basic electrical properties of matter

650.02 Understand the structure and function of matter and molecules and their interactions /
  1. Know hoe atoms interact with one another by transferring or sharing electrons

  1. Electric fields store energy
/ a)What is an electric field?
b)What is Electric PE and Electric Potential?
c)What is a capacitor and how does it work? / 650.05 Understand that the total energy in the Universe is constant / b. Know that energy can be classified as either potential, kinetic or energy contained by a field.
656.04 Understand the different uses of technology in science and how they affect our standard of living /
  1. Identify examples of technologies used in scientific fields

  1. Electric current is charge movement in direct and alternating circuits; components in a circuit may be arranged in series or parallel.
/ a)What is a circuit?
b)What is the difference between AC and DC?
c)Explain series and parallel circuits.
d)What does the power company sell you and where do the electrons come from? / 650.05 Understand that the total energy in the Universe is constant /
  1. Know that energy is transferred by various types of waves and by electrons flowing through matter.

  1. Ohm’s law: the current in a circuit is directly proportional to the potential difference and to the resistance.
/ a)What is Ohm’s law and when does it apply?
b)How does a light switch on almost instantly if the speed of electron flow is much slower? / 648.03 Understand constancy, change, and measurement / b. Recognize that change occurs in and among systems and change can be measured
Grade: 10-12th
Subject: Physics
Unit: Electricity and Magnetism
Lens: force and energy in systems

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


State Science Standards



Content Knowledge and Skill

  1. Changing electric fields produce magnetic fields and changing magnetic fields produce electric fields
/ a)How does an electromagnet work?
b)How does a motor work?
c)How does a generator work?
d)How does a transformer work?
e)Why do we use AC in our homes and not DC?
f)How do E&M waves propagate and how do they convey information (like TV and radio signals) / 650.04 Understand concepts of motion and force /
  1. Understand that moving electrical charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets produce electrical forces

655.01 Understand the relationship between science and technology and develop the abilities of technological design and application /
  1. Know the ways that science advances technology and technology advances science

656.03 Understand the importance of natural resources and the need to manage and conserve them. /
  1. Understand the role and effect of management of natural resources

657.01 Understand the significance of major scientific milestones /
  1. Understand the social and economic impact of historical scientific events
  2. Understand the contributions of notable scientist

656.04 Understand the different uses of technology in science and how they affect our standard of living /
  1. Identify examples of technologies used in scientific fields
