DMC/DC/F.14/Comp.1646/2/2016 4th April, 2016
The Delhi Medical Council through its Executive Committee examined a representation from SHO, Police Station, Civil Lines, Delhi, seeking medical opinion in respect of death of Smt. Phool Sunder allegedly due to medical negligence on the part of Dr. Dinesh Ratnani, Dr. Mudit Gupta, Dr. Nitin Jain and Dr. Dam of Sant Parmanand Hospital, in the treatment administered to late Phool Sunder at Sant Parmanand Hospital, 18, Sham Nath Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054, resulting in her death on 05.06.2014.
The Order of the Executive Committee dated 18thFebruary, 2016 is reproduced herein-below :
“The Executive Committee of the Delhi Medical Council examined a representation from SHO, Police Station, Civil Lines, Delhi, seeking medical opinion in respect of death of Smt. Phool Sunder, allegedly due to medical negligence on the part of Dr. Dinesh Ratnani, Dr. Mudit Gupta, Dr. Nitin Jain and Dr. Dam of Sant Parmanand Hospital, in the treatment administered to late Phool Sunder (referred hereafter as the patient) at Sant Parmanand Hospital, 18, Sham Nath Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 (referred hereinafter as the said Hospital), resulting in her death on 05.06.2014.
The Executive Committee perused the representation from Police Station, Civil Lines, New Delhi, copy of medical records of Sant Parmanand Hospital and other documents submitted therewith.
The Executive Committee observes that the patient was a known case of chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. The patient had bleeding in the brain following trauma. The patient had right fronto temporo parieto accipital. subdural hematoma, for which the surgery was done on 5th June, 2014. The patient was operated and the procedure was completed, however, during surgery, the patient’s blood-pressure
fell. The patient was managed with ionotropes, however, the patient did not respond. The patient’s urine output was nil due to pre-existing kidney problem. The condition of the patient did not improve and he died to his underlying condition of C.K.D. compounded with large hematoma in the brian.
In view of theobservations made herein-above, it is, therefore, the decision of the Executive Committeethat Smt. Phool Sunder was treated as per accepted profession practices by doctors of Sant Parmanand Hospital prima-facie no case of medical negligence is made out on the part of Dr. Dinesh Ratnani, Dr. Mudit Gupta, Dr. Nitin Jain and Dr. Dam of Sant Parmanand Hospital, in the treatment administered to late Phool Sunder at Sant Parmanand Hospital.
Matter stands disposed.“
Sd/: Sd/:Sd/:
(Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta) (Dr. Vinay Aggarwal) (Dr.Satendra Singh)
Chairman, Member, Member,
Executive Committee Executive Committee Executive Committee
(Dr. Daljit Singh)
Expert Member
Executive Committee
The Order of the Executive Committee dated 18thFebruary, 2016 was confirmed by the Delhi Medical Council in its meeting held on 18th March, 2016.
By the Order & in the name of Delhi Medical Council
(Dr. Girish Tyagi)
Copy to :-
1)SHO, Police Station Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. (w.r.t.Memo No2003 SHO/Civil Lines dated 14.08.2015. PS Civil Lines Delhi)-for Information.
(Dr. Girish Tyagi)