Registration Form

The Role of Translation and Interpreting
in Language Development

To register for the conference on 29 September 2012, please complete this form in full and submit it to or 0866 199133 (fax) together with your proof of payment. Your registration will only be confirmed once full payment has been made.

Your Details




Postal address:

City and country of residence:

Telephone (business hours):






[ ] I am a SATI member

[ ] I am a member of a LAMP partner* – [ ] ASAIB [ ] PEG [ ] SAFREA [ ] WGSA

[ ] I am not a SATI or LAMP Alliance member

[ ] I am a translation student at [indicate university]

I wish to attend (mark all that are applicable):

[ ] The conference (09:00-17:00)

[ ] The Awards Ceremony for the SATI Prizes for Outstanding Translation and Dictionaries (17:00–19:00) (included in the conference fee)

* Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB), Professional Editors’ Group (PEG), Southern African Freelancers’
Association (Safrea), Writers’ Guild of South Africa (WGSA)


I have made the following payments (mark with an X in the relevant box):

NOTE: The Mossop workshop is fully booked

SATI & LAMP members / Non-members / Students
Early-bird / R350 / R425 / R150
Regular / R425 / R500 / R200
Late / R500 / R575 / R275

SATI bank details: ABSA Bank, Brooklyn Branch, Universal Branch Code: 632 005, Swift Code ABSAZAJJ, Account No. 0000724173, Account name: SA Translators’ Institute, reference: conference + your surname]. Please add on a bank fee of R150 for international transfers or ensure that all bank fees are paid by the foreign bank.

Special dietary requirements:


[ ] I have read the Conditions of Registration overleaf, and accept them.

[ ] I consent to the publication of my name, place of residence and email address in the list of conference participants which will be made available to the conference delegates.

[ ] I consent to the use of my contact details by SATI to send me relevant information in the future. The data concerned will not be communicated to any third party.

Conditions of Registration for the SATI Triennial Conference – 29 September 2012

Early bookings with
registration and payment
by 31 July 2012 / Regular participation fee
with registration and payment from 1 to 31 August 2012 / Late participation fee
with registration and payment from 1 to 20 September 2012
Members* / R350,00 / R425,00 / R500,00
Non-members / R425,00 / R500,00 / R575,00
Students / R150,00 / R200,00 / R275,00

* The reduced participation fee for members also applies to LAMP alliance members.

1.  The conference fees listed above cover participation in the conference programme and teas, lunch and attendance of the cocktail function on 29 September.

2.  The Mossop workshop fee includes attendance, tea and lunch at the workshop.

3.  Registration is firm and binding and is only confirmed upon payment.

4.  If participation is cancelled after registration, the following cancellation fees apply:

·  Cancellations up to 31 July 2012: A cancellation fee of 20% will be charged.

·  Cancellation between 1 and 31 August 2012: A cancellation fee of 50% will be charged.

·  Cancellation between 1 September and 29 September 2012 or non-attendance without prior cancellation, a cancellation fee of 100% will be charged.

5.  You may nominate a substitute participant, subject to a processing fee of 20% of the original invoice amount. Your refund will only be paid when payment of the participation fee by the substitute participant has been received. If the substitute participant is nominated only shortly before the date of the conference, there is no guarantee that their details will be included in the list of participants.

6.  Any discount for early booking will also be granted to the substitute participant on the same conditions as the original participant.