CarondeletHigh School Science Teacher/Course Evaluation
Write Physicsin the Subject line andTrampleasure in the Name area; bubble your period in the Student ID section.
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General helpfulness of coursework
1)Do you feel you learned any newscience conceptsthat you will use in the future?
a)Yes, definitely
b)Yes, probably
c)No, probably not
d)No, definitely not
2)Do you feel you learned or practiced any skills (for example: study, math, logic, thinking) that you will use later in life?
a)Yes, definitely
b)Yes, probably
c)No, probably not
d)No, definitely not
3)Do you plan on pursuing a career related to the content of the class?
a)Yes, I was planning on it before I took this class.
b)Yes, and this class helped me decide this.
c)No, I’m not interested in pursuing a career related to this subject.
Homework and class assignments (non-lab)
4)Do you think the homework and similar class assignments were helpful in learning the materials in the course?
a)They helped me significantly
b)They helped me, but not that much
c)They did not help me.
5)How do you feel about the amount of homework and similar in-class assignments?
a)There were too many
b)There were just about the right amount
c)There were not enough
Tests and quizzes
6)Tests and quizzes were
a)Too difficult
b)About right
c)Too easy
7)Cheating on tests/quizzes within the class:
a)Never takes place
b)Seldom takes place
c)Often takes place
d)I am unsure
Try to reflect on all the labs when answering the following questions, not just the best or worst.
8)Do you think the labs you did in class were helpful in learning the materials in the course?
a)They helped me significantly
b)They helped me, but not that much
c)They did not help me
9)How do you feel about the number of labs in the class?
a)There were too many
b)There were just about the right amount
c)There were not enough
10)How easy were the labs to conduct?
a)The lab instructions were clear.
b)The instructions were somewhat vague and difficult to follow.
c)The instructions were extremely difficult to follow.
11)How well do you feel the labs helped you engage?
a)They were engaging and helped me focus.
b)The labs were OK, but I sometimes got distracted during them.
c)The labs were boring or otherwise uninteresting, and I often got distracted during them.
12)How well do you think the labs related to the class materials?
a)They generally related to the subject matter we were studying at the time.
b)They did not seem to relate to the subject matter at the time we were doing the labs.
c)They did not seem to relate to the subject matter at all.
13)How engaging was your teacher?
a)My teacher was engaging, and the class content was also.
b)My teacher was engaging, although the content was not.
c)My teacher did not engage me, and neither did the content.
d)My teacher did not engage me, but the content did.
e)My teacher did not engage me, neither did the content, but I think the content might have been engaging with a different teacher.
14)How well did your teacher answer questionsfrom you or other classmates?
a)The answers were clear and helped me understand.
b)The answers were sometimes helpful, but sometimes not.
c)The answers did not help me understand.
15)How timely was your teacher’s grading?
a)Assignments were returned very quickly.
b)Assignments were returned in a reasonable amount of time.
c)Assignments were often returned late.
d)Assignments were generally returned late.
16)How fair do you think your teacher’s grading was?
a)The teacher was fair.
b)The teacher was inconsistent between students.
c)The teacher was inconsistent between assignments.
d)Both b) and c) above.
17)Was your teacher enthusiastic about the course?
a)Yes, always.
b)Yes, sometimes.
c)No, never.
18)Teacher’s control of classwas:
a)Excellent, students behaved appropriately
b)Decent, while students occasionally were disruptive and/or off task, in general they were well behaved.
c)Poor, students were frequently allowed to be disruptive and/or off task.
19)During class discussions, the teacher called on me:
a)More than I expected
b)About what I expected
c)Less than I expected
20)Overall, how well do you feel your teacher conducted class?
a)The teacher did one of the best jobs of all my teachers at CHS.
b)The teacher did a good job.
c)The teacher did a poor job.
d)The teacher was one of the worst I have had at CHS.
Your grade and effort in the class
(This survey is anonymous, so this data will help us determine if there is a correlation between students’ perspectives on the class and students’ grades).
21)What grade did you receive for fall semester?
22)What grade did you receive for first quarter spring semester?
23)How do you feel about how hard you worked in the class? (Do not reflect on your grade here, just your effort.)
a)I think I worked hard in the class, and am satisfied with my effort.
b)I found the class easy, so I didn’t have to work hard, but I’m satisfied with my effort.
c)I did not do much work for the class, and probably should have worked harder.
24)How often did you come in for extra help, either from your teacher or from other CHS/DLS teachers?
a)I came in once a week or more.
b)I came in between once a month and once a week.
c)I came in a few times each semester.
d)I came in once.
e)I did not come in for help.
25)If you did not come in for help, what was your primary reason?
a)I did not find the teacher inviting.
b)I was too busy with other activities.
c)I came in once or twice and did not find it helpful.
d)I did not feel I needed it, my grades were good enough.
26)How would you rate your fellow students’ behavior and attitude
a)Exceptionally cooperative, willing to work
b)Generally well behaved
c)Disruptive and/or antagonistic.
If you think any of the items above did not have an answer/option that was close to what you would have answered, please list the question number and the response you would like to see in the space below:
If you have any comments to share about the class and/or the teacher, please write them below.
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