Joey Scout Program – by Leonie Plummer (1st Carlingford)
Date: / Leader:Theme: Caring / Sub Theme: Friends
Time /
Activity Description
/ Leader / EquipmentRequired:
CIA: Decorate Law Bookmark / Cardboard, textas.
0.00 / Opening Ceremony / Flag.
0.05 / Game: Buzzy Bees / Music
0.10 / Game: Three Legged Race / Fabric to tie legs together.
0.15 / Activity: Blindfold Partner / Blindfolds, rope.
0.20 / Craft: Promise Chart / Copies of Promise chart, textas, sticks, sticky tape, string.
0.35 / Singing: There Are Some Kids
Make New Friends
Joey Scout Hymn
0.40 / Story: Franklin is Messy / Story book.
0.45 / Game: HOP Dice / HOP Dice
0.50 / Game: Tangles / Nil.
0.55 / Closing Ceremony / Flag.
ATTENDANCE: / No in Attendance: / No Total Membership:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: / About Next Meeting:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: / About Activities:
Coming In Activity:
Decorate Law Bookmark
Game: Buzzy Bees
Joeys move around freely to music. When music stops, find a friend and listen for instruction from Leader – touch noses, heads, elbows, etc, finish with bottoms- always love this one.
Game: Three Legged Race
Joeys find a friend and tie middle leg together. Have a race.
Activity: Blindfold Partner
Joeys in pairs – one blindfolded. Talk about caring for your partner – look after them.
Sighted Joey leads them along a rope course set up between trees at waist height so the blindfolded Joey walks along the ground holding onto the rope and has the sighted Joey helping them along.
Craft: Promise ChartPhotocopy the Promise Chart from the Joey Handbook one for each Joey. Joeys collect 2 twigs from the ground outside about 20cm long. Colour in the little Joey pictures and sticky tape the sticks to the top and bottom of the chart. Add a string to hang up at home.
Game: HOP Dice
Joeys in Circle. Large Foam Dice with HOP, PROMISE and LAW printed on sides. Joeys take turns to throw dice and repeat what is on top of dice together.
Game: Tangles
Joeys hold hands, Walk around with Leader leading them into a tangle, care for your friends, don’t let go hands, get into muddle and then untangle.