1.0 System Basics – Instructor NotesCourse Overview / This course provides an overview of the MyFloridaMarketPlace eProcurement system, the structure of the course materials, and basic system navigation. This course will also cover setting user personal profile settings and user security.
Course Length / 1.5 hours
MFMP Users / All Users: Requesters, Approvers, Receivers (Desktop and Central), Purchasing Agents, Contract Specialists, Finance & Accounting, and System Administrators
Course Objective /
- After training, participants will be able to:
- Login/Logoff MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Navigate throughout MyFloridaMarketPlace using links, buttons, and icons
- Change user personal profile settings
- Change e-mail notification preferences
- Reset default preferences
Prerequisites /
- Basic computer skills (ability to operate keyboard and mouse)
- Windows skills (ability to open, minimize and close windows)
- Internet skills (ability to use Internet Explorer)
- Knowledge of the Florida procurement policies and procedures
- How to Use the Web-based Training Tool presentation
Key Talking Points
Lesson 1.1 Login/Logoff MyFloridaMarketPlace / Explain the significance of user security
- Don’t share password
- Session timeouts (60 minutes)
- MyFloridaMarketPlace is a secure web site
- Minimum of 7 characters
- Maximum of 30 characters
- Can contain special characters (except the “^” symbol)
- Passwords are case sensitive (your username is also case sensitive)
- Expire after 90 days (once expired you will be redirected to the Change Password screen to create a new password)
Lesson 1.2 Navigation Basics / Explain the following:
- This topic is designed to give the users an overview of how to navigate through the application and not how to complete a transaction
- Icons in the system are referred to as buttons (i.e. calendar icon, page icon, contract icon)
- Links on the shortcut menu that are applicable to complete a step are activated in the web-based training environment
Lesson 1.3 Personal Profile Settings /
- If a user loses or forgets their password, they will need to contact one of your agency’s Security Administrators to have their password reset.
- The system will require passwords to be changed every 90 days
- After making changes to your profile, the request will require approval from your supervisor before it is effective. If you change your supervisor, this will require your current and new supervisor to approve the change before it is effective.
- The system will assign a unique User Profile change request number to your request. You can view the status of your request and see where it is in the Approval process.
- When delegating your approval authority to another user, the delegation will end at 12:59 AM of the day you select.
- A user can be delegated the approval authority for more than one user.
- An approver can only delegate their approval authority to one user at a given time period.
- A user cannot delegate their approval authority to a user which has delegated their approval. You will receive an error message if this occurs and must select a different user to delegate your approval authority.
- Using the Change Your Profile link is where you can change personal information about yourself, including your name, e-mail address, phone number, shipping and billingdefaults, and your supervisor.
Lesson 1.4 User Preferences /
- Users should not modify their default locale and currency settings in the system.
- An approver can choose different e-mail customizations for User Profile requests, General Approval and Receipts if desired.
- Notification method
- When my document is approved
Lesson 1.5 Data Validation /
- If the Security Administrator deletes a Ship To or Bill To address which is listed in a user’s profile, the system will display the Invalid Fields screen to notify the user that the record has been deleted. The user will be required, at a minimum to select a valid Ship To or Bill To address prior to submitting the requisition for approval.
- If the user’s supervisor has been deleted, when the user submits a requisition for approval the system will route the request to the supervisor of the deleted supervisor. In the event the deleted supervisor did not have another user linked to their user profile, the system will route the request to Purchasing for approval.
Sample Requester E-mail Notification and Messages
Notification for Approval: You will receive this e-mail notification when an approver approves your request. You will receive this notification for each approver in the approval flow chain.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' has been approved by Beth Wilson
To view this request in the Ariba system, use the following URL:
the link displayed here to see request in Ariba>
PR99: Copy Paper
Created on Fri, 11 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Notification of Full Approval: You will receive this e-mail notification when a request you submitted is fully approved.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' has been fully approved
To view this request in the Ariba system, use the following URL:
the link displayed here to see the request in Ariba>
Requisition No. PR99
Created on Fri, 11 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Notification of Denial: You will receive this e-mail notification when an approver denies a request you submitted for approval.
PR100: 'Janitorial Service for DouglassBuilding' has been denied by Boris Platt
To view this request in the Ariba system, use the following URL:
the link displayed here to see request in Ariba>
PR100: Janitorial Service for DouglassBuilding
Created on Wed, 02 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Notification of Modification: You will receive this e-mail notification when someone modifies a request that has been submitted for approval. Approvers have the capability to edit a request requiring their approval. If edits are completed by the approver, you will receive this notification.
PR101: 'Vertical Filing Cabinets' has been modified by Charles King
To view this request in the Ariba system, use the following URL:
the link displayed here to see the request in Ariba>
Requisition No. PR101
Created on Thu, 03 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Sample Approver E-mail Notifications and Messages
Notification of Required Approval: You will receive this e-mail notification when you become the active approver for a request in progress.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' requires your approval because "7200 Purchasing Agent"
To view this request in the Ariba system, use the following URL:
the link displayed here to see request in Ariba>
Requisition No. PR99
Created on Fri, 11 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Notification of Approaching Escalation: You will receive this warning of a pending escalation e-mail notification when a request pending your approval is about to be automatically escalated up the management chain.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' will be automatically escalated to Steve Roberson on Sat July 26 14:09:13 PDT 2000
To view this request in Ariba Buyer, use the following URL:
http://<click the link displayed here to see the request in Ariba>
Requisition No. PR99
Created on Fri, 11 July, 2003 by Vincent Lo
Notification of Escalation to Supervisor: You will receive this e-mail notification when a request requiring your approval is escalated to your supervisor.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' has been automatically escalated to Steve Roberson
the link displayed here to see the request in Ariba>
Requester: Vincent Lo
Notification of Escalation to You: This is the e-mail notification sent to your supervisor when a request requiring your approval is escalated.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' has been automatically escalated to you from Janice Benning
click here
Requester: Vincent Lo
Notification of Withdrawn Document: This e-mail notification will be sent to approvers if a request received has remained in their approval queue over 28 days. This will occur if a request requires approval by a role (i.e. Purchasing Agent, Master Agreement Manager, etc…). This will also occur if the request requires approval from a user which has no supervisor linked to their user profile.
PR99: 'Copy Paper' has been withdrawn
Requisition No. 99
Created on Fri, 11 July, 2003 by Vincent Ackerman
Last Updated on 07/08/04 Page 1 of 4