Prince Andrew High School

31 Woodlawn Road, Dartmouth, NS B2W 2R7

Telephone: 435-8452

Fax: 435-8398

Math 11 Academic Teacher: Ms. Kelly Cooper
Contact information :
web site:
phone: 435-8452 ext 4101101
Parents and students please to refer to the HRSB Assessment, Evaluation, and Communication of Student Learning Policy accessible at
Course Introduction
This math course is offered to meet the needs of students who have successful completed grade 10 Mathematics program. As we all know, Math can be a topic that intimidates and frustrates. However, the problem solving abilities that we get from math are vital regardless of the career paths you may take. The focus of the grade 11 math program is to improve mathematical problem solving and strengthen skills needed for daily mathematical applications. Students will work to understand math concepts, recognize what operations are needed in different situations, and to improve math reading and problem solving skills. By choosing the Math 11 Academic course, students commit themselves to a high expectation for classroom behaviour, attendance and completion of all homework on a daily basis.
When determining a students’ final grade:
ü  No single assessment tool (i.e. presentations, labs, demonstrations, portfolios, debates, written tests/quizzes) will account for more than half of the value of each Gradebook category
ü  Learning trends over time will be considered, more recent student work and the teacher’s professional judgment
ü  Students will participate in a final cumulative assessment opportunity that allows them to demonstrate an appropriate range of the learning outcomes and process skills involved in the course. This final assessment, whether a written examination or alternative assessment opportunity, will be worth no more than 20%.
Students in Mathematics 11 Academic will explore the following subject areas:
Measurement: (15%)
o  Applications of rates
o  Scale Diagrams and Proportional Reasoning
o  Relationships among Volumes, Areas and Surface Areas of similar 2D and 3D objects
Geometry: (25%)
o  Applications using properties of angles and triangles
o  Proofs for properties of angles and triangles
o  Sine and Cosine Laws
Logical Reasoning: (10%)
o  Analyze and Prove Conjectures
o  Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
o  Spatial Reasoning and Problem Solving Strategies
Statistics: (20%)
o  Normal Distribution and Standard Deviation
o  Z-scores and Confidence Intervals/Levels
o  Inferential Statistics
Relations and Functions: (30%)
o  Systems of Linear Inequalities in two variables
o  Characteristics of Quadratic Functions
Assessment Practice
Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to demonstrate their progress toward achievement of outcomes.
There are several different ways that you will be asked to represent concepts and solutions in Math:
q  Verbally ~ describing in words what steps you are taking to solve a problem and why you chose the particular steps.
q  Concretely ~ using manipulatives to solve problems.
q  Pictorially ~ drawing sketches/diagrams to show a problems solution.
q  Symbolically ~ with numbers, letter, signs, ex. 2y + 5 = 18
q  Contextually ~ being able to relate the problem or concept to the real world, in a real world situation (story problems)
These five models of Mathematical problems, as well as your attitude and behaviour in class will help you achieve success with the outcomes of this course.
Many different formats of assessments will occur during this course. Leading up to the final summative examination, there will be observations of classroom practice and discussions of learning progress; there will be homework probes, quizzes, assignments, problem solving activities, unit tests, a mid term assessment, and an independent study. By fully participating in these learning activities you will give yourself many opportunities to demonstrate your success with the outcomes of this course.
Creating Opportunities for Success (reference school code of conduct)
While you are in the Mathematics classroom it is expected that you will:
Respect yourself and give yourself a complete opportunity to understand the math by participating, trying and challenging yourself…that means
Ø  All class work and homework must be completed regularly.
Ø  You are responsible for getting notes and assignments if you are absent.
Ø  You are responsible for checking the answers to homework assignments as they are provided and asking questions immediately when problems arise.
Respect the rights of all members of this class and Not interfere with the opportunities of your classmates to understand the math by disrupting …that means
Ø  You are expected to arrive in class on time
Ø  You are expected to be prepared with paper, graph paper, a writing utensil and a calculator.
Ø  Bathroom trips should be made on your own time.
Respect the classroom and learning environment…that means
Ø  Food and drink must be consumed outside the classroom. Water is allowed.
Ø  Cell phones and other electronic devices must be used with discretion and respect and only during non-instructional time.
Ø  Respect the school books and calculators that you borrow.
Procedural Expectations
Students are responsible for:
ü  Seeking assistance with assignments when required;
ü  Requesting an extension for assignments in a timely manner when required;
ü  Completing assignments by specified due dates so that teachers can provide timely feedback;
ü  Responding to feedback provided during the learning process.
ü  In the event that a due date for an assignment is missed, it will be at the discretion of the teacher and principal to extend the deadline.
ü  Students who do not adhere to the extended deadline will have missed that opportunity to demonstrate achievement towards the outcomes addressed in that assignment.
Ø  If you miss a test or assignment due date because you are absent – you must bring a note excusing the absence upon your return. You should be prepared to complete the assessment as soon as you return.
Ø  Extensions will only be possible under extenuating circumstances.
Ø  It is your responsibility to ask questions for clarification if you need it. You should attend extra help sessions as soon as you have a difficulty – a schedule will be posted on my website and the classroom white board.
Ø  Keep yourself organized. Check my website regularly for important dates
Ø  Please see school policy regarding exam exemptions.
Communication Tools
Prince Andrew will use a variety of methods to communicate student achievement throughout the school year.
Please visit your PowerSchool (Gradebook) account regularly.
Please visit my website nightly for class notes, assignments and important dates
Please listen nightly for school wide announcements on School Voice Messenger
Please attend school communication events such as Curriculum Night and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Please be aware of dates for Mid Term Reports and Final Report Cards to come home
Extra Help
Mondays 11:35 -12:15 Thursdays 11:35 – 12:15
All students are welcome at any time – no apt necessary.
*these times are subject to change based on administrative duties and meetings.
Equipment Needs
All texts are signed in and out of the library.
Please have a scientific calculator, lots of paper, graph paper and pencils.
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Course Outline from Parent and Student
I have asked that you be shown this outline of what we will achieve this year. Your child will have a much more successful year if we work together as a team. If you feel your son/daughter is having difficulty or not working at their potential, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please indicate that you have been shown this course outline by signing below.
SIGNATURE of Parent/Guardian: