Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Lake Career & Technical Center

Developing Skills for a Lifetime

Technical English

Instructor Name & Contact Information: Mrs. Angela Tynes, 573-346-9260 x375,

Prerequisites: N/A

Corequisites: Students must be enrolled in one of the following courses, earn an 80% or higher, and take two years of Technical English to earn 1 credit of senior level English: Medical Terminology, Health Occupations I, Health Occupations II, Law Enforcement/CSI, Graphics, Photography, Networking and Repair, Smart Tech/Tech Mech, Culinary Arts, Intro. to Culinary Arts, or Teacher Education.

High School Credits: 1 credit of senior English over 2 yearsGrade Levels: 10-12

College Credit (dual credit and/or articulated): N/A

Work-based Learning Opportunities: N/A

Industry Recognized Credential: N/A

Program Accreditation: N/A


Course Rationale: Technical English offers students at LCTC an excellent opportunity to earn 1 credit of senior level English over two years while studying his/her career technical (CT) program. Curriculum is organized to enhance the communication and literacy one would face in the CT workplace and CT program of study.

Course Description: Students enrolled in specified 2 or 3-hour courses at Lake Career & Technical Center are enrolled in Technical English, a two-year course embedded into their scheduled career program. Therefore, students must complete two years of Technical English to earn a full credit of senior English. Embedded curriculum helps prepare students for life after high school by providing real-world application of English skills in the student’s area of career choice as a collaborative effort of their LCTC English instructor with their career program instructor. Learning focuses on technical reading and writing, teamwork skills, pre-employment skills, content vocabulary, and effective workplace communication. In order to prepare for gainful employment following graduation, students will also complete an electronic employment portfolio.

Power Standards/Course Objectives:

  1. TE1- Compose a variety of texts, in various formats, including workplace communications (W2c).
  2. job application
  3. cover letter
  4. resume
  5. job interview
  6. thank you letter
  7. TE2- Maintain a formal style and objective tone while following the norms and conventions of a discipline (W2e).
  8. TE3- Compose a variety of texts, using narrative, descriptive, expository, and/or persuasive features (W3a).
  9. TE4- Listen critically to summarize and evaluate communications; to evaluate own and others’ effectiveness, using provided criteria to evaluate the validity and reliability of the speaker’s message (SL3).
  10. TE5- Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English (SL6).
  11. TE6- In written text apply: a. conventions of capitalization, and b. conventions of punctuation (L2).
  12. TE7- Demonstrate conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing or speaking (L1a).
  13. TE8- Apply post-reading skills to comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate text: a.identify and explain the relationship between the main idea and supporting details, d. draw conclusions, e. paraphrase, and f. summarize (RIH).

Outcomes/Goals of Course:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to ask and answer interview questions for employment; show confidence and knowledge during an employment interview.
  2. Compose an interview ready cover letter, resume, job application, and thank you letter.
  3. Demonstrate and effective workplace communication.
  4. Compose a professional research paper (1st Year) / college entrance (2nd Year) essay; coach students through the writing process (3rd Year).
  5. Demonstrate effective reading comprehension of nonfiction texts (strategies: text features, context clues, making inferences).
  6. Annotate, summarize, and present information gathered from nonfiction articles.
  7. Use the Writing Process to compose a compelling reflective essay.
  8. Compose thoughtful reflections based on performance and growth over time; compile a program-specific portfolio of workplace communication.


Materials & Supplies Needed: Flashdrive, blue/black pens, pencils, cell phones or other electronic devices MAY be allowed

Evaluation: Rubrics will be provided for each of the projects assigned. Students MUST earn an 80% or higher for credit; however, they may also redo assignments to earn a higher grade. Grades will be comprised of 45% Employable Integrity (working effectively with others/demonstrating initiative and leadership), 45% Projects (individual and group/written and verbal), 10% Final Exam. Students are able to view their grades and attendance via the Student Portal. A link has been provided on the LCTC webpage --

Grading Scale: Total points accumulated from all assignments will be used to establish the semester grade.

A95% - 100%C73% - 76%

A-90% - 94% C-70% - 72%

B+87% - 89%D+ 67% - 69%

B83% - 86%D63% - 66%

B-80% - 82%D-60% - 62%

C+77% - 79%F59% and below

CTSO: Students are strongly encouraged to be members of SkillsUSA where they will develop leadership skills and be able to compete within their program area of study. Mrs. Tynes will offer practice schedules for Extemporaneous Speaking, Leadership Essay, Prepared Speech, and Quiz Bowl. Competitions can occur at the district, state, and national levels. Student dues are $15 and can be paid to the instructor. All “finalized” CTSO memberships are due before February 15.

Classroom & Student Expectations:

  1. “Clock in” by completing the entrance ticket question with your full name during the first 5 minutes of class and turning in/submitting.
  2. Cell phones must be kept on silent and placed on the top of the desks/tables - used only with permission to complete lesson objectives.
  3. Come to class prepared with all necessary tools (see materials and supplies list).
  4. Be ready to learn in teams, with a partner, and independently.
  5. Turn in assignments on the day they are due for full credit.
  6. Assignments turned in the week they were due will not receive a point deduction; assignments turned in later and any projects not turned in on time will receive a 15% deduction.
  7. Assignments will not be accepted after the end of each quarter. Late projects will require a late slip and conference with the teacher.