Phone: 0041-76 47 333 58 (mobile); 0041-22 917 5877 (Office)
DATE OF BIRTH:26th of March 1973 SEX:M.
CITIZENSHIPS: Danish/Congolese (DRC).
DOCTORAL STUDIES:Imperial College London & University of London[1]
Oct. 2004 – Sept. 2010:PhD-student atCentre for Development and Poverty Reduction / Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London.
July 2009 – June 2010:Visitor at The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics, the Social Sciences Division at Oxford University.
July 2007- Dec. 2008:Unregistered PhD exchange student at ENSAE/CREST, Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech), the IDEA League.
Sept. 2007-2008: CREST Laboratory of Microeconometrics (ENSAE ParisTech).
Term Three May 2007:Transport Investment Appraisal, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leedswith Professor Mark Wardman; Professor Nigel Smith; Professor Chris Nash; Professor Peter Mackie; and Dr.John Nellhorp.
Term Three June 2006:International Trade & Economic Development Exploring the Linkages
University of Copenhagen, Department of Economicswith Professors: Philip C. Abbott; Tom Hertel; Alan Winters; Finn Tarp.
Term One & Two 2005/2006:Time Series Econometrics at Department of Economics, University College London,with Dr. Jerzy Szroeter and Mr. Le-Yu Chen:MECT 1& 2 Econometrics, Mphil/PhD programme organised by Professors Andrew Chesher, Richard BlundellDr. Simon Lee, Department of Economics, University College London.
Term Three 2004/2005:Carried out almost 3 months of PhD Field research in the Eastern Province of Zambia:Managed a team consisting of three enumerators and a translatordriver; administered a Rural Households survey (i.e. a Living Standards Measurement Study) in two rural districts; administered a Business Survey in two district centres; and carried out a long series of in-depth interviews with key informants (>60) in Lusaka, Chipata and Lundazi.
Term Two 2004/2005:Microeconometrics at Department of Economics, University College London, with Professor Hidehiko Ichimura and Dr.Monica Costa Dias.
Socio-Economics of Rural Livelihoods with Dr.Andrew Dorward.
Term One 2004/2005:Rural Development; and Agricultural Trade & Policy with Professor Jonathan Kydd, Socio-Economic Research Methods in Rural Development with Dr.Andrew Dorward, Imperial College London at Wye.
THESIS TITLE:An Enquiry into the Causes and Nature of the Transmission Mechanisms between Labour-Based Rural Roads, Sustainable Growth, and Agricultural Trade in Zambia’s Eastern Province.
COMPLETION DATE: September 2010. VIVA DATE: 7th of January 2011.
CORRECTIONS Accepted: 27th of April 2011.
PhD Viva Committee:Professor Peter Hazell; Professor Bhavani Shankar; Professor Colin Thirtle.
Professor Dr. Colin Thirtle (Main Advisor)
Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 9337
Lecturer Dr. Salvatore Di Falco (Econometrics Advisor)
London School of Economics – Geography and
Environment Department.
E-mail: .
2004:Certificate in Globalization and Living Standards from Pompeu Fabra (CREI), Summer School, ES.
2003:Certificate in Economic Growth & Income Distribution from Pompeu Fabra (CREI), Summer School, ES.
2002:Certificate in Advanced Econometrics from London School of Economics, Summer School, UK.
2002 (1997-1999): M.Sc. in Economics (Upper Second), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.[2]
2000:Certificate from United Nations Graduate Study Programme, Geneva, Switzerland.
1999-2000:Centre for Development Research (today Danish Institute of International Studies), Copenhagen, Denmark.
2000:Visiting Research Student, Centre for International Economic Research, Havana, Cuba.
1999:Diploma in (Managerial) Finance and (Capital Markets) Investments Theory from Harvard University, Summer School, USA.
1993-1997:B.Sc. Degree in Economics, from the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
1996:Diploma in Economics of Natural Resources and Environment, Cultural University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
1995:Diploma in the Model United Nations in Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1992-1993:Diploma & Certificate in French Civilisation from Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), France.
Primary Fields: (Transport Infrastructure / Social Impact) Investment Appraisal;Innovative Project Finance and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Project Preparation/Design; Policy & Project Impact Evaluation; International Finance (FDI & FPI); Investment Analysis; and Emerging / Frontier Markets; Diaspora Finance/Investment.
Secondary Fields: Regional Integration; Trade-Related Infrastructure Development (AfT); Trade/Transport Facilitation (AfT); Trade in Services (GATS); Trade & Employment; GTAP Model; Gravity Models; and Growth (Determinants including TVET; Entrepreneurship / Innovation and Productivity; Microfinance); Applied (Micro-) Econometrics (using STATA, SPSS and E-views).
Besides embodying all theabove listed knowledge areas and specific technical skills, having e.g. worked on cross-cutting topics such as ‘Regional Integration’; I also possess the ability to work across (sectoral- / regional department) silos, to bring in outside expertise as needed and to be a strong task manager who can deliver and perform within tight deadlines and complex working environments.In other words, I consider myself as an ‘Integrator’ possessing a holistic view of my fields through my generalist and specialist skills as well as my ability to blend these skills together with versatile skills such as interpersonal skills, empathy; motivation; curiosity; innovation; and proactivity.
March 2015 – May 2015:Academic Visitor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Centre for Finance & Development, Switzerland
July 2014 –July 2015:Awarded funding - UA60,000 [US$91,800] - from the Korea Africa Economic Cooperation (KOAFEC) Trust Fund at the AfDB for the design of the International Infrastructure Support System (IISS) (Submitted jointly by ONRI.1 and ICA). Theme: To Facilitate Infrastructure Project Preparation and Financing.
June 2011 – August2012:Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), International Economics Department, Geneva, Switzerland.
July 2009 – July 2010:Academic Visitor, Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK.
July 2007 – Dec 2008:Visiting PhD Researcher, ENSAE-CREST (Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics), ParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology),[3]France.Admitted at the Fondation Danoise atCité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP).
Dec 1999 – March 2000:The Travel Fund Award for Master's Studentsat the University of Copenhagen, Visiting M.Sc.-student at Centre for International Economics, University of Havana, Cuba.
Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Scientific Word, Outlook Express; STATA, SPSS, E-Views, SAS, Endnote, IBM Lotus Notes 8.5, Groupewise; MATLAB; MapInfo; GPS software (PhD fieldwork); DIVA-GIS 5.2; ArcView; ADePT 4.0; Replicon (Time Management web time sheet tool); ISIP (Project Management tool); Dropbox; SAP Logon for Windows; Polycom Real Presence Desktop; Mozilla firefox; Cisco System VPN Client; Skype; Baobab AfDB’s Collaborative workspace(Sharedrive); Lync 2013 (to make a call or join a conference);ISIS-RDV; Umoja UN employee and manager self-service.
Native:Danish (Swedish & Norwegian)
Fluent (Spoken and Written)English and French
Basic (Spoken and Written)German and Spanish
May 2015 – on-going:Senior Economic Affairs Officer, P4 Step VI (ST staff position), Least Developed Countries Section, Research & Policy Analysis Branch,Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, UNCTAD.
June 2013 – May 2015:Chief Regional Integration & Infrastructure Officer, NEPAD & Regional Infrastructure Division (ONRI.1), African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia until 16th of December 2014 and Abidjan from 12th of January 2015.
Oct. 2012 – June 2013: Chief Regional Integration & Trade Officer, Regional Integration and Trade Division (ONRI.2), African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia.
June 2010 – Sept. 2012:Senior Research Officer, International Economic Development Group (IEDG); Trade, Investment and Growth programme, ODI, London, UK.
June 2011 – Sept. 2012:ODI Geneva Main Representative to the United Nations (ECOSOC Special Consultative Status), Geneva, Switzerland.
Jan. 2009 – March 2009:Consultant, Africa Section, Policy Analysis and Research Branch, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD. Switzerland.
July 2007 – Dec. 2008:Research Associate (Economist & Policy Analyst), African Economic Outlook, Africa Desk, Development Centre, OECD, Paris. France.
May 2006 – June 2007: Economist, Department of Economics and Financial Analysis, COWI A/S.[4]
May – July 2005:Research Assistant (Transport Economist), Transport and Infrastructure Development Section of the Transport Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
March – May 2005:Research Assistant, Economic Statistics Methodology Section,Statistical Division, UNECE, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sept. 2003 – Sept. 2004:Programme Officer (Associate Expert / P2),
International Labour Organization (ILO), Lusaka Office, Zambia.
Oct. 2002 – Sept. 2003: Junior Economist (P2) at the World Employment Report team,
Employment Strategy Department, International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva. Switzerland.
Oct. 2001 – Sept. 2002:Consultant at the International Policy Group, Secretariat of the Working Party on Social Dimensions of Globalisation, ILO, Switzerland.
April 2001 – Sept. 2001:External Collaborator/Consultant at the Social Finance Programme, Employment Sector, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sept. 2000 – Dec. 2000:Intern, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch, Division on Globalisation and Development Strategies, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sept. 1999 – Dec. 1999:Intern at the Office of Finances,The Danish Emergency Management Agency, Ministry of Interior, Denmark.
April 1999 - June 1999:Intern at the Office of Finances, The Danish Emergency Management Agency, Ministry of Interior, Denmark.
1995-1998:Part-time Substitute Teacher in Math and Science, Lower-secondary level, at different General Education Schools in Municipality of Brøndby, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1994-1998:Part-time Student Politics occupying various functions at different levels: University of Copenhagen (Moderate Studenter); National Student Union (Lands Sammenslutningen af Moderate Studenter); Erasmus Student Network (ESN)-Copenhagen; ; and the European Students' Forum (AEGEE) which is one of Europe's largest cross-faculty student organisations.
August 2012 -Member of Editorial Board of African Journal of Economic Review (AJER).
Nov 2014 – May 2015Member of AfDB/IDEV’s Stakeholder Reference Group for the Assessment of ‘How Does the African Development Bank Fare in Responding to the Regional Integration Imperative?’
Nov 2014–May 2015Member of the AfDB/ECON’s Knowledge Management Strategy team.
May 2014 – May 2015AfDB’s focal point on International Infrastructure Support System (IISS) and Member of the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF’s) Advisory Committee.
May 2014 – May 2015Member of the Task Team on Regional Operations Prioritization for African Development Fund (ADF) -XIII.
Dec 2013 – May 2015Member of the AfDB’s (OWAS-OSHD-EDRE-IDEV-ONRI) Impact Evaluation Reference Group.
Feb 2013 – May 2015Referee for African Development Review, African Development Bank. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK.
March 2013 – May 2015AfDB/ONRI focal point for capacity development and knowledge management issues in ONRIDepartment. Peer Reviewer of AfDB’s new Knowledge Management Strategy 2014-18: ‘Knowledge Solutions for Africa’s Transformation.’
Oct 2012 – June 2013Member of the Editorial Board of NEPAD, Regional Integration and Trade Department’s ‘Regional Integration Policy Paper’ series (RIPP).
April 2012 –Aug. 2013Member of Rural Transport Services Indicator: Consultative Group, IFRTD-AFCAPProject Rural Transport Services Indicators.
June 2011 – April 2012Member of Project Advisory Committee of CUTS(Consumer Unity & Trust Society) International’s “Fostering Equitable Agricultural Development (FEAD)” project.
2014-2015:Mtwara Development Corridor Project: Identification/Follow-up Missions undertaken to Governments of Zambia; Malawi and Tanzania. UA150 Mn.
2012-2013:Tripartite Capacity Building Programme: Identification; Preparation and Appraisal Missions undertaken to SADC; EAC and COMESA: US$7.5 Mn.
2016:Presentation of “The Quest to Lower High Remittance Costs to Africa: A Brief Review of the Use of Mobile Banking and Bitcoins” Brown Bag series, CFD – IHEIDMAISON DE LA PAIX, Geneva, 10 March 2016
2016:Presentation of “From Billions to Trillions to Action: How to finance the SDGs - The Role of the Diaspora Finance,” UNCTAD, Geneva, 16 Feb.
2016:Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, UN House, Laos, 12 Feb. (via skype).
2015:Presentation of ‘Mettre à profit les envois de fonds et les compétences des diasporas pour renforcer les capacités productives’, Africa21Conférence: la diaspora africaine en Suisse: quelles dynamiques? Quel rôle pour le Programme de développement 2030 de l’ONU?, Jeudi 17 décembre, à l’OMM, Geneva.
2015:Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, SARC, AfDB, Pretoria, South Africa, 26 Nov.
2015:Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, SADC, Gaborone, Botswana, 26 Nov.
2015:Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, IDC, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 Nov.
2015:Presentation of chapter 3 ‘Building Transformative Momentum through Rural Economic Diversification’ of the UNCTAD LDC Report 2015, Peer Review Meeting, Geneva, 22-23 June.
2015:Presentation of ‘The 2014 Africa Prosperity Report: African Middle Class, their values and characteristics’: Panel Discussion: Who are the Drivers of African Prosperity. Inaugural Africa Prosperity Summit, 20 May, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
2014:Presentation of ‘A Game Changing Approach to Infrastructure Financing. Partnering with the Private Sector for Results.’ Second Session. Transport Sector Management 50 years on: Focus on Financing. 6th Joint Transportation Sector Review. Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi. 8 Dec.
2014:Presentation of ‘Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Africa: The Role of the AfDB’. SESSION 3: Multilateral and regional trade facilitation negotiations and agreements: Ensuring coherence. Multi-year expert meeting on TRANSPORT, TRADE LOGISTICS AND TRADE FACILITATION, Second session. Geneva, Switzerland, Palais des Nations, Room XXVI, 2 July 2014.
2014:Presentation of “How and why does political economy analysis add value to AfDB programme and project interventions?” R04, EPI-B, AfDB, Tunis, 12 June, 2014.
2014:Presentation of ‘AfDB’s Ten Year Strategy, Africa Trade Fund, and new Regional Integration Strategy’ as part of WTO’s Regional Trade Policy training course’s professional visit to the AfDB. Room 308, ATR-B, AfDB, Tunis, 18 April, 2014.
2014:Presentation of ‘Commerce transfrontières Logistique & Développement des Corridors dans le contexte de l'intégration régionale’ as part of the ‘Facilitation des échanges’ session of the programme du cours régional de politique commerciale d’OMC, at “Ecole Superieure de Commerce" University of la Manouba, Tunis. 28 mars, 2014. Co-presented with with Augustin Karanga.
2013:Presentation of ADR 2013 ‘Chapter 8: Potential Contribution of AfDB’s 2009-2013 Operations to Regional Integration & Inclusive Growth?’ Experts’ Meeting to review the ADR 2013 the RIS 2014-2023. Novotel, Jasmin Room, Tunis, 17 Dec.
2013:Presentation of ADR 2013 ‘Chapter 3: Institutions for inclusive regional integration.’
Experts’ Meeting to review the ADR 2013 and the RIS 2014-2023. AfDB EPI B, Room 2, Tunis, Tunisia, 16 December, 2013.
2013:Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002.’ CASE STUDY II: Public Investment and Infrastructure. 7th May 2013, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Measuring Inclusive Growth in Africa: Case studies.
2012:Presentation of ‘Lessons Learned from the Tripartite-Free Trade Area’ at Session 2: Lessons from other regional integration schemes in Africa Expert Group Meeting on Preferential Trade Agreements and Regional Integration in the Arab World, UNESCWA, Ramada Hotel, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, 5 December, 2012.
2012:Presentation of ‘Infrastructure financing options’ with Professor Alice Sindzingre (CNRS/SOAS) at ICTSD, UNCDF and IHEID Workshop ‘How to Bridge the Infrastructure Financing Gap Through Innovative Public & Private Development Finance as a complement to the Global Aid-for-Trade Initiative’, IHEID, Geneva, 23 Nov, 2012.
2012:Presentation of ‘The role of the AfDB in the achievement of the AfT initiative’ at ICTSD, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, FERDI, ODI, SAWTEE, and the World Bank’s Workshop‘Dialogue on the Future of Aid for Trade’, WTO, Geneva, 22 November, 2012.
2012:Presentation of ICL paper ‘The Rural Transport Infrastructure and Marketing Linkage within the Context of the sub-Regional Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique Growth Triangle’ at UK Africa Studies Association’s Bi-annual Conference, University of Leeds, 8 September 2012.
2012:Presentation of ODI paper ‘Impediments to Intra-Regional Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa’ at Potsdam Spring Dialogues 2012 ‘Trade: Potentials and Pitfalls for Regional Integration and Development in Africa’, Hotel Voltaire, Potsdam, 27 April 2012.
2012:Presentation at Economic Forum for Congolese in the European Union ‘Mobile Banking in DRC: Opportunities and constraints for the Diaspora and investors’, Brussels, 23 March 2012.
In English:
In French:
Video of proceedings:
2012:Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002’ at Session ID 18: Agriculture micro 3: Agricultural markets, CSAE Conference 2012: Economic Development in Africa, Oxford, 19 March.
2011:Presentation of ‘New ODI research on the effects of DFIs and its broad policy implications’ at a Workshop “Development Impact of Financial Cooperation” (CeALCI) Fundacion Carolina & Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), Madrid, 8 Nov.
2011:Presentation of ‘What is the evidence of the impact of microfinance on the well-being of poor people?’ at a Public “Development Studies”, IHEID, Seminar ‘Microfinance - a flawed or a failed idea? 4 Nov., Geneva.
2011:Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002:
A Randomization Test’ at the Rigotnomics Brown Bag Lunch seminar series’, IHEID, 17 Oct., Geneva, Switzerland.
2011:Presentation of “Lessons for developing countries from experience with technical and vocational education and training”. UKFIET “Oxford” International Conference on Education and Development”. Skills for Work in Changing Macro-economic Environments 13th of Sept. 2011, Oxford, UK.
2011:Presentation of “Study on shock absorbing schemes in ACP countries – FLEX Study”. ACP Secretariat. 5th of April 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
2011:Presentation of PhD thesis: Key Findings & Policy Implications. ODI. 26 January 2011. London, UK.
2010:Presentation of paper: New Issues in Infrastructure Financing. CPD & OECD Development Centre Event: The Dhaka International Dialogue on UNLDC IV. Sheraton Hotel. 25 November 2010. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2010:Presentation of paper: The linkage between Agricultural Productivity and Rural Roads Improvements in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002. CSAE/Oxford University. 28th of April 2010, Oxford, England.