Action Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Task Group Lead Group
June 2nd, Totnes Town Council Meeting Room
Present - Thea Platt (TP), Paul Bennett, (PB),Tony Whitty, (TW),Chris Balch,(CB), Peter Rees, (PR), Frances Northrop,(FN), Carol Wellwood (CW)
Apologies -
Chair - Paul Bennett
Task/Issues / DetailReport back – Open space & leisure (Tony) /
- Tony confirmed Ben Piper might help out at event
- Tad-pool are happy to support the NP but they are pushing forward on the asset transfer – they will dip in and dip out of the NP
- Borough Park have expressed interest in coming to public meeting
- Still waiting for contact from DCC re footpaths
Report back – Housing /
- What’s population of Totnes and how’s it changed – looking forward looking at South Hams SLCHAA- Chris leading on quantitative housing
- Richard – talking to estate agents around housing prices, quality of housing stock
- Housing needs survey to gather hard evidence about local need– danger of raising expectation
Report back: Transport (Peter) /
- Action: Thea and Peter to discuss Totnes on the move website and saving/archiving the information
Event /
- Historic development of the town
- Plan that shows how town has grown
- Add on sites which are under construction and what’s been allocated
- Maps of where people have said development could take place in the future – this could be left as question – debating question?
- Physical, environmental factors – maps that show steep slopes and flooding area – constraints
- Transport – showing highways but also showing
- Green infrastructure –
- Community facilitates
- Built heritage
- Get people to define their distinctive neighbourhoods and their part of the town – what are the particular issues about living in X what could be better, what could be worse?
- Defining sub neighbourhoods and issues they face
- Action: Paul to get ariell photograph from Richard Martin?
- Projector screen? Digital images – students
- Also static displays with which people interact
- Action: Chris to set up working group around this
- Action: Thea to pass on contact details
- Action: standard scale – standard template – standard scale
- Looking at parking across the town – how do we create good environments around parking and quality of information around environment
Date of next meeting / Thea requested a change of meeting date for July meeting as she is away. The next meeting is therefore on Tuesday 23rd July at 11am.
Data sources:
- existing information = current picture – plan for this
- data we will gather from consultation – plan for this
- map data
- post event: map data of who we are reaching + bar charts of age/sex/income
- how to capture things / different data types
------analyse what people’s concerns are and analyse what might make them vote no & do further consultation to verify
What’s the one thing you would change in your neighbourhood? Specific/concerns suggestions as well as the wider town
Story line
- Housing – affordability, tenure, quality how can town accommodate growth
- What’s within the remit of the neighbourhood plan?
- Can can we control
- Charts and tables – facts about housing, how its changed, chart that raises questions – how many? Big questions
- More detailed questionnaires?
Public open space
Map and photos of the areas so people know
Ask people which spaces do they value
What do you do there?
What could be improved
Sports and leisure – rnage of activities, where they do it, tick boxes, comments, stickers,
Given transport problems, should we be more actively discouraging car use? How should it influence where new development goes? How can we operate within these constraints – how it links with housing, open space, how do we maximise accessibility – green travel plans – care share schemes
-Reduced cars at Baltic Wharf
-Being smart and clever about development in the future – future proofing
-Talk about difference between roads and streets – streets are becoming roads
-Changing places that have become roads for cars into different types of places-shared spaces
3 big issues in traffic and transport that could be looked at
-Connectivity – how people get around
-Anticipated traffic and transport issues that relate to development in the town
-Community transport
Map of catchment area in relation to access points in the town – what are the access points? Rating importance of rating importance of access to the town
OR draw primiary routes through the town – which bits of the town do you use – Connectivity – by foot and by road – different colours
A people first place
What’s the one burning issues?
What are your three key messages?
-One central display – map of town – people download key issues
-For those with more time – 3 or 4 displays – people can engage with
-Keep it simple
Power point on a loop with graphics and maps
Chris to put together a pilot plan for housing and then share it with everyone
Action: Thea to get ‘big maps’ info from Jacqi
Action: Thea to get projector
Action: Thea book guildhall – Wednesday 8th july –
Capturing peoples details
Prioritising what information you want from people – focus of 3 critical
questions to have an answer to for each task group could get consistent data for people –
capture demographic : Action for Thea