Alan Vittery
1. I visited St. Kitts (privately) for two weeks from 11 – 25 November 2006, during which time I made an intensive study of the birds of the southern part of the island, concentrating principally on the ‘salt ponds’. I also made three visits to the ‘rain forest’ to the west of the mountain range, north of Basseterre. Having studied the limited ornithological literature relevant to St. Kitts, I was very surprised at the variety and numbers of migrating North American shorebirds using the salt lagoons so late in the migration season, as well asthe numbers of ‘uncommon’ Caribbean species present. The latter included regionally significant counts of Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus and the endangered White-cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis, a species restricted to the Caribbean.
2. The salt lagoon complex is, on the basis of the numbers of waterfowl and shorebirds seen, internationally important and undoubtedly qualifies for ‘Ramsar’ designation (‘The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat’ adopted in Ramsar, Iran in 1971). As Britain signed the Convention on behalf ofthose countries for which it still retained responsibility for foreign affairs, St. KittsNevis is probably (technically) already a signatory, but post-Independence formalisation might be necessary if this has not already been done. As water levels vary from year to year (and some ponds dry out altogether in periods of drought) a composite site designation would be preferable, as migratory birds require alternative ‘refuelling stations’ in different conditions.
3. A number of North American land birds, considered to be rare in the Lesser Antilles, were added to the St. Kitts bird list, demonstrating the island’s potential as a migration hot-spot, attracting both species‘island hopping’ to wintering quarters in South America and others ‘overshooting’ their normal wintering range in the northern and central Caribbean. Many more of these migrants would be likely in September and, particularly, October. Smaller numbers should also occur in March/April.
4. The prospect of finding rare migrants is a major attraction to many bird-watchers, and the possibility of doing this on a ‘paradise’ island ideal for a family holiday greatly increases that attraction! This fairly unusual combination can certainly be exploited by the island’s tourist industry, provided the ‘unspoilt’ character of the island is maintained and key sites are protected from intrusive development. Local bird/wildlife guides could be trained, over time, to assist independent visitors - a system which works well (and provides useful employment) in, e.g., Trinidad and Tobago and The Gambia. A proposal for more specific ‘bird tourism’ is outlined in paragraph 26 below.
5. I was intrigued to learn from the two resident birdwatchers, Percival Hanley and Michael Ryan, that an endemic red-capped bullfinch, thought to be extinct since the 1920s, probably still exists in the high forest on the volcano. Confirmation of the existence of this bird, which would almost certainly be a full species (not a sub-species of the Puerto Rican Bullfinch Loxigilla portoricensis, as previously thought) would give the island a high-profile national bird and put St. Kitts firmly on the ornithological map. Serious ‘listers’ from North America and Europewould then add significantly to the number of visiting bird-watchers.
The Salt Ponds
6. At the time of my visit the salt ponds at Frigate Bay and Cockleshell Bay held the largest numbers of water birds, but Half Moon Pond, Muddy Point Pond, Friars Bay Pond, the Great and Little Salt Ponds and Major’s Bay Pond also attracted many interesting species. FriarsBay Pond is particularly important for other reasons (see paragraph 11 below). Greatheads Salt Pond has been seriously damaged by run-off from adjacent quarrying and cement works. I am informed that it used to be the best pond on the island for water birds and remedial measures (such as an impervious bund between the industrial area and the pond) should be considered. The mangroves would quickly recover if water quality was restored in this way. The cost of the bund should be borne by the companies concerned, on the principle that ‘the polluter pays’.
FrigateBay Salt Pond
7. The proximity of this site to the main tourist developments in FrigateBay represents both a threat and anatural asset. As its future is in Government hands, there is no reason why the asset should not only be preserved, but enhanced to the benefit of tourists and residents alike. I was told of plans to build a boardwalk around the pond. I would strongly advise against facilitating public access to large stretches of the pond side, which would be highly disruptive and costly in terms of both construction and maintenance. Instead I would suggest the creation of short all-weather access paths to four or five simple, open-backed hides at existing viewing points. These need consist of nothing more than wooden ‘blinds’ with viewing slats and bench seating. I am sure theywould prove to be a popular tourist attraction and an educational asset for local schoolchildren. Funding support for such a project may be forthcoming from organisations such as Birdlife International, the Audubon Society or the American Fish and Wildlife Service.
8. This remarkable lagoon hosted, on my arrival, over 70 herons and egrets of eight different species, at least 80 Blue-winged TealAnas discors, 50 Common MoorhensGallinula chloropusand almost 500 shorebirds of twelve different species, three of which were new to the island! The most numerous specieswas Black-necked Stilt(250), which is described in the recently published ‘Birds of the West Indies’ as “uncommon in northern Lesser Antilles”! Numbers of shorebirds peaked at over six hundred, including up to 200 Stilt SandpipersCalidris himantopus during the next week, when another five different species wererecorded. Up to three Soras Porzana carolinafrom North America and one Clapper Rail Rallus longirostris, a critically endangered species on the island, were also seen. A Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolour was another local rarity.
9. Because of its legal status (in Government ownership), accessibility and rich wildlife, Frigate Bay Salt Pond should be the centrepiece of the Ramsar site if the St. KittsNevis government decided to proceed with designation.
FriarsBay Salt Pond
10. Probably because of very high water levels, the FriarsBay lagoon had few shorebirds during my visit. Waterfowl consisted of a few Common Moorhens and Blue-winged Teal, a
pair of Clapper Rails (perhaps the last breeding site on the island) and a pair of White-cheeked Pintail. Two Belted Kingfishers Ceryle alcyon from North America were wintering here. The dense mangroves and surrounding scrub supported a healthy population of land birds, including resident Yellow Warblers Dendroica petechia and wintering Northern Waterthrushes Seiurus noveboracensis. The locally rare Mangrove Cuckoo Coccyzus minor almost certainly occurs here. In the past, at times of lower water levels, this site has attracted many notable migrants. The inaccessibility of the mangroves, which cover more than half of the area, makes it a valuable refuge for breeding species, like Clapper Rail, less tolerant of disturbance. It should certainly be included in the composite Ramsar site.
11. The importance of FriarsBay is not restricted to its wildlife. The lagoon occupies almost the entire width of a narrow, low-lying isthmus, with the beaches of North and South Friar’s Bay on either side. Given current predictions for sea-level rise, the southern peninsula will almost certainly be cut off from the main island during the course of the next few decades. The mangroves are the best form of sea defence. If they are reduced in extent, damaged or destroyed by intrusive development, the inevitable breach will happen sooner rather than later. At present the two tracks to the beach on the Caribbean side of the isthmus are vulnerable to incursion, but these could be protected at modest expense. A road bridge to link the two ‘islands’ would be a much more expensive undertaking!
12. After Frigate Bay Salt Pond, this was the richest bird site on the island with over 400 shorebirds of eleven species and 120 ducks of three species (including up to 22 White-cheeked Pintail – a significant count of this threatened species). At the southern tip, it is well placed to hold migratory birds in autumn which have filtered south through the island before continuing their journey. Development plans for the south-western segment of the bay, which supported fewer water birds, could seriously damage this important site, which merits Ramsar status in its own right and should certainly be included in any composite designation.
13. A build up of raw sewerage, entering pipes through the causeway dividing the south-western and north-eastern segments of the pond, is affecting water quality and should be controlled before it does serious damage.
Major’s Bay Salt Pond
14. At first sight, this sheltered pond on the south coast appeared relatively birdless, but a walk along the southern edge behind the beach revealed over 200 shorebirds (mainly Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Stilt Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes and Greater Yellowlegs T. melanoleuca) feeding in small,hidden bays. The fringing vegetation also looked good for migratory land birds, although nothing was seen on two separate visits.
Great and Little Salt Ponds
15. The high water level limited the attraction of the Great Salt Pond to shorebirds during my visit but, given its size, its potential as a safe haven for water birds was obvious. Many interesting species, including a vagrant Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber and uncommon wildfowl from North America have been seen here in the past. The shallower
Little Salt Pond held an impressive flock of 440 Semi-palmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla and 45 Least Sandpipers C. minutilla. The surrounds of these (linked) ponds were rich in land birds, including a healthy population of Caribbean Elaenias Elaenia martinica and two rare North American migrants, and attracted migratory birds of prey including Peregrine Falco peregrinus, and Merlin F. columbarius, as well as the residentRed-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis.
16. The size and relative remoteness of these ponds represent something of an ‘insurance policy’ for water birds denied refuge elsewhere on the island, for whatever reason. As such, they should, if possible, be an integral part of any Ramsar designation.
Half Moon Salt Pond
17. Of the northernmost ponds, this is in the best condition and was attractive to shorebirds and land birds in the surrounding mangroves. The former included, amongst up to 250 individuals of eleven species, two Baird’s Sandpipers Calidris bairdii, a Caribbean rarity, and a Willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatus. The land birds included several Northern Waterthrushes and one or two Louisiana Waterthrushes Seiurus motacilla, as well as the first Veery Catharus fuscescensfor the island.
18. The seaward side of this pond is relatively undisturbed. Half Moon Point is favoured by the migratory Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarola (highest count 35) and Semi-palmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus (45), not forgettingthe resident Wilson’s Plover C. wilsonia.This site, too, qualifies for inclusion in any Ramsar designation.
19. The recent arrival of White-winged Doves Zenaida asiatica from further west in the Caribbean is another attraction to visiting birdwatchers. At present they are to be found in the village of Conaree, just to the north of the pond, but are likely to spread to other parts of the island.
Muddy Point Salt Pond
20. Although the inland side has been incorporated into the golf course, a good depth of mangrove flanks the south-eastern bank. This held several Great Blue Herons Ardea herodias and a single (European) Grey Heron A. cinerea, the first for the island. A Belted Kingfisher was wintering here and both the migratory Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus and the resident Mangrove Cuckoo were seen in the surrounding vegetation.
21. Despite regular disturbance (including dumping of waste from the golf course), the adjacent Muddy Point, with its flat, bare areas of mud, was attractive to migratory plovers, including small numbers of Killdeer Charadrius vociferous and American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica. The latter were accompanied by a Pacific Golden Plover P. fulva, the first for the island and a Caribbean vagrant.
The Rain Forest
22. The relatively few resident species in the rain forest include some Lesser Antillean specialities of great interest to visiting birdwatchers, such as Pearly-eyed Thrasher Margarops fuscatus, Scaly-breasted Thrasher M. fuscus, Brown TremblerCinclocerthia
ruficauda, Lesser Antillean Flycatcher Myiarchus oberi, Bridled Quail-Dove Geotrygon mystaceaand Scaly-naped Pigeon Columba squamosa. The fringes of this habitat also attract three species of hummingbird and migrants from North America. In the higher, remote areas Lesser Antillean Pewee Contopus latirostris and Stolid Flycatcher Myiarchus stolidus have been reported and the Antillean Euphonia Euphonia musica is likely to occur, as well at that bullfinch!
Ecological Issues
23. Uncontrolled overgrazing by goats and cattle is denuding the south of the southern peninsula of vegetation, reducing the habitat to sparse acacia savannah reminiscent of parts of East Africa. The number of young goats in November suggests the problem will get rapidly worse unless measures are taken to restrict their movements.
24. The population of mongoose, introduced by the British to remove snakes from the sugar cane fields, has reached pest proportions. Having long since exterminated the snakes, they are opportunistic, catholic feeders which will be seriously affecting, among other things, the
breeding success of ground nesting birds such as plovers. It would be worth approaching the World Wildlife Fund for Nature for funds for a study to assess the feasibility of an eradication programme. A study of the impact of the introduced Vervet Monkey on the island’s ecosystem would also be valuable.
25. The final demise of the sugar industry is clearly a problem for the island, both economically and environmentally. The hundreds of acres of cane rotting in the fields are likely to revert quickly to impenetrable scrub. One possibility would be for each village to establish a community woodland, using indigenous species of tree, for recreation, shade and sustainable harvesting. This would benefit both islanders and wildlife, and enhance the aesthetic beauty of the countryside.
26. Organised bird tours are now big business in Europe and North America. As the main ornithological spectacle in St. Kitts is the autumn migration of North American shorebirds (many of which are ‘backyard birds’ to American birders), Europe is probably the best target for bird tourism. Fortunately, the main migration period (September to November) coincides with a low season for tourism, so visits by birdwatchers could help to extend the tourist season. Since returning to Britain I have already spoken to the Editor of the popular British magazine ‘Birdwatch’, Dominic Mitchell, who has expressed interest in reconnoitring the potential of St. Kitts if sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism. (Christine Walwyn, Chief Executive Officer at the St. Kitts Tourism Authority, indicated to me that funds would be available for such a visit.)A feature article and associated holiday offer in ‘Birdwatch’ magazine would stimulate interest amongst other tour operators in Britain and Europe, hopefully leading to a longer-term programme of visits.
27. The proposed reconnaissance by ‘Birdwatch’ magazine might be combined with a serious attempt to relocate the endemic bullfinch, with the help of local guides.
28. The butterflies of St. Kitts are, if anything, more spectacular than the birds, although information on tropical Lepidoptera is hard to obtain. A small pamphlet illustrating the commoner species would be a great help to eco-tourists and the naturally curious.
29. So many Caribbean islands have been spoiled by insensitive development that the retention of St. Kitts’ unspoilt character would undoubtedly attract an ever-increasing number of discerning tourists disenchanted with the depressing uniformity of holiday destinations in the region and world-wide.
Bird List
30. An annotated list of the birds seen in November 2006 is attached at Annex 1.
I am grateful to Percival L. Hanley, President of the St. Christopher Heritage Society, and Michael Ryan for their advice and encouragement. Christine Walwyn responded to my suggestions on tourism with stimulating enthusiasm. Christian Rameshwar and Sonia Grant helped me to make the necessarylocal contacts. Not least, the friendly and welcoming people of St. Kitts, who made the writing of this report a labour of love!