AUG 2012
TIME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Answer all questions in the space provided.
1. / 6. / 11. / 16.2. / 7. / 12. / 17.
3. / 8. / 13. / 18.
4. / 9. / 14. / 19.
5. / 10. / 15. / 20.
- Which of the following parts of a cell can be used to sort out plants from fungi.
- Cellulose cell wall
- Cytoplasm
- Nucleus
- Vacuole
- What is a species?
- Living organisms in the same environment.
- A population of many classes of organisms.
- A group of organisms that breed together and produce fertile offspring.
- A population of organisms that depend on each other.
- The first step in identifying an organism is to assign it to a
- Class
- Family
- Kingdom
- Species
- Which of the following scientists is involved in the study of taxonomy?
- Darwin
- Linnaeus
- Morgan
- Lamarch
- Which two of the following are used in naming organisms.
- Classes and species
- Class and order
- Family and kingdom
- Genus and species
- Which one of the following protozoa has cilia.
- Paramecium
- Englena
- Amoeba
- Plasmodium
- Which one of the following parts of spirogyra are surrounded by starch grains;
- Chloroplast
- Cell wall
- Paranoid
- Vacuole
- Which one of the following organisms does not belong to phylum protoctista;
- Bacteria
- Trypanosomes
- Amoeba
- Paramecium
- To which one of the following genera does a housefly belong;
- Lumbricus
- Homo
- Periplenata
- Musca
- Which one of the following organisms is a multicellular
- Englena
- Paramecium
- Amoeba
- Hydra
- Which one of the following substances makes up the cell wall of fungi;
- Cuticle
- Cellulose
- Calcium
- Chitin
- Rhizopus reproduces asexually by;
- Binary fusion
- Fragmentation
- Sporulation
- Budding
- The mode of nutrition used by rhizopus is;
- Heteroprophic
- Parasitism
- Saprophytic
- Autotrophic
- Bacteria cells differ from plant and animal cells because they;
- Can undergo binary fission
- Lack chlorophyll
- Lack a nuclear membrane
- Lack a cell membrane
- Which one of the following is an economic importance of fungi;
- Involved in spoilage of meat.
- Cause diseases in animals only.
- Fix atmospheric nitrogen to the soil.
- Cause diseases in both plants and animals.
- In classification of living things, the immediate subdivision of a class is.
- Family
- Order
- Phyhum
- Genus
- To which one of the following texa contains the smallest number of organism;
- Kingdom
- Class
- Species
- Family
- Which one of the following organisms causes HIV
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Virus
- Trypanosomes
- Which one of the following organisms does not multiply outside a living cell.
- Bacterium
- Fungus
- Virus
- Protozoan
- Which one of the following unicellular organisms has two nuclei
- Spirogyra
- Amoeba
- Paramecium
- Euglena
The diagram below shows a unicellular
a) i) Name the parts labeled A – F on the diagram.
ii) State the functions of structure:
b) i) The organisms reproduces by:
ii) Using diagrams only describe six successive stages of the type of reproduction mentioned in b(i) above
22) a) Name the kingdom to which bacteria belong:
bi) State the three differences between bacteria and viruses.
bacteria / Virusesii) State two characteristics common to bacteria and viruses.
c) Name two diseases caused by bacteria and viruses
Diseases caused by bacteria:
Diseases caused by viruses: