CHMS PTO Meeting
March 11, 2015
- Welcome & Call to Order
●The meeting was called to order at 9:08 am.
●Minutes from the February 11, 2015 meeting were approved.
●All minutes are posted on the PTO website.
- President’s Report – Susan Charlier
●D181/BOE Report -
oThe District has hired Ian Jukes for a three year study to evaluate our technology needs in the district. He will be preparing a mission statement for the Digital Learning Initiative.
oThe D181 Board approved new math materials - Big Ideas for Grades 6-8 and Math in Focus for Grades K-5.
oNo official date has been set for registration, but it is expected to take place in mid-April.
oMay 15th and June 1st are now scheduled school days to make up for 2 of our 3 snow days.
oThe District office is moving to 115 W. 55th Street in Clarendon Hills.
oSusan encouraged all to vote on April 7th.
●The gym floor dedication ceremony will be tomorrow, Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 pm. The celebration will include a game of Fit Ball, and 106 kids have signed up to participate.
●Our new vending machines have been installed. They are stocked with healthy snacks according to Illinois guidelines, and all drinks are low in sugar or have no sugar. The machines have been very popular with the students. Profits from the machines help support CHMS.
●2015-2016 PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs - Two positions still need to be filled for the 2015-16 PTO Executive Board. The Board is currently looking for a Communications VP, who is responsible for all communications with the PTO. The will also oversee the chairs who support the newsletter and the website. The Board is also looking for a Secretary. The Board should be diverse with representatives from all three schools. So far next year’s Board is slated with three participants from Walker, two from Prospect, and one from Monroe. The Board is also seeking committee chairs. Anyone interested can sign up for a chair position with the registration packet or talk to Elizabeth Veeser-Sharer or Kathy Schilder. The slate will be presented at the General PTO Meeting in April, and members will vote on this slate at the General PTO Meeting in May.
●The PTO Executive Board is soliciting suggestions on how our funds could be used for a school improvement project. It should be noted, that spending on technology is on hold due to the Digital Learning Initiative. However, the District agreed that money could be spent toward resources for the Applied Tech Lab.
●Extra student directories are for sale for $5 each.
- Treasurer’s Report – Marnie Joy
●Review Expenses/Income - Starting next month, the PTO Board will begin reviewing how much in additional funds will be available for a school improvement project. The board will also be starting the budgeting process soon.
●Manna: 4rd Campaign - The campaign is ongoing until April 15th. Pick-up will be April 24th from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. It’s not too late to sign up for the Manna program. Contact Sandy Brugge for enrollment.
- FUNdraising & Activities
●Walk the Walk for Autism for Charlie’s Gift, a program of The Community House, is a 5K walk on Sunday, April 26th at 8:30 am. The school is looking to put a CHMS Eagle team together of students and parents. In the past, participation from CHMS has been low compared to other schools, and the goal is get more kids involved this year as this is another way CHMS can give back to the community. Contact Elizabeth Veeser-Sharer to participate.
●CHMS hosted Feeding Children Worldwide last Monday night. The event had an excellent turnout. The goal was to get 100 people to participate, and 166 showed up. Participants packed 12,240 meals and were able to donate an additional $750.
●Elizabeth Veeser-Sharer encouraged families to keep turning in Box Tops. The school has raised $520 so far this school year.
●A link to renew your magazine from the Magazine Sale Fundraiser can be found on the CHMS PTO website. Proceeds support the CHMS PTO.
●Pizza Wars will be held on Friday, May 1st. Eagle Jam will be presented again this year, and Mina Dillard-Gits has offered to lead up this talent show.
●CHMS Executive Board Sandy Brugge, Jill Cecchini, Marnie Joy, Kathy Schilder, Elizabeth Sharer and Nerida Thomas for working countless hours all year on CHMS projects!
●8th Grade Reps Nicole Biegel, Tara Cibinski, Annie Kipperman & Anne Sullivan for helping to coordinate a special WWII / Holocaust day.
●Box Tops chair – Kristy Pauley for organizing a very successful winter Box Tops competition.
- Principal’s Report – Principal Griffin Sonntag
●Principal Griffin Sonntag was not able to speak at the meeting due to PARCC testing.
●Susan Charlier noted the following dates in his absence: 8th grade graduation will be held on June 3rd, and that is their last day of school. 6th and 7th graders will have a full day of school on June 4th and a half day on June 5th.
- Speaker: “Heroin, One Family’s Heartbreaking Story.”
- Adjournment
Next PTO Meeting, April 15th, 9:00 am, MRC.
Speaker Cara Hurley on “Parenting Teens”
March 9 - 13PARCC Testing
March 11IAEA Student Art Show – D181 Reception, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Adventist Hinsdale
March 12Gym Floor Dedication, 6:30-7:30 pm
March 13Eagle Café Spirit Lunch, Pot Belly Sandwich Shop
March 13Operation Snowflake, 3:00 – 8:00 pm, HCHS
March 18D181 Speaker Dr. Dan Kindlon, “Too Much of a Good Thing”
March 19 – 21CHMS Play “Once Upon a Mattress”, 7:00 pm every night, CHMS
March 21Illinois Grade School Music Assoc. Band Contest, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, CHMS
March 30 - April 3Spring Break