Blackhawk Hockey Board Meeting minutes from January 9th, 2013
Held at the United Civic Center, Baldwin, WI
Members present: Jason Connett, Andy Roussopoulos, Lance Albrightson, Craig Campbell, Pax Rasmussen, Tim Rens, John Bresina, Rebecca Paulsen, Steve Peavey, Dan Dietzman, Brian Stevens,and Jason Anderson
Members Missing: Andy Lindus
Other members present: Kelly and Ryan Veenendall
Connett called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s report – Nothing new to report. We reviewed minutes from December meeting. Stevens motioned to approve December minutes. Peavey seconded the motion. All approved.
Treasurer’s report– Rebecca noted that the balance is roughly $11,000 with +/- $2000 to be deposited yet and roughly $2000 in bills ye to be paid. Our profit to loss statement is -$4200 at this time.
Bond owed on the rink is $515,000. A discussion ensued regarding the fate of the rink after the bond is paid off as well as possibly securing a loan to pay bond off early. Board members will attend the next Village board meeting to discuss benefits/repercussions to paying bond off early as well as try to find out the fate of the rink after payoff is complete.
Board was informed that we still have not received the High School’s check for the varsity players. Connett will check with the Athletic Director.
A motion to approve the Treasures minutes was made by Pax. Albrightson seconded. All approved.
Open Forum – Veenendalls spoke about the Pro Shop. Based on the amount of items that have left the Pro Shop, it should have brought in nearly $3500. They re-ordered some basic supplies. We discussed possibly moving the sharpeners to the old coach’s room to segregate people needing sharpening and people needing to shop. This would hopefully reduce any theft as a concession worker would be required to be in the Pro Shop if anyone was in there.
Dietzman made the motion to order more Mite leveled jerseys. The sizes that are in current use are much too large. They have already been priced out by the Veenendalls at less than $10/jersey which includes the screen printing. Andy R seconded the motion. Approved.
Campbell contacted a District 2 representative for information about possibly joining. The next district board meeting is in April. Requests to join are entertained at their May/June meeting. The idea will be brought up at the annual meeting.
Al Bishop has not completed all his mods and cannot coach for the remainder of the season.
Double roster rules were re-clarified again.
A financial aid application was reviewed by the board. A motion was made by Connett to approve the financial aid to the applicant. Stevens seconded the motion. All approved.
The double roster rule was re-read and clarified to those who had questions.
Managers must remind parents that concessions must remain open and staffed during games.
Andy R. requested approval to add another tournament to the Squirts schedule. Pax made the motion to approve the request. Lance seconded the motion. All approved.
Fundraising Committee – Nothing to report at this time
Buildings and Grounds–The software to the FOB system will be updated in the near future. This will require everyone to have their fobs re-set. At that time, all fob holders will be reviewed.
New glass was ordered for the gate near the referee’s room. We did not have an extra piece of that size. It will be here and installed by Friday the 11th. Cost with shipping was $320.00
Lindus is researching new glass or a substitute for the roost.
Coaches –
Concessions –
Tournaments – Need 2 squirt teams, and 6 Pee Wee teams yet.
Work Hours – They are coming in
Pax made the motion to adjourn. Campbell seconded the motion. All approved.
Next meeting is January 9 at UCC.