

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette invites nominations and applications forthe position of Assistant Director. Reporting to the Academic Success Center Director,the Assistant Directorwill:

  • Assist transfer students in acclimating to and navigating theacademicenvironment, policies andexpectations
  • Train colleagues and advisors for various University programs, servicesand technologychanges
  • Development an assessment plan for monitoring short and long termacademic performance of transferstudents
  • Establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with adiversecampuscommunity
  • Receives and reviews transcripts for unofficial evaluations to ensureeligibility for admission into the University and program evaluation of transfer creditsand applicability of academic credit to programrequirements
  • Solve issues related to student success, including referrals to resourceswithinand outside of the University and track to ensure positiveoutcomes
  • Serve as a leader in the training and implementation of the Banner systemfor advisors.
  • Advise assigned studentpopulations


  • Master's degree from a regionally accreditedinstitution
  • Minimum of 8 years of academic advisingexperience
  • Experience with transfer articulation and academicadvising
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, and a high degree ofmotivation and independentjudgment.

TheUniversityofLouisianaatLafayetteisanAffirmativeAction/EqualOpportunityEmployerA Member of the University of LouisianaSystem

  • Understands strategic potential of Bannertechnology


The Academic Success Center is a unit within Academic Affairs which assistsnew students in making a successful transition into UL Lafayette. ASC staffmembers provide academic support services and academic and career counseling toall students, but particularly to students in their first two years of college.The Academic Success Center consists of a Director and seven Academic Counselors,as well as three classified staffpositions.


Environment: The mission of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is toofferexceptional education informed by diverse world views striving to developinnovative leaders who advance knowledge. The Southern Association of Colleges andSchoolsCommission on Colleges accredits the University, which offers undergraduateand graduate degrees in the arts, sciences, and professional programs. The University isa public research university with high research activity, an enrollment of over18,000 students and 800 faculty members. UL Lafayette is the largest of nine universitiesinthe University of Louisiana System. The University offers degree programs in55 undergraduate disciplines, 15 post-bachelor certificates, seven graduatecertificates, the master’s degree in 28 disciplines and the doctorate in 10 disciplines.Additionalinformation about the University is available on the University's webpageat

Salary: Dependent on qualifications andexperience.

Starting Date:Immediately

Applications: Candidate review will begin immediately. Applicants should senda cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information of three referencesto:

Ms. Bette Harris,Director Academic SuccessCenterUniversity of Louisiana atLafayette

P. O. Box41650 Lafayette, LA70504

Application Deadline: August 16,2016