September 30, 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As you know, our first Grade 8 parent meeting was held on Wednesday, September 16th. In case you were not able to attend this meeting, this letter will summarize what was discussed. This year's Grade 8 trip will take place from May 3rd through May 6th, 2016. For your convenience, I have also included a trip itinerary along with directions on how to register your child for the trip.

You must register your child and make a $200 deposit by October 23rd if you would like your child to participate in this trip. You can make the $200 deposit by credit card as you register your child. If you prefer, you may also mail a check or money order to the travel agency, Travelogs International. The second payment of approximately $300 (based on our fundraising success), is due by February 23rd to Travelogs International. This payment can also be made via credit or card or by mailing a check or money order to the travel agency.

These are the topics we discussed at the meeting—

Day 1 of the Trip

  • Gettysburg day
  • Early departure, approximately 7:00 AM; kids will need to arrive at school by 6:30 AM
  • Kids are encouraged to sleep on bus--may bring pillows, iPods, cell phones
  • Kids should bring a carry-on bag for the bus and a suitcase that is stored under the bus.
  • Your child is responsible for all items he/she elects to bring. Roy-Hart CSD will not be responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items.
  • Lunch (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's) is at students' expense; however, students could bring bagged lunches.
  • Tour Gettysburg Visitors' Center and battlegrounds
  • Dinner is at General Pickett's Buffet; kids can also souvenir shop here. (Cost of dinner is included in trip cost.)
  • Travel to Alexandria, Virginia (just outside of DC) and stay at the Fairfield Inn and Suites

About the Rooms

  • Students select their roommates--four students to a room, no co-ed rooms!
  • Chaperones will be nearby. The students will know what rooms we are in and will exchange cell phone numbers.
  • Guards will be outside of the hotel rooms. Our travel agency arranges them through a security company. Each guard is fingerprinted and a background check is conducted on him/her. If there are problems, the guards will knock and tell the kids to be quiet. If problems continue, the guard will get the chaperone assigned to the students to address the problem.
  • Once we are in for the night, there is no traveling between rooms. The kids remain in their rooms with their friends. The kids cannot use the hotel facilities unless their chaperone agrees to take them.
  • Kids should pack snacks and drinks for their hotel rooms and bus ride.
  • Students are expected to set alarms and be ready in the morning at the time we tell them the night before.

Day 2 of the Trip

  • Washington, DC day
  • The kids' day begins with breakfast at IHOP, which is attached to our hotel. This is included with the cost of the trip.
  • We'll see the outside of Supreme Court, the Capitol Building, Congress, and the White House.
  • Lunch will be at Union Station--once a grand train station, today it is a major hub for the DC subway and it has a mall with a food court. Students will receive a lunch voucher. (Cost of lunch is included in trip cost.) The voucher can be used at a variety of places. (Subway; cheeseburger, fries, drink; chicken fingers; etc.)
  • We'll begin our tour of the monuments and memorials in DC. There is a lot of walking! Kids will need comfortable walking shoes for the entire trip.
  • We are tentatively scheduled to go to the top of the Washington Monument.
  • Dinner is at Buca di Beppo, which will provide a really nice buffet. (Cost of dinner is included in trip cost.)
  • Tour of DC is continued. The illuminated nighttime tour is fantastic!
  • Return to hotel for evening

Day 3 of the Trip

  • Arlington Cemetery, Iwo Jima Memorial, Air Force Memorial, National Pentagon September 11th Memorial, and dinner cruise day
  • Breakfast at IHOP
  • Head over to Arlington National Cemetery
  • Lunch is at Pentagon City Mall; cash dole lunch*
  • *cash dole = $10 is handed to each student to purchase lunch (This is included in trip cost.)
  • Visit the Iwo Jima Memorial, Air Force Memorial, National Pentagon September 11th Memorial
  • Go back to hotel to change into Sunday best
  • Dinner/dance cruise on the Potomac
  • Return to hotel

Day 4 of the Trip

  • Breakfast at hotel and check-out; chaperones will check each group's rooms
  • Smithsonian Museums (National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, National Museum of American History, etc.)
  • *Cash dole lunch, $10
  • Head home. Dinner en route; *cash dole, $10 (McDonald's, Wendy's)
  • Will arrive back at school at approximately 10:00 PM

Souvenir/Food Money

  • Completely your decision
  • May wish to send a little extra for food, at least $10, maybe $20 if your child might like a drink or ice cream cone during the day
  • We will help your kids do well with souvenir shopping--street vendors, mall kiosk with $20 hooded sweatshirts

Health Concerns

  • I carry a master binder that holds all of the children's health information (supplied by you).
  • Each chaperone holds his/her group's medications and will administer as needed.
  • If you want your child to carry something (like an inhaler), we will need a note from you stating that.


  • We want all students to be able to go. The eligibility list that prevents the students from playing sports, joining clubs, or going to dances will not be enforced.
  • However, students will need to demonstrate appropriate behavior to be allowed to go. Each student attending the trip will sign a contract promising to demonstrate good behavior prior to leaving for our trip and while we are on it. (So many detentions, trips to ISS, trips to OSS, and poor attendance will get a kid kicked off the trip. After a certain date, all trip payments become nonrefundable. Please read the registration form carefully.)

Do not hesitate to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 735-2000 x 7067 or .

Feel free to join our Facebook group, You can also search for it in Facebook by typing Roy-Hart Middle School Grade 8 Trip. I'll be posting updates and information on this page as well.


Kathleen Opanashuk

English Language Arts 8 and ELA 8 Honors Teacher

Grade 8 and Middle School Student Council Advisor