Early Years Teacher Status- School Direct

EYTS Programme Handbook 2015-2016

Guidance for Trainee Teachers

Joe Sonnenfeld September 2015 Version


Items / Page
Contact Information / 3
Key Contacts / 4
Course Calendar / 5
Requirements for each placement / 11
Meeting the Early Years Teacher’s Standards / 13
Requirements of the Placement / 14
Assessment of the Placement / 15
Trainee not making satisfactory progress / 16
Professional Conduct / 17
Preparation days / 18
Materials to support school placements / 19
Evaluation of teaching / 20
Appendices: Templates
Individual Training Plan / 21
Reflection on Mentor meeting / 23
Placement Attendance Form / 24
Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria / 25

Calendar of Significant dates/ Contact Information:

To be completed by the Trainee

University Mentor Name:
Tel Number:
Email Address:
Placement School:
Contact telephone:
Professional Tutor Name:
Tel Number:
Email Address:
School Base Mentor Name:
Tel Number:
Email Address:
Placement Preparation Meeting:
Professional Tutor observation/s:
School Based Mentor observation/s:
Submission of File of Evidence

Trainees should complete a contact information sheet for each placement and send a copy of the form to:

Joe Sonnenfeld

Key Contacts

Key Contacts
Lesley Castling- Paisley- Senior Lecturer and Joint Programme Lead
Northumbria University /
John Abbott- Joint Programme Lead
Northumbria University /
Leslie Patterson- Etherley Lane Nursery School, Headteacher and Professional Tutor
Durham Teaching School Alliance /
Lynn George- Prince Bishops Primary School, Headteacher
Durham Teaching School Alliance /
Joe Sonnenfeld- Durham Teaching Schools Alliance Manager /
Professional Tutors and School Based Mentors
Kelly- Ann Lee- SLE ITT
Durham Teaching School Alliance /
Jo Madgwick- Etherley Lane Nursery School /
Stephanie Collings- Tudhoe Moor Nursery School /
Catherine Hughes-Oxhill Nursery School /
Prince Bishops Primary School- Sarah Meronuik /


Northumbria University:- School Direct, Early Years Teacher ITT Programme –September 2015 Start (Version 1 Feb 15)

Programme is delivered at Coach Lane Campus East from 9.30am till 3pm comprising of:-

·  Induction Week Including Preparation for Placements

PGCert Modules (3 x 20 credit modules at Level 7):

·  Module 1 – TE0794 ‘Meeting the Early Years Teacher Standards’

·  Module 2 –TE07011‘Working Together Project 1’

·  Module 3 – TE07012 ‘Working Together Project 2’

·  3 Study Days – 1 per module to be negotiated with setting.

·  Placements x 4 within the Durham School Alliance (A minimum of 120 days in total with babies, toddlers, pre-school age and 2 weeks in Key stage 1 and 2)

·  Weekly Observations of Practice, (with babies, toddlers and pre-school children) including 4 ‘joint’ observations for moderation purposes

·  Individual Tutor/Mentor support sessions to be arranged weekly within placements over the duration of the programme.

Session / Date / Venue / Title/content / Work to be Submitted
for Marking / Form of Assessment and return date
Induction Day 1 / Monday
7th September / Northumbria
CLC East
Room / Introduction to the Programme and PGCert
Modules. Getting to know each other and preparing to work together.
Preparing for Study and Reflective Learning at Level 7
Using the Library and Resources available to support study skills.
Identifying areas of interest to research
Reflective Diaries
2 / Tuesday
8th September / CLC
Room / Preparation for Placements
Equal Opportunities, Anti Discrimination and the EYFS
3 / Wednesday 9th
September / CLC
Room / . Preparation for Placements
Safeguarding, Health and Safety and the EYFS
4 / Thursday
10th September / CLC
Room / Preparation for Placements
How Children Learn and the EYFS
5 / Friday
11th September / Durham School Alliance / Introduction to Mentoring and Placements:-
Processes and Procedures
What to expect – Observations and Mentor support.
Introduction to Documents and Reflective Diaries
6 / Monday th Sept / CLC
Room / -Module 1 Session 1
Introduction to the Module ‘Meeting the EYT Standards’
Preparation for Placement
Placement 1 Begins - 14th September for 10 weeks
7 / Wednesday
23rd September / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
8 / Wednesday 30th
September / CLC
Room / Module 1 Session 2
S2 and 3
9 / Wednesday
7th October / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
10 / Wednesday
14th October / CLC
Room / Module 1 Session 3
S4 and 5
11 / Wednesday
21st October / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
12 / Wednesday
4th November / CLC
Room / Module 1 Session 4
S6 and 7 / Individual Presentations
(Formative Assessment) / Feedback from Tutors and Peers on same day
Placement Visit and Moderation Observation 1- 2nd to 13th November
13 / Wednesday
11th November / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
S3 – Introduction to Child Development
14 / Monday
18th November / CLC
Room / Module 1 Session 5
15 / Wednesday
25th November / CLC
Room / Module 1 Session 6
Review of S1 – 8
Module evaluation
Progress Review
Placement 2 Begins 7th December for 10 weeks
16 / Wednesday
2nd December / CLC
Room / Module 2 – Session 1
Overview of the module content and requirements.
Introduction to Early Years Teacher Status Assessment Timeline, Resources and Paperwork.
Witness Statements / Submission of 3000 word Task, Literature and Methodology Framework for Module 1
17 / Wednesday
9th December / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
18 / Wednesday
16th December / CLC
Room / Module 2 – Day 2
Feedback from Assignment/Task
Introduction to candidate Assessment Map.
Preparation for Progress Reviews
Preparing for Early Years Teacher Status Assessment / Summative Feedback of Module 1 Assignment
19 / Wednesday
6th January / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
20 / Wednesday
13th January / CLC
Room / Module 2 – Day 3
21 / Wednesday
20th January / CLC
Room / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
22 / Wednesday
27th January / CLC
Room / Module 2 Day 4
23 / Wednesday
3rd Feb / CLC
Room G104 / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
S3 10 – 11am Early Maths (Sophie Meller, PGCE Primary)
24 / Wednesday
10th Feb / CLC
Room H115 / Module 2 Day 5
Placement 2 Visits and Moderation Observation 1st to 12th February
25 / Wednesday
24th Feb. / CLC
Room H214 / Module 2 Day 6
S8 and Preparation for Progress Reviews / Formative Assessment Exercise
Placement 3 Begins 29th February (KS1/KS2 2 weeks)
26 / Wednesday
16th March. / CLC
Room H115 / Progress Review 2 and Module Evaluations
27 / Wednesday
23rd March / CLC
H115 – a.m.
H213 – p.m. / Module 3 Day 1
Introduction to the module
The e portfolio
Identifying gaps in knowledge and understanding.
12.30 – 2.30pm – Anxiety in Young Children (Craig Thompson, Senior Lecturer in Psychological Therapies) / Submission by e mail of Assignment for Summative Assessment by midnight. / Summative feedback to be received by e mail by 23rd March
28 / Wednesday
13th April / CLC / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
Placement 4 Begins 14th March for 2 weeks (with tutor) and Placement 5 (8 weeks) begins 11th April
29 / Wednesday
20th April / CLC / Module 3 Day 2
Review of Assignment feedback.
30 / Wednesday
27th April / CLC / Module 3 Day 3
31 / Wednesday
4th May / CLC / Meeting the Teaching Standards (Early Years)
32 / Wednesday
11th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 4
Formative Assessment Activity.
S6 / Formative Assessment Activity / Formative Tutor and Peer Feedback on same day.
33 / Wednesday 18th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 5
S7 and S8
Placement Visits and Observation 9th to 20th May
34 / Monday 25th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 6
Progress Review 3
Friday 3rd June / Submission by e mail of Assignment 3, academic frameworks and e Portfio of Documentary Evidence for Summative Assessment by Midnight. / Summative feedback of Assignment 3 to be received by e mail by June 8th

Timescale of events leading to the award of Early Years Teacher Status:

·  PGCert and EYTS Internal Moderation at Northumbria – week beginning 8th June

·  PGCert. Exam Board 18th June (estimated), Progresssion Board 25th June

·  NCTL Informed of outcomes end June 15

·  PGCert Award Ceremony at Northumbria – June 15

·  PGCert Certificates issued July 15

·  EYTS Outcome Letter Issued to Trainee by NCTL August 15

·  Trainee Completes and Returns ‘Completion of Exit Questionnaire’

·  Early Years Teacher Status Certificate Issued


Requirements of each school placement- An overview

Placement 1 Begins Monday 14th September 2015 (10weeks)

All Trainees will be placed in three different schools/settings during the course of the programme to experience teaching and learning with children:

·  Birth to two

·  Two – Four Year Olds

·  Year R

·  The Professional Tutor meets the trainee to have a discussion about trainee knowledge and experience. Targets and actions are agreed and recorded on the Individual Training Plan. Dates for observations are agreed. The Professional Tutor meets the trainee again towards the end of the placement to review the training plan and agree a grade which is recorded on the Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria. The School Based Mentor will be consulted about the grade awarded. A new training plan is created containing targets for the following Placement. Further observation dates are agreed at this meeting.

·  The School Based Mentor facilitates the placement for the trainee liaising with the Headteacher and class teacher or room leader. The School Based Mentor organizes the timetable for the trainee. The SBM holds a weekly tutorial with the trainee. The discussion from this meeting is recorded on the Mentor Meeting Form. The SBM looks at the trainees evidence file and monitors tasks. The ROP stays with the trainee. The SBM carries out teaching and learning observations of the trainee and some jointly with the Professional Tutor. Observations are recorded on the Observation Proforma. (observations could focus on: key group activities, child initiated activities, working in the baby room observing interactions..) The School Based Mentor completes Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria.

·  The Trainee will be based at Coach Lane Campus one day per week for face to face training. Trainees are entitled to half a day per week non- contact time. The remaining 3 ½ days will be spent in the placement school. Over the course of the placement the trainee will increase their teaching responsibility, liaising with the class teacher/room leader and SBM. The Trainee will use planning proformas/assessment materials supplied by the placement school (examples of templates are contained in the trainee handbook). The Trainee should use their non -contact time, (½ day), to arrange to visit the new placement school prior to beginning their next placement. The trainee keeps the Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria. The Trainee records progress on the document. The SBM highlights the document not the Trainee

The Lead Professional Tutor (Leslie) will organize a meeting for Professional Tutors for the purposes of moderation.

The Lead School Based Mentor (Jo) will organize a meeting for School Based Mentors for the purposes of moderation.

Placement 2 Begins Monday 7th December 2015 (10 weeks)

·  The Professional Tutor meets the trainee towards the end of the Placement 2 to review the Individual Training Plan and agree a grade for Placement 2. Dates for observations are agreed at this meeting and Individual Training Plan 3 is completed.

·  The School Based Mentor facilitates the placement for the trainee liaising with the Headteacher and class teacher or room leader. The school Based Mentor organizes the timetable for the trainee. At the end of the placement the SBM writes the Record of Progress. The SBM holds a weekly tutorial with the trainee. The SBM looks at the trainees evidence file. The ROP stays with the trainee. The SBM carries out teaching and learning observations of the trainee and some jointly with the Professional Tutor. The School Based Mentor completes the Evidence of Progress towards the Teacher’s Standards on a weekly basis.

·  The Trainee as above

Placement 3 Monday 29th February 2016 (2 weeks)

Key Stage 1 and 2 Experience

Placement in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will be negotiated with Durham Alliance schools involved in the Primary ITT Programme. KS1/2 placements should involve contact with children under the direction of the class teacher with opportunities for small group observation. These placements are not assessed.

Placement 4 Begins Monday 14th March 2016 (2 weeks)

This placement is designed to provide an opportunity for the Trainee to work intensively on identified targets with the Professional Tutor. The placement takes place in the school of the Professional Tutor. The Professional Tutor and Trainee agree targets for the ITP for Placement 5

Placement 5 Begins Monday 11th April 2016 (8 weeks)

·  The Professional Tutor meets the trainee towards the end of the placement. Training Plan 4 is reviewed and a grade agreed.

·  The School Based Mentor facilitates the placement for the trainee liaising with the Headteacher and class teacher or room leader. The School Based Mentor organizes the timetable for the trainee. At the end of the placement the SBM writes the Record of Progress. The SBM holds a weekly tutorial with the trainee. The SBM looks at the trainees evidence file. The ROP stays with the trainee. The SBM carries out teaching and learning observations of the trainee and some jointly with the Professional Tutor. The School Based Mentor completes the Record of Progress against the Teacher’s Standards on a weekly basis.

·  The Trainee as per placement 1 &2


Overview of placement

The trainee will be assigned to a year group/ room/ within the school/setting for the placement.

During the placement the trainee teacher will work as the class teacher as part of the teaching team. The placement should allow for the trainee teacher to observe teachers,TAs and children and to plan for and teach whole sessions.