LOJ #172: ‘Unboxing God’

Andover Baptist Church-February 17th, 2013


A. Text for today is Luke 17:5, 6 and our sermon is titled

‘Unboxing God’

B. Scripture NET:

1. Recap: Luke 17:1-4

“1Jesus said to His disciples, “Stumbling blocks are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.3 Watch yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him. 4 Even if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times returns to you saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

2. Luke 17:5, 6

“5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”6 So the Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this black mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled out by the roots and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you”

C. Children’s Sermon(SLIDE)

1. What did Jesus do for us?

2. Why did He do that?

3. How strong is God?

4. Can He help us with our problems?

5. Is there any problems He can't help us with?

6. Sometimes when we get older we forget that, I pray you

never do

D. Introduction

1. Out of the mouth of babes….why can't we trust God like


2. It's because sometime down the road we built God a box

3. Here is my God box, sometimes I try and put God in it

4. I would imagine each and every person who calls upon

the Name of the Lord in this room has done the same


5. Yet try as we may its impossible to confine an

Omnipresent God into this little box

6. Now some of you are saying: James I don't have the

slightest clue as to what you are talking about!

a. In fact some of you might exclaim, ‘I don't have

a God box!’

b. Have you ever doubted God?

c. Have you ever worried?

d. Have you ever doubted His Word?

e. Have you ever elevated your own wants and

desires above His in your life?

f. If you have done any of those you’ve put God in a


7. Now some of you may subtly say, ‘James I don’t doubt

God, I just doubt myself!’

a. And for the Christian that is one of the most

deceitful of lies the devil spews upon us

b. When you doubt your ability to do His will, you

are in actuality doubting the One Who can give

you the power to do all things for His Glory

8. Ohhow foolish and sinful it is, to doubt the power of the


9. Stop doubting what God can do in your life and in the

life of this church! Use your faith for His kingdom

and this church!


READ: Luke 17:5 (Scripture slide)

“The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

A.'the apostles'

1. The 12

2. This was the Lord speaking to His disciples, this is for

people who call upon His Name

B.'said to the Lord'

1. They looked to the One Who is able

2. Jesus is the source of faith

Hebrews 12:2 (NET)“keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.”

C. Their request: 'Increase our faith!'

1. Jesus had just told them to live radically. To live in a

state of radical forgiveness.

2. How did they reply?

a. This is hard stuff Master, we don't know if we

can do it

b. We need a dose of faith

3. This type of living is impossible for the world!

a. They can’t do it

b. They cannot live a life that is seeped in

forgiveness and self-control

4. How can a person do this?

a. How can a person forgive their rapist?

1. An ex-spouse?

2. That mean kid at school?

3. My family?

4. Myself?

b. How can I get the faith to live the life Jesus

would have me live?

c. Only through Him

Philippians 4:13 (NET)“I am able to do all things through the One Who strengthens me.”

5. Sometimes you have to go to God and say 'I can't do it!'

But your Word Lord says 'That which is impossible with

man, is possible with God!' I can't in and of myself

forgive, but I can through Your power, Your strength

and through your Almighty love

6. Many times however it's an obedience issue not a faith


a. When you tell your kid to go take out the trash, it

would be like them saying 'Increase my ability to

take out the trash'

b. I've heard too often in the church, 'I can't forgive

them' often translated 'I don't want to forgive


c. ‘I can't change’ translate to ‘I don't want to


d. What is at the heart of this statement by the

disciples? They don't want to forgive...they

don't want to be patient with people. They

want to be worldly.

e. We often times don’t want to change, even

though Christ calls to us to change

f. How about you? Are you resisting change in

your life? Is there things you know Christ

wouldn’t want and you simply don’t want to

change it? If so that is dangerous ground my


READ: Luke 17:6(Scripture slide)

“So the Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this black mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled out by the roots and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”

A. 'So the Lord replied'

1. Just the other day I had a friend ask me if Christ always

hears our prayers

a. I told him yes

b. But I also told him that doesn’t mean He always

answers them in the way we want

c. Sometimes His silence is a very loud answer

2. Here Jesus hears the request of His disciples, but He

responds in His Own sovereignway

B.'If you had faith the size of a mustard seed'

1. Did Jesus miraculously give them more faith...no! He

teaches them about trusting in Him.

2. The disciples didn’t need faith the size of a Sherman

tank, just faith in Him big enough to get confused with

a mustard seed

3. It’s not the amount of your faith that matters, but the

power of the One you have faith in

4. Contrary to some heresies God doesn’t need our faith to

work in this world

5. In the book series ‘The Lion the Witch and the

Wardrobe’ there is a scene that I simply love (best in the

whole series I think)

a. In it the Lion, named Aslan, represents Jesus

b. In this scene the youngest of the heroes, Lucy,

meets Aslan after having gone a time without

seeing Him

c. When she sees Him she is surprised and says,

"Aslan you're bigger'

d. He responds, 'That is because you are older, little


e. Confused Lucy states, 'Not because you are/'

f. Aslan responds, 'I am not. But every year you

grow, you will find Me bigger.'

6. That is the picture of us growing in Christ Jesus, ever

maturing in our faith in Him

a. From the moment we meet Him, Jesus remains

the same

b. It is us who changes in our view of Him

c. We need to become less and less and He needs to

become more and more prominent in our lives

and in our church

C. Just how do we obtain faith and grow in faith in Christ?

1. By hearing His Word

2. We can do many things here at Andover Baptist, but

NOTHING should take precedence over Christ and His


3. Open your Bibles to Romans 10:17

4. Have people read it in a couple of translations

5. (SLIDE) Put it up on the screen

Romans 10:17 (NET)“Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ.”

a. Does faith come from singing songs?

b. Does faith come from shaking hands?

c. Does faith come from prayer requests?

d. Does faith come from fellowship meals?

e. Where then according to Gods’ Word does it

come? Ultimately the preached Word of Christ

f. What is more important than faith? What is more

important than the Christ and His Word?

g. (SLIDE) NOTHING! Hebrews 11:6 tells us

without faith we cannot please God

h. I’m afraid we are guilty of times of making idols

in the Name of Christ

i. I’m here for one reason, the reason I’ve been

called to the Gospel ministry, the thing I will

stand before my Lord and Savior for, the thing I

will be accountable for: preaching and teaching

the Word of God.

j. And I love you and Him too much to let even the

seemingly most noble of things interfere with it

6. Now, I don't know about you but my God doesn't fit in a


a. My Lord and my God walked on water, healed

the lame, spoke the universe in existence and on

that third day rose again

b. The question arises do you trust or doubt Jesus?

c. Do you believe His Word? Do you believe it

when it says that faith, the one thing

D. 'you could say to this black mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled out by the

roots and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you'

1. One must be careful here thinking that one's faith can

tell God what to do and He jumps, this is obviously in

line with the will of God and His sovereign will to work

as He sees fit

a. If having faith meant we got what we wanted,

explain Paul’s words:

2 Corinthians 12:7–10 (NET) “7 Therefore, so that I would not become arrogant, a thorn in my flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to trouble me-so that I would not become arrogant8 I asked the Lord three times about this, that it would depart from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me. 10 Therefore I am content with weaknesses, with insults, with troubles, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Christ, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.”

b. The idea here is not that we can do anything we

have the faith to do, but we can handle and do

that which comes our way

2. Jesus is spelling out that we should have radical

dependence upon Him to move in our lives

a. The root system of a black mulberry tree

extremely interwoven and deep

b. Jewish rabbi’s used to exclaim that to pull a

mulberry tree out of the ground and untangle it’s

root would take the better part of 600 years

c. Their meaning: It would be impossible to

untangle that mess

d. To pluck one out of the ground would take

substantial power

e. If Jesus wanted you to tell a tree to uproot itself

and plant itself in the ocean? Wouldn't He be

able to do that?

3. The will of God coupled with your faith is unstoppable

4. If you faith, even the size of a mustard seed is there,

trust the God Who planted it there!

5. If you really truly, have faith in Jesus, you don't need

more faith, you need to simply use it!

Mark 9:23–24 (NET)“23 Then Jesus said to him, “‘If you are able?’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the boy cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

E. This brings me to the purpose and mission of Andover Baptist


1. What does Jesus want to do with our church?

a. Does He want it to impact our community?

b. To reach our friends, families and neighbors?

c. Of course!

d. But if we don't have faith that He is able to do

that through us, why would He do that through


2. Yes we are a little church, but praise Jesus I’d rather be

in a small church with big view of God, than in a big

church with a small view of God

3. Christ told His disciples to go and make other disciples

and to teach them to obey His Word

4. I see that happening here and I feel that the next 5 years

is going to be an exciting time for our little church

5. But we need to untangle our roots of complacency and

nurture our faith in Christ

6. This sign (Ps: 138:9) Hangs in my office it says, ‘The

Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.’

7. Do you believe that for yourself and for this church? I


Application (slide)

A. Now maybe some of you here today have faith that seems as

small as a mustard seed

B. Maybe there are some deep rooted things in your life that needs

to be torn from the roots and cast away from your life? You

might not be able to do it yourself, but God can, God can!

C. Maybe you have a situation in your life that seems beyond


1. Struggles, Problems.

2. All that seem bigger than your back they are breaking.

3. Do you consider yourself a Christian?

4. Do you believe Jesus Christ went to the cross of


5. Do you believe Him to be the Creator and Sustainer of


6. If yes….than you don't need more faith, you simply

need to utilize the faith you already have!

7. If Christ has done all these things...if He by His power

moved the stars into their orbits and the galaxies in

place….why should you see your problems and burdens

as too heavy to be dealt with?

8. Take God out of the box you place Him in! Put your

life in His hands!

9. If you don’t know Christ. If you have faith that He is

the Son of God and that He died on that Cross for your

Sins. If in faith you accept His offer you will be saved.

10. Come and He will change you.


Let us sing our last song #,

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