State Degree and Proficiency Process
Tofacilitate the verification of State Degree Applications as well as selecting Proficiency Award Winners, the following is being provided.
In trying to ensure that there is adequate time to complete the tasks, verification meetings will begin at 4pm. For consistency purposes, it is requested that all applications be present by the starting time. In addition, a second opportunity will be available on February 6 from 9am to 2pm for corrected applications/books.
To facilitate the evaluation process, teachers are requested to bring a laptop so as to access electronic recordbooks.
January 27- East/West Fresno Madera at Kingsburg High School - 4pm
January 28- Sequoia/Tulare Kings at Mt. Whitney High School - 4pm
February 3 - Kern Inyo/South Valley at Ag Pavilion - 4pm
February6 - Region Office at Fresno State - 9am to 2pm
State DegreeCertification
a)All applications and books must be in proper order for the student to be recommended and approved. Please print out your State Degree List from theR2 program with those submitting applications this year being checked. This year, you do not need to print business agreements.
b). Books/Applications with problems at the section scorings will be allowed to be taken home and corrections made. These books/applications will need to be brought to the regional office on the Fresno State Campus in Saturday, February 6.
c). Books/Applications that show up at the Fresno State scoring will not be allowed to be taken home for corrections.
d). It is expected that schools/teachers will attend the section scorings. If a school fails to have a teacher at the section scoring, they will not be allowed to make any corrections to books/applications or submit books/applications at the Fresno State scoring.
e). Please make sure you are using the appropriate application. You will want to ensure that all three tabs are completed.
f). You must have at a minimum of two years of completed record books to receive the State Degree, one of which must be for the 2015 year. All books must be reviewed in which information is included on the application.
Star Awards (Farmer, Ag Placement, Ag Business, Agscience
a) Sectional winners will be selected at each sectional meeting. A student may apply for only 1 star award in any given year.
b) Completed applications are due at the sectional scoring/meeting.
Proficiency Awards
1)Section Proficiency Awards
a) A chaptermay submit only one application in each proficiency area.
b) Studentsmay enter and win in no more than 2 proficiency areas at the section level.
c) Afirst year graduate is eligible to compete for proficiency awards.
d) Oncea student wins a State Award in a given proficiency award area, they cannot apply in that area in subsequent years.
e) Awardsat the sectional level will be gold, silver, or bronze certificates which will be presented at the Sectional Awards Banquet. A special award will be presented to each of the sectional winners.
f) If anarea has at least 1 application submitted at thesection meeting, then late applications will not be accepted for that area. However, ifanarea has no participants following thesection meeting, an application inthatareacan be submitted directly to the region prior to the region scoring.
g) Allindividuals receiving a gold ranking are eligible to submit their application for consideration in theregional scoring.
h) To be a sectional winner,the section application must be submitted and scored at the region level.
i) Forthe section scoring, not all parts of the application needto be completed. Refer to the form which highlights those parts of the application which must be completed.
j) Recordbooks are not part of the section scoring process for proficiency awards.
k) A student must have at least one full year of record books to apply for a proficiency award.
2) Regional Proficiency Awards- Due February6 at Fresno State
a) Studentsmay only win in 1 area at the region level.
b) Regionalwinners will receive a plaque at the Sectional Awards Banquet and will qualify to submit their application for State consideration.
c) Recordbooks must be submitted along with the completed application for scoring at the regional level.
d) For theregion scoring, it is recommended that all sections of the application be completed. With that being said,refer to the form which highlights those sections of the application which must be completed.
e) Toreceive recognition as a Regional Winner, the application and record books must be submitted for scoring at the state level.
3) State Proficiency Awards-Due in regional office Feb. 26 or delivered to Bakersfield by8:30am onMarch 1
a) Studentscan only win 1 proficiency award in a single year at the state level.
b) A studentmust complete the interview process at the State Conference to be considered for an award.
c) Statewinners receive a plaque, certificate, jacket pin, and a scholarship check at the recognition ceremony during the State Leadership Conference.
d) Statewinning applications are then submitted for consideration at the National level.