El Molino High School
Local Scholarships Application 2013-2014
Name: ______Date: ____ / _____ / _____
Address: ______Phone: ( ) _____-______
______Overall G.P.A. ______
Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Where Employed and Position:
Brother(s) and/or Sister(s) and Age:
How many in your family will be attending college next year (include yourself)? ______
Name of college, university, junior college or technical school you plan to attend: (List top three choices
in order of preference.)______
Intended field of study:______
High School Employment:
Name of Employer Type of Employment Length of Employment
Sports played # of years Clubs,Organizations, # of Years
Community Service: # of Years
Please be specific as this information may make you eligible for other scholarships
Have you been involved in the music program at El Molino? Yes_____ No_____ If yes, please explain.______
Religious affiliation: (Optional) ______
Is anyone in your immediate family a veteran of a foreign war? Yes______No______If yes, what is the relationship? ______
Any members of the Italian Catholic Federation in your family? If so, who? ______
Any additional information that might be helpful (Special circumstances, significant activities not covered above, anything else you would like us to know):______
Please attach a brief (maximum 1 page) typed, autobiographical statement.
Describe the world you come from – for example, your family, community or school – and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
To my knowledge, the information above is correct and complete. I am aware that information may be released to community members as part of the evaluation process for specific local scholarships.
Student’s signature______
Completed Local Scholarship forms are due to Debbie Demeduc by Thursday, October 31, 2013
We will be unable to accept applications after this date.
El Molino High School
Local Scholarships Criteria 2012-2013
Below you will find a list of scholarships which are administered by the El Molino Scholarship Committee. Each listing includes the criteria which are used for selecting the scholarship recipient/s. Look over the list and place an X in front of the scholarships you think you are eligible and would like to be considered for.
o Ali Manaro Memorial Athletic Scholarship - Female athlete continuing her education, involved in at least 2 sports, minimum 2.5 GPA
o Beryl Baldwin Memorial Scholarship -Student really struggling at school, desire to go on, either to trade school or JC for training or academics
o Beryl Nurmi “Service to the Community” Award - Community service
o Bo Dean Environmental Resource Award - 2 –4 year certificate or degree program, majoring in areas of mining, geology, environmental resource management, civil engineering, construction management, 3.0 GPA
o Carol and Ray Maddocks Memorial Scholarship - Senior who will attend a 2 or 4 year school, (including technical), must be enrolled in 12 or more units, have at least a C average. Must have a cooperative, positive attitude.
o Carolyn Baer Scholarship - woman athlete of outstanding spirit and character
o Cazadero Community Scholarship in partnership with the Cazadero Fire Department– Student who lives in Cazadero. Scholastic achievement and community involvement are considered
o Charlie Barron Memorial Scholarship - wrestler
o Chrissy Hagle and Megan White Scholarship - 1 engineering major (physics) (Chrissy), 1 education, teaching major (English) (Megan)
o Class of 1985 Scholarship – Deserving student planning to further their education
o Don Davis Memorial Scholarship - Award to deserving, nice person, with financial need, not necessarily top A student
o Don Philip Richter VFW Scholarship - Relative in immediate family who is a veteran, GPA, extracurricular activities
o Edward Wesley Sheets Memorial Scholarship - Athlete with a 2.5 GPA who is a hard worker and is an inspiration to the other players.
o El Molino Shirley Price Memorial Scholarship- Student pursuing a Vocational Career Path
o Eric Davidson Culinary Scholarship - A student pursuing Culinary Arts who is always willing to work for the team and help others.
o Jake Alexander Memorial Scholarship - A student that loves writing and is heartfelt
o Lawrence Miinch Memorial Scholarship - Going into fire science or fire technology, Some indication of future success: GPA?
o Michael Duckhorn Memorial Scholarship - Given to a student who is driven to achieve their goals and dreams and continue the spirit of giving back to the community and helping others.
o Mikel Scott Scholarship - award to a minority student
o Palm Drive Hospital Auxiliary Medical Scholarship - going into any of the
o health professions, finacial need and extracurricular activities are considered.
o Penney Painter Scholarship PEO Scholarship – ESL student that has taken ROP computer applications class
o PEO Sisterhood– female of good character, 4 year college, declared major, minimum GPA of 3.5. Community service and financial need will be considered.
o Russian River Rodeo – A student who has been involved with the agriculture program and has demonstrated service to the community.
o Russian River Rotary Club Scholarship - Must live in Forestville, Guerneville, Monte Rio, Duncans Mills, Cazadero or Jenner
o St. Michael’s Italian Catholic Federation Scholarship, Branch #209, - Catholic is the ONLY criteria
o Sebastopol Kiwanis Club Scholarship - Financial need, grades, community and school involvement
o Steve Braet Memorial Scholarship – Must participate in the music program at El Molino
o Todd Sitton Memorial Scholarship - Student involved in track or cross country who wishes to continue his/her education, whether JC, 4 year or vocational
o Trina and Carole Castleberry Educational Scholarship - Student wishing to be a teacher in early childhood education or high school.
o White Family Scholarship in Memory of Megan White - Education or English major or teaching as a goal, 4 year college or SRJC.
Not every scholarship is given every year. If funds are not available or if there is no ideal applicant, the award will not be given.
Additional scholarships could be added during the year.