Design and Architecture SHS


Spanish for Native Speakers 2


Course Description:

This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Improvement of spelling, grammar, vocabulary reading, writing and oral skills, for students educated in the U.S., with less than two years of formal training in Spanish, but whose mother tongue is Spanish. Prerequisite: SNS I, or teacher recommendation.Students,who finish this course with excellent grades, will be considered for placement in AP Spanish Language and Culture the following year.

Course Goals and Objectives:

The class aims to improve students’ spelling, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and oral skills and to expand their knowledge about the diverse cultures present in the Hispanic world. The conventions of the written language will be practiced in context through a reading and writing process which will include interpersonal and presentational communication. The students will also practice taking dictation to improve their listening and spelling skills. Readings, class discussions, projects and presentations will enhance their knowledge of the cultural and linguistic richness found in the Spanish speaking world, including the United States. Critical thinking will be stimulated by class discussions of a variety of topics, using written material of different genres.

Specific Course Objectives:

1. Enhance Knowledge of Vocabulary –By exposing students to new words in context. New vocabulary will be reinforced by using oral and written exercises connected to readings of different genre.

2. Gain Linguistic Awareness – By presenting students with materials/realia which contain a plethora of regional expressions to enrich their knowledge of the lexical variations and idioms present in the Spanish-speaking world, which will include “estadounidismos”.

3. Develop Global Perspective on the Importance of Spanish in Today’s World –By discussing with students selected videos and films as well as newspaper and magazine articles found on the Internet, that will present a variety of political, economic, and social issues. Discussing these topics in class will provide students with an opportunity to engage in higher-order thinking while gaining an appreciation for the importance of the Spanish language in our global economy.


Díaz, José M. and Nadel, María F. Abriendopaso –Lectura.Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson, 2007, 2ndedition.

Díaz, Jose M. and Nadel, María F. Abriendo paso- Gramática. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson, 2007, 2ndedition.

Course of Study Based on the Textbooks and Additional Resources from the Internet, including BBC Mundo; Hispanic television stations; radio; current podcasts, etc.

Abriendopaso - Lectura: Reading selections provide a wide range of genres, themes, styles and difficulty levels. The activities develop language proficiency in all four skills. This textbook provides extensive pre- and post-reading speaking and writing activities. It includes Audio CDs to practice listening comprehension.

Abriendopaso – Gramática:A complete grammar review aligned to the Lecturareadings. Students will be using the Gramática textbook as support and for clarification of grammar concepts as they engage in reading, writing, speaking and listening activities. It includes Audio CDs to practice listening comprehension.

Months / Units of Study
August/September / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 1-El décimo-Bazán
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Unidad 1 –Imperfect, preterit, presentperfect, pluperfect
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 2 - Ríete con ellos, no de ellos-Viñas
Abirendopaso – Gramática: Unidad 2 - Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns, making comparisons
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
October / Abriendo paso- Lectura: Capítulo 3-Nosotros, no-Adolph
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Unidad 3 – present, ser vs. estar, reflexiveverbs
Abriendo paso – Lectura : Capítulo 4-Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú...-Rigoberta Menchú
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Unidad 4 – Imperativemood,presentsubjunctive, presentperfectsubjuntive
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
November/December / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 5-Jacinto Contreras recibe su paga extraordinaria-Cela -
Abiendo paso Gramática: Unidad 5 –future, futureperfect, presentsubjunctive
Abriendo paso - Lectura: Capítulo 6-Baby H.P.-Arreola
Abriendopaso - Gramática: Capítulo 6 – present subjunctive, present perfect subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive, pluperfect subjunctive
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
January / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 7 – El árbol de oro – Matute
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Paso 1 – Nouns, definite and indefinitearticles
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
February / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 8-Los empresarios-Aragón
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Paso 2 - pronouns
Abriendo paso Lectura: Capítulo 9-Al colegio (Estampa)-Laforet
Abriendopaso – Gramática: Paso 3 – Direct, indirect and double object pronouns.
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
March / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 10-La amistad en Norteamérica-Marías
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Paso 4 – Relativepronouns
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 11-Una semana de siete días-Ramis
Abriendopaso – Gramática: Paso 5 – Interrogatives, exclamations
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
April / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 12 –La CIM – Poole
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Paso 6 numbers
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 14 - Jaque mate en dos jugadas – Eisen
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.
May-June / Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 15 – La venda – Unamuno
Abriendo paso – Gramática: Negative and Indefinitewords
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 16 – La viuda de Montiel – Márquez
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 17 – Casa tomada - Cortázar
Abriendo paso – Lectura: Capítulo 19 – Emma Zunz – Borges
Formative and Summative assessments will be administered by the teacher, as necessary.

This syllabus will be modified to accommodate students’ abilities.