Little Houghton Parish CouncilPage Number 2017/18 / 15

Little Houghton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at 7 pm on Thursday, December 4th, 2017, at the Sandhill Golf Club.

Present:Mr Vince Keating

Mrs Diana Young

Mr Gary Oldfield

Mrs Lisa Oldfield

Mrs Valerie Wistow

Mr Kevin Osbourne

In Attendance:

Councillor Dorothy Coates

Ms Caroline DonovanClerk to the Council

Oliver Dyson Barnsley Chronicle

1.Questions from Parishioners

Vince welcomed everyone to the meeting. Residents had come to the meeting with regard to Planning Application 2017/0008, Change of use to private gypsy traveller site resubmission comprising if 11 sites.

Vince asked Kevin to explain the situation to the residents. Kevin said that it was a new planning application to change the use of the land at the rear of Lesmond Avenue, and was classified as a re admission. The notification had been received on the 19th December and validated on 30th December. The consultation period expired on 21st December, 2017.

Kevin suggested everyone needed to think carefully about why they were objecting to the plans. The change of use of the land is one of the main objections as the land is surrounded by green belt and we need to protect the semi-ruralenvironment. A discussion was held with regard to the main objections that wereraised last time including:

  • Vehicle and site access and egress from the track on to the busy main road was dangerous, and would mean more vehicles using an already extremely busy road.
  • The track had been designated as a Bridle Way.
  • The potential impact on the community.
  • There are badger, foxes and bats on the site
  • It is green belt land
  • the land is subject to flooding

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After further discussion it was agreed that Kevin and the Parish Councillors would be available on Tuesday 12th December at 7 pm to help residents compose their letters of objection, Kevin stressed that it was very important to make comment individually as very one counts. It is also possible to put objections on via the internet and Kevin will be on hand to give advice and guidance as to how to do that.

There were concerns that residents might not know anything about it and Valeriesaidshe would put something up in the notice board and at the local shop. It was agreed that residents would talk to their neighbours about it as well.

Councillor Coates said she sits on the Planning Board and therefore cannot express an opinion in public. However she will get a bullet point list of things that can be considered by Planning for the meeting on Tuesday. Councillor Saunders can have a conversation with residents as she does not sit on the Planning Board. She also said it would be worthwhile to send a copy of the letters of objection to everyone who is on the Planning Committee. Councillor Coates will provide a list of Councillors on the Planning Board for the Tuesday meeting.

It was agreed that it was the wrong development in the wrong place. It was suggested that an independent environment report should be commissioned.

2.Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Parish Councillor Colin Ward.

3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on September 18th, 2017.

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on September 18th, 2017 were agreed as a correct record.

4.Matters Arising

There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda

5 Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were discussed and noted:

  • BMBCImprovements to the Public Right of Way from Chapel

Lane to Great Houghton.

Concerns were raised regarding the barrier not being erected as this could encourage fly tipping and motorbike nuisance.

  • Freedom of Information Request regarding Hydrocarbon Exploration.

All present agreed that the Parish Council had not been consulted about this.

  • Virgin Broadband information events
  • BMBCPlanning application ASOS emergency exit

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  • BMBCThe annual Play Inspection Reports and October

Inspection reports for the MUGA and the Play Area

  • BMBCTidy Friday suggestions for areas for improvement
  • Councillor CoatesChristmas Lights
  • Councillor Coates New Community Group in Middlecliff and

Little Houghton –the Plevna and Parva Volunteer

Community Group

  • Equita Letter and update
  • Principal Towns consultation - Darfield Local Centre Project

6.Play area at the junction with Middlecliffe Lane and John Street

The Clerk reported that the improvements funded through the Darfield Ward Alliance funding for the Play Area had been completed. A lot of positive feedback has been receivedfrom residents saying how nice the area looks and complimenting the Probation Service on their excellent work.

There was a little bit of funding left and it was agreed that the Clerk should buy some flowering bulbs to be planted in the area, andthat the Tidy Team and Volunteers would be asked to plant them

The Clerk would contact Groundwork South Yorkshire with regard to carrying out weekly inspections of the play area that as required for insurance purposes. It was noted that Colin was doling this as good will gesture in the interim period.

The Tidy Team were kindly emptying the bin at the moment as a good will gesture. A discussion followed with regard to the Parish Council paying for the litter bin tobe emptied and it was agreed that it would pay for this facility at a cost of £275.16 per annum. The Tidy Team were thanked for their help in the interim period.


That the Parish Council would pay for the litter bin in the play area to be emptied at a cost of £275.16 per annum.

7. Finance

7.1The Bank Reconciliation is represented, to date, as follows:

Investment Account£2,900.00

Current Account£4,552.36


It was noted that a cheque to Mr Gerrard paid on 27.2.2017 @ £161.20 had still not been cashed, but that a letter has been sent to him about the matter.

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7.2TheWard Alliance Funding payments were noted as follows:

  • Paint£326.87
  • Probation Service£168.00
  • Flowering Bulbs£27.98

7.3The following Accounts were agreed for payment:

  • Clerk Quarter Three @ £180.00
  • Play Area and MUGA inspections @ £811.99

8.Any Other Business

Councillor Coates asked if a poster could be put up in the Notice Board advertising the Darfield Youth Group ‘Time for Tea’Christmas event at Middlecliff Cricket Ground on 8th December 2017.

The Clerk highlighted correspondence from the Auditors saying that the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Limited was appointed by the Secretary of State as “a person specified to appoint local auditors”. An external auditor has been appointed for a 5 year period commencing financial year 2017/2018. The Clerk will enquire further about the cost of this service and report back.

A resident raised concerns with regard to crime and safety in the local area. Residents were generally fed up with the fly tipping in the area and anti-socialbehaviour. Kevin said that thesematters need to be reported directly to the Police. Councillor Coates said that the local Crime and Safety Group meets every third Wednesday at 6.30 pm at Darfield CommunityCentre and all are welcome to attend.

Councillor Coates said the Tidy Team would be meeting on Friday to tidy up the car parking area and volunteers would be very welcome. The Team would also be happy to look at suggestions for areasfor improvements from the ParishCouncil.

Kevin volunteered to write to the Ken Perrit at ASOS asking him to contact the Council to request a directional sign for ASOS, following concerns about articulatedlorries and cars asking for directions.

9 Date and time of next meeting

The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Monday, March 26th 2018, at 7.00 pm at the Sandhill Golf Club.


Mr V KeatingMrs V Wistow

Mrs D Young Mrs L Oldfield

Mr G Oldfield Mr Colin Ward

Mr K Osborne


Councillors Dorothy Coates, Pauline Markham, Caroline Saunders

Ian Turner, Barnsley MBC, Governor Services